

"Hey, Sunggyu! Breakfast is ready!" Yongguk called, setting up the table. Sunggyu came out of the bathroom, still drying his hair. He thanked Yongguk and sat down, wolfing down the plate of eggs in front of him.

"Slow down! You're going to choke!" Yongguk laughed. Sunggyu just made a face and continued to stuff his face, sighing in content when he had finished his plate. Yongguk shook his head at Sunggyu and took a sip of his coffee.

"So I couldn't tell you yesterday, but I'm having a rap battle at this club tonight, want to come?" Yongguk asked, looking at Sunggyu.

"You have a competition?" Sunggyu asked, munching on the toast he had stolen from Yongguk's plate. Yongguk nodded, finishing up his own breakfast.

"Yeah, they hold rap competitions every few days or so. I'm the champion there so I got to go to keep up my reputation." Yongguk said smiling. Sunggyu scoffed at his boyfriend, rolling his eyes.

"Don't you have a real job?" Sunggyu asked. Yongguk made a face at Sunggyu, sticking out his tongue.

"Yes, in fact, I do! I even told you, idiot, I'm a composer, songwriter, and producer at TS Entertainment, Mr. Know-It-All. I'm still on a break. My break actually ends at the end of the week." Yongguk explained, leaning back in his chair.

Sunggyu held up his hands in mock surrender, "To my defense, I was only told that you were a rapper."

Yongguk smirked, "Didn't you hear Sungjong complimenting the songs I've produced or are you just that unobservant?"

Sunggyu glared at Yongguk, throwing the crust of his bread at Yongguk, who easily dodged it, "Shut up, I don't remember everything said in a conversation, okay?"

Yongguk laughed, "You don't work, right?"

Sunggyu shook his head, "I actually teach singing lessons. I don't stick to one company, I teach 3 different ones."

Yongguk hummed in response, nodding. He stood up, walking over to the sink.

"So, you're coming, right?" Yongguk asked to clarify.

Sunggyu nodded, following Yongguk back into the kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee.

"I'm coming. 8 PM it is." Sunggyu confirmed, carrying his mug of coffee and relaxing on the couch. Yongguk sat next to him, turning in the tv to watch Running Man.

"Ugh, that show looks terrifying. Look at how much they have to run!" Sunggyu exclaimed. Yongguk laughed at Sunggyu's disgusted expression as he watched the people on the screen run around.

"Lazy ," Yongguk teased, "is running that terrifying? Can't the little hamster run? I thought hamsters like running, considering they do it all the time on those little wheels of theirs."

Sunggyu glared at Yongguk, shoving him away from him.

"Shut up. I sing, I don't run. And I am not a hamster!" Sunggyu retorted, "and you aren't chased daily by insane people trying to steal all of your money then call themselves your friends."

Yongguk laughed at Sunggyu's description, "On the contrary, I actually do get chased by crazy kids, and you even met them. Dang, Gyu, you're getting old. First you forget about my job, and now you forget about meeting my friends. Tsk tsk, you know they said that loss of memory is a sign of old age."

Sunggyu glared at Yongguk, "You're an ."

Yongguk laughed, pulling Sunggyu closer to him and kissing him, "Yes, but you still love me~"

Sunggyu made a disgusted face, pushing Yongguk away, "Ew, no, never do that ever again."

Yongguk laughed, "Aw, why not? Gyuu~ don't you loooveee me?~" he cooed in a sickly sweet voice. Sunggyu yelped, pushing Yongguk's face away from him and jumped off the couch, running away. Yongguk laughed even harder, continuing to use ageyo on Sunggyu. Yongguk's laughter and Sunggyu's screams filled their apartment as Yongguk chased the older man around the apartment, only stopping when they heard thumping from the floor and a muffled, "Shut up!" from the neighbors below. The two collapsed back onto the couch, laughing.

"No, but seriously, Yongguk, never do ageyo. Ever. I think the world might implode if you ever do it again." Sunggyu said after he had calmed down from his laughter fit. Yongguk made a face, sticking his tongue out at Sunggyu.

"Meanie, you just can't handle my amazing ageyo." Yongguk retorted. The two fell into silence, taking in the sentence before bursting out into laughter again.

"Did you really jsut say that you can do ageyo?" Sunggyu laughed. Yongguk wiped his tears, trying to catch his breath.

"Bwahahaha!!! That was brilliant!!" Yongguk laughed. The two kept on laughing and joking around as the tv showed random shows that neither of them paid any attention to, too focused on each other to care about what was on the screen.


Sunggyu groaned as he threw another outfit onto the bed.

"What do you wear to clubs nowadays? I don't keep up with what those kids wear to these things- Oh God, Sunggyu, now you're making yourself sound old!" Sunggyu shouted at himself. He sighed, looking over the clothes sprawled around his bed. After what seemed like an hour, he finally decided on a simple, white v-neck t-shirt and a leather jacket. Sunggyu glanced at the clock, cursing as he saw it was almost eight.

He quickly shoved on his boots and ran out the door, cursing at the lack of him owning a car. He managed to hail over a taxi and told the man the directions, sighing in relief as he finally got to the club. 

Sunggyu maneuvered his way around the crowd, wrinkling his nose in distaste when a few drunk girls would grind up against him. He'd gently push them away and scurry off, sighing in frustration.

"Where the hell is he?" Sunggyu muttered, his voice all but drowned out by the blasting music. Finally he noticed Yongguk at the edge of the dance floor, sitting at the bar. A crowd was in front of him, cheering at someone dancing in the middle of the circle. Sunggyu ignored them and made his way to his boyfriend, smiling when he and Yongguk met eyes.

"Hey, what's all the ruckus over there?" Sunggyu asked, sitting next to Yongguk as he pointed to the crowd. Yongguk easily put his arm around his lover, leaning back into the bar as a makeshift backrest.

"Some idiots thought they could beat Jongup and Junhong in a dance battle." he said easily. Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

"Those two dance?" he asked. Yongguk looked at him.

"Why do you think they're always skipping class? They go to the dance studio near the school and dance all day instead of learn." Yongguk said, sighing heavily.

"In my defense, I still get all A's." Junhong retorted as the two dancers walked up to Yongguk and Suggyu. Jongup just smiled sheepishly, having no excuse, pocketing the money they just earned.

Yongguk just sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sunggyu laughed, patting his boyfriend's back.

"Don't you have to perform soon?" Sunggyu asked, looking at his watch. Yongguk glanced at his own watch, nodding.

"Yeah, I do. I expect you to be cheering for me." he said to Sunggyu before kissing him on the cheek.

Sunggyu smiled at him, "I'll be right here."

Yongguk and Sunggyu ignored Junhong's groans and complaints about them being all cheesy and lame, Yongguk kissing Sunggyu one last time before disappearing into the crowd.

Sunggyu made himself comfortable on the barstool, looking around at the people dancing. He thought he saw a few familiar faces. Like he thought he saw Sungjong leaving the club with a man, Dongwoo and Hoya dancing, and Sungyeol trying to pull what seemed like a drunk Myungsoo off the table. Sunggyu blinked when he saw that and was going to investigate when he heard Yongguk's name being announced and he directed his attention to the stage, brushing it off as nothing.

Then he saw Yongguk stride up onto the stage with a cocky smirk on his lips. As the music started, Sunggyu watched as Yongguk got lost in the music.

Sunggyu stared at his boyfriend as he performed. He completely ignored everything else around him and focused on Yongguk rapping confidently onstage. He felt a smile coming on his lips as he realized that perfect man was his. Sunggyu stayed like that, smiling stupidly as he watched Yongguk perform.

Throughout the night as the two hung out with Junhong and Jongup, and even as they went home, his smile lingered on his lips. Yongguk was curious about why Sunggyu was so happy, but when he asked, he just got a giggle and a "nothing" from Sunggyu.

The two laid in bed together, Yongguk's arm becoming Sunggyu's pillow.

"Have you ever wanted kids?" Yongguk suddenly asked. Sunggyu pursed his lips in thought. Sunggyu hadn't thought of having children for awhile, the last time being with Woohyun when they were still in high school.

"... Yeah... I think I'd like that, maybe when we're older, if we're still together, we can get a boy or two, maybe even a girl." Sunggyu said softly, Yongguk humming in agreement.

"I sponsor two boys, maybe one day I'll be able to call them our sons." Yongguk said. He didn't address the "if we're still together" part vocally, but he did pull Sunggyu closer to him after he spoke, tenderly kissing Sunngyu. His silent way of reassuring Sunggyu.

Sunggyu smiled as he cuddled with Yongguk, "I like the sound of that," he murmured before yawning, "but that's later in life, now it's bedtime."

Yongguk chuckled, but complied to his tired boyfriend's wish.


"Night, Gukkie."



"Ugh, Sungyeoollll, turn off the goddamn lights..." Myungsoo moaned, hiding under the blankets in a pitiful attempt to relieve his pounding headache.

"Get out of the bed, this is what you get when you get wasted at a club on a Tuesday!" Sungyeol snapped, yanking the blankets away and opening the curtains to let the light flood in. Myungsoo groaned in pain, vainly trying to cover his eyes from the bright and painful light.

"Sungyeooollll," he whined, pouting childishly. Sungyeol just scoffed and smacked his lover.

"You get no remorse from me. Do you know how difficult you are to handle when you're drunk? You tried stripping on the table at the club! I had to drag your sorry home and then deal with you trying to get at me like a bunny in heat! I had to make up some bull excuse to your boss that you got sick and couldn't make it to work so that you didn't get fired!" Sungyeol scolded, yanking Myungsoo off bed and shoving him into the bathroom, "Now get ready and come out for breakfast! We're running errands today!"

Myungsoo moaned at the thought of being dragged around all day with his pounding headache, but when he opened his eyes and looked down at the counter, he smiled when he saw the two painkiller tablets and a little heart shaped note that said:

"For my drunkass boyfriend~ <3"


Oh my God, I am so surprised and thankful to those who are still subscribed to this, because I know I haven't updated in forever and I am so sorry for that. School has been extremely stressful, and some brilliant person decided to put ALL (and I am not joking when I say all, I really mean it) of our major tests during this month and the stress is freaking crazy. Next week is just testing testing testing and more testing. But none of my stupid school issues, I am extremely sorry for the long wait with this. I feel bad, because I feel like there aren't any positive announcements in this A/N because what I'm about to say next might make a lot of you guys upset.

So... I'm running out of ideas for this story. My motivation to write this story has mostly disappeared, since it's mainly a bunch of little drabbles of their life and it's been getting hard to think of new material for this story. What I thought would be a short story ended up being this long-term project I never thought would happen (or even get any subscribers). Right now, I'm thinking about ending this story soon- nothing lame like a sudden ending, because I hate those and I swear to God I am going to make this story have a fluffy, stereotypical happy ending that is worthy for you amazing readers- but like maybe in 10 or so chapters. Nothing is set in stone, and if you guys really want, I will not end this and continue the story for you guys, but don't expect a lot of updates (though I never really update a lot to begin with- another thing that I am so sorry for). Okay... Ummm.... I don't think I have anymore negative news, so I am really sorry for the whole rant...

And yeah, the whole drunk Myungsoo thing, I just thought it'd be hilarious to have him get wasted and then yelled at by Sungyeol since it's usually Sungyeol being hte one who is yelled at. Sorry, that was just kind of a last minute addition that I really wanted to put in.

Now time for the thank yous! Thank you to
 zicogd, eyqa_blurpyBaro, rebekahh, junniekai, TeenTop_Angel678, budakc, woogyutiful, blanks_1, inspirit60, jonzantua, nieyka00, sparkle13, blackdoe, fiela_lala, Heidz18, and Hunhan2min for subscribing to my story! I'm going to end this very long A/N because I doubt you guys are enjoying ready this. Thank you to everyone who has read this story so far and I hope you have enjoyed this chapter (it's crap, I know). Love ya'll!!! (I've given up on trying to write out "you guys" all the time)

- Evil_Pandabear

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Chapter 31: I dislike seeing woohyun happy haahhaa
Chapter 7: Yeah i dislike woohyun hahahha.babygyuu T.T dongwoo is always his nice bestie awww
Chapter 48: nice 2 see lilttle jaewook takes so much after his parents ;))))))
Chapter 48: Annyeong author-nim!! : )) I'm actually reading this after you greeted me in Chapter 35. XD I didn't have time to read this so yeah. I read the whole story and I was kind of expecting it to be a bit angst- with Woohyun lurking in the past and Sunggyu had to deal with the heartache. And this is actually the first fanfic I read where Gyu is paired up with another idol member (who happens to be Yongguk XD). I think bc of this fanfic I might stan B.A.P. too but yeah. XD Anyway the BangGyu fluff is too much to handle, plus YaDong being parents is so hilarious. XD I can't wait for your next update author-nim. XD Daebak author-nim! : ))
Chapter 48: You are giving me so much cavities with this OTL thank you for such a cute update and I hope you have/had fun on your trip ^^
Chapter 48: this is so cute!!
they loves jaewook so much haha
gyu get a free pass..that is totally unfair but luckily yongguk loves rides so hahahaa
Chapter 48: Oh, Thank you for writing such a nice story ^_^ Really almost comes to an end? I look forward to the next update :)
Chapter 47: Omg they have a baby >w< that's the most adorable thing ever ~ thank you for such a fluffy chapter and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip ^^
heegrand #9
Chapter 47: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 47: This chapter was so cute!! *squeals into pillow*
And oh my gays! I am going to Korea in about 2 weeks too! Let's meet up, haha! No but seriously, it would be fun to meet up ^^
Keep up the good work!