

"Hey Sunggyu, I'm heading out to the studio. I'll probably be home by evening." Yongguk called to Sunggyu, who was still in their room, from the kitchen.

"Okay, I have to teach a vocal lesson today, but I'll be home before you." Sunggyu called back.

"Oh, and my siblings are coming over to visit, is that okay?" Yongguk asked.

"Your siblings? That's cool." Sunggyu responded.

"Crap, we're out of coffee..." Yongguk muttered. Sunggyu came out of the room, heading into his hamster den.

"I'll buy some more today, besides we also ran out of chips because Daehyun and Youngjae visited yesterday." Sunggyu said as he dusted off his hamsters.

"Thanks, Gyu! I'm heading out now!" Yongguk called, slipping on his shoes and closing the door behind him.

Once Sunggyu finished dusting his hamsters (it took two hours), he tidied up the house before changing and heading out to the grocery store.

Yongguk had taken their car but Sunggyu didn't really mind as the store was just a block from their apartment complex. He entered the store, quickly his and Yongguk's favorite coffee as well as some bags of chips before his phone alarm went off. He looked at his phone and saw the small screen illuminating the words:

"Woolim Ent. Vocal Appointment! 11:00am!"

Sunggyu sighed. He didn't have the time to bring the groceries home if he wanted to catch the subway and make it to his client on time. He quickly paid for the food and left, briskly walking to the subway station.

He barely made it onto his ride, slipping in as the doors closed. Luckily, he entered a non-crowded cabin, finding a seat quickly. He gratefully sunk into it, sighing in relief as his body relaxed.

The thirty minute ride wasn't too unbearable, other than a few more people entering the previously quiet cabin and making it slightly crowded.

Sunggyu had to jog to the entertainment company's headquarters, panting slightly by the time he entered the training room.

The trainees were already there, loosening up their voices.

Sunggyu smiled, putting his stuff down, "Shall we begin our lesson?"


Sunggyu hummed, the grocery bag he held swinging gently by his side as he walked home.

He had just come back from the lesson with the Woolim trainees, and had to buy the bags of chips again.

He had felt bad for the poor teens who were put on such a strict diet and allowed them to share all the chips amongst the trainees as he blasted music to drown put the crunching.

He had just finished buying the chips and was walking to the apartment when he noticed a familiar face.

His eyes widened when he saw Yongguk laughing inside a coffee shop, a girl sitting across from him. Sunggyu had just texted his boyfriend asking him where he was, and Yogguk had replied he was still at his studio.

"Studio my ing ..." Sunggyu growled. He made his way inside the coffee shop, glancing back at Yongguk every now and then to see whether or not his boyfriend would notice him.

The employees knew Sunggyu didn't order anything, but the man's enraged gaze was enough to stop any of them from going over and telling him to buy something.

Sunggyu sat nearby, his glare sharpening more and more as he saw the two laughing and smiling at each other. Sunggyu snapped a few photos of them before he stomped out, his anger almost boiling over.

He slammed the door to his flat, dumping the grocery bag on the floor of the kitchen. He dug into his pocket for his phone, yanking it out.

"I'm really pissed off right now, so you better not be busy." he snapped, already leaving his flat.

"Eh? Hyung what's wrong? I have an appoint-"

"Cancel it," Sunggyu snapped, "and meet me at the coffee shop by the bookstore Sungyeol used to work at."



Sunggyu was glaring down at his cup if coffee when Sungjong walked in, a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Sungjong asked.

Sunggyu kept his glare down at his cup, Sungjong noticing the slight redness in Sunggyu's eyes, but smartly not mentioning it.

"I saw Yongguk on a date with a girl." Sungguu snarled.

Sungjong frowned as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"You're telling me Yongguk is cheating on you?" he said in disbelief. Sunggyu gripped his coffee cup tighter.

"I saw him at the coffee shop across our place with a girl." Sunggyu growled, hurt and anger swimming in his eyes as he glared at his coffee.

Sungjong's frown deepened, "Are you sure it was him?"

Sunggyu's glare snapped up to Sungjong, who flinched, "I have photos!"

He pulled out his phone, almost slamming it on the table to show Yongguk and the girl smiling warmly at each other.

Sungjong whistled lowly, "I never took Yongguk for the cheating type..."

Sunggyu stayed silent, staring at the phone with hatred boiling in his eyes. Sungjong frowned at his hyung's upset expression.

"Confront him about it," Sungjong said, "Because trying to avoid the topic is just going to screw your relationship up even more."

"Yeah, I should just tell him over dinner, "Oh, so I saw you with your girlfriend this afternoon, can I meet her?" Better yet, I'll tell him to let her move in and I'll just leave! " Sunggyu retorted.

Sungjong sighed, "It could be a misunderstanding, hyung! First off, he doesn't like girls, remember? Second, you told me he doesn't believe in cheating. Remember the whole speech you told me he gave Woohyun? Third, do you know how much that guy is in love with you? He looks so happy whenever he looks at you. Why would he cheat on you?"

Sunggyu frowned, but his glare softened, "I guess..."

Sungjong patted his hyung's hand, "Just talk to him when he gets home."

Sunggyu sighed, "I will..."


Sunggyu stared out the window of the bus blankly, thousands of thought blazing through his head.

'Is Yongguk really cheating on me?'

'What will happen to us?'

'Do I take him back?'

'Will we end up like Woohyun and I did?'

Sunggyu almost missed his stop, his eyes downcast as he walked up the stairs to their flat.

Sunggyu unlocked the door and looked up when he heard laughter from the couch.

Sunggyu's eyes widened in shock when he saw Yongguk sitting on the couch with the girl from the café.

"Who are you?" Yongguk asked, "and how'd you get in here?"

Sunggyu gaped, "Are you ing kidding me? You-"

"Wait, isn't this Yongguk's boyfriend?" the girl asked, standing up as well.

Sunggyu's eyebrows furrowed, "Wh-"

"Sunggyu? You're home?"

Sunggyu eyes widened even more as he saw Yongguk enter the room from the kitchen, looking back and forth from the two identical men.

"Wait- who- what's going on here?!" Sunggyu asked, feeling flustered.

The Yongguk standing by the kitchen entrance frowned, "Didn't I tell you my siblings were going to visit?"



Yongguk had a twin.

Sunggyu suddenly smacked his head, making Yongguk jump.

"You okay, Gyu?" Yongguk asked, looking worried.

Sunggyu just waved a free hand, "Just- Just... Give me a second..."

A silence filled the room for a few seconds before Sunggyu looked up, a smile on his face.

"Let's start over and pretend that what I had said a minute ago never happened- Hi, I'm Kim Sunggyu." Sunggyu greeted, holding out his hand. The girl was the first to move, moving in front of Yongguk's twin to shake Sunggyu's hand.

"Hello, I'm Natasha, Yongguk's older sister." she greeted, smiling at Sunggyu. Sunggyu noted the lip, dimple, and nose piercing as well as all of the tattoos, guessing a fascination with tattoos ran in the family or something. Yongguk had actually gotten a chest tattoo recently, making his total of three tattoos, supporting Sunggyu's theory.

Yongguk's twin held out his hand as well, "Hi, I'm Yongguk's older twin brother, Yongnam."

Sunggyu shook Yongnam's hand as well, finally noticing the slight differences in Yongguk and Yongnam. Yongnam's hair was curled, while Yongguk had his straight. Yongnam's face also was slightly rounder than Yongguk's- barely, but it was there.

 Sunggyu also noted the lack of tattoos on Yongguk's twin brother.

"It's great to finally meet you two." Sunggyu said, his smile becoming genuine.

They all sat around the living room, making themselves comfortable.

"So what do you guys do for a living?" Sunggyu asked, curious as to whether or not Yongguk's career of a producer was unique in the family or not.

"I'm a tattoo artist," Natasha said with a smile, gesturing to her half sleeves. Sunggyu nodded, mentally patting himself on the back for a correct assumption. Fascination with tattoos: Older sister is a tattoo artist.

"I'm a math teacher as well as a bank worker." Yongnam said with a smile, surprising Sunggyu, "but I'm also in a rock band, if you were wondering where the weird, liberal side of me is."

Everyone laughed at Yongnam's joke, all agreeing to the Bang Family's tendency to be more liberal in their life choices. But Sunggyu realized it made sense as to why Yongnam didn't have any visible tattoos when he calmed down from laughing.

"Oh, Yongguk," Yongnam said with a mischievous grin, "Guess what I found while cleaning up our old room back at our parents' place?"

Yongguk paled slightly as he glanced at Sunggyu who was looking at the two expectantly.

"What'd you find?" Yongguk asked, managing to keep his voice steady. Yongnam reached into his bag, suddenly pulling out an old, worn Tigger doll.

"It's your best friend Tigger!" Yongnam cheered, tossing it to Yongguk who was blushing madly.

"Aw, I remember that toy!" Natasha cooed, "Yongguk would bring it everywhere with him! He would even play with it instead of hanging out with other kids sometimes! Yongnam, how old was he when he finally could sleep without it?"

"Noona!" Yongguk exclaimed in embarrassment.

"He stopped sleeping with it once he moved out! He slept with it until he was eighteen! And the only reason he didn't bring it with him was because Mom hid it!" Yongnam laughed.

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow, looking at Yongguk with a criticizing eye, "And you say me collecting hamsters is immature?"

Yongguk flushed an even deeper red, "It's different! That was my childhood toy!"

Sunggyu just rolled his eyes, "Whatever,"

Everyone laughed at Yongguk's embarrassment and the four continued to talk for a few more hours before Natasha and Yongnam had to leave.

"It was great meeting you two," Sunggyu said with a smile, "and sorry for the weird entrance. It had been a long day for me."

Yongnam and Natasha smiled, "It's fine," Yongnam reassured, "we all have our off days."

"Hopefully we can visit again sometime soon." Natasha said cheerfully.

When the door to their flat closed, Yongguk was standing in front of Sunggyu, his face serious.

"So what was bothering you today?" Yongguk asked. Sunggyu tried to avoid the question, waving it off.

"It was nothing, some students just gave me a hard time." Sunggyu lied. Yongguk frowned.

"Don't lie to me, something else bigger was bothering you. What happened?" he asked.

Sunggyu looked away, "... I thought you were cheating on me." he mumbled almost inaudibly. But Yongguk heard it and sighed.

"Let me guess, you saw Natasha and Yongnam and you thought it was me?" he guessed correctly.

Sunggyu nodded, blushing slightly from embarrassment. He was surprised when he felt Yongguk hug him tightly, kissing his head.

"You know me," Yongguk said with a lazy grin, "I don't cheat."

Sunggyu shrugged, "People change..."

Yongguk's grip tightened, "I won't, I promise."

Sunggyu nodded and the two spent the night cuddled up on the couch, flipping through the channels but never actually watching the shows.

"So... Who's hotter? Me or Yongnam?" Yongguk suddenly asked.

Sunggyu snorted, surprised by the question, "You guys are identical! How am I supposed to tell the difference between you guys?"

Yongguk pouted, "So are you saying it wouldn't matter if Yongnam was sitting here instead of me?"

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, "Don't twist my words. I just said you two looked too alike for me to judge who's better looking."

Yongguk was still pouting like a small child, "You know, most people would say that their boyfriend is hotter than their twin regardless..."

Sunggyu scoffed, "Fine, you're way hotter than Yongnam- no, ten times- a hundred times hotter than your identical twin brother!" he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Yongguk scowled, "No need for the sarcasm."

Sunggyu smacked Yongguk with the Tigger doll Yongnam left, moving out of Yongguk's embrace, "Just hug your doll and shut up."

Yongguk smirked and dragged Sunggyu into his lap, hugging the older man tightly.

Sunggyu scowled, though there was no venom behind it, "What the hell are you doing?"

Yongguk gave Sunggyu a gummy grin, "Hugging my doll, like you told me to."

Sunggyu stared at Yongguk with a blank face before shoving the Tigger doll into Yongguk's face.

"I swear, if I didn't love you so much I would have dumped you right now for that pathetic line." Sunggyu said, his nose wrinkled in disgust.

Yongguk laughed, "You know you love my cheesy lines."

Sunggyu patted Yongguk's head, "Sure, Yongguk. Whatever makes you sleep at night. Now let me go, I have to pee."

"So eloquent with your words," Yongguk said mockingly, letting Sunggyu go so the older could get up.

Sunggyu ignored his boyfriend, disappearing into the hall.

Yongguk sighed, letting his mind drift.

'Sunggyu's still hurt by what Woohyun did...' Yongguk thought, frowning.

Sunggyu came back and the two continued cuddling on the couch, Yongguk beginning to slowly fall asleep.

Sunggyu had to hold back his laughter when he looked to his right and saw Yongguk sleeping next to him, hugging his Tigger doll tightly. Sunggyu pulled out his phone, snapping a few photos before deciding to wake up his boyfriend so they could sleep in a proper bed.

Sunggyu gently shook his boyfriend, "Yongguk?" he called. Yongguk stirred, blinking his eyes as he looked up to see Sunggyu smiling down at him.

"Hm?" Yongguk mumbled.

"Let's go to bed, it's late." Sunggyu said again.

Yongguk nodded, still holding his Tigger doll when he stood up, making Sunggyu smile at the child-likeness of his tough-looking boyfriend.

Sunggyu grabbed Yongguk's hand, leading him to the bedroom. The two got into bed, Yongguk collapsing into the warm bed the moment he got close enough.

"G'night... Gyu..." Yongguk mumbled in his half-awake-half-asleep state. Sunggyu smiled, shutting off the lights and getting into bed as well.

"Goodnight Yongguk."



Hello~~~ Sorry for the long wait, I was going to upload this a week ago but I thought it was too short and I wanted to make it longer for you guys. 2,450 words!!! I think this is a new record for me!!!! Haha, anyways, thanks to: kimmeaw, TheDramaPrincess, tangmo55087, DanosaurRawr, kimkiara, Sammehh, yoosung, yen_tting, MaryBaozi, anotherme0428, Animelover65, rosalise, lana_namu, and cweetdark for subscribing to my story!!! I hope you guys liked the chapter!~ (And hopefully I can update soon...) Please tell me if there are any mistakes and leave comments for me to read because I love reading what you guys havve to say! Bye bye~~

- Evil Pandabear


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Chapter 31: I dislike seeing woohyun happy haahhaa
Chapter 7: Yeah i dislike woohyun hahahha.babygyuu T.T dongwoo is always his nice bestie awww
Chapter 48: nice 2 see lilttle jaewook takes so much after his parents ;))))))
Chapter 48: Annyeong author-nim!! : )) I'm actually reading this after you greeted me in Chapter 35. XD I didn't have time to read this so yeah. I read the whole story and I was kind of expecting it to be a bit angst- with Woohyun lurking in the past and Sunggyu had to deal with the heartache. And this is actually the first fanfic I read where Gyu is paired up with another idol member (who happens to be Yongguk XD). I think bc of this fanfic I might stan B.A.P. too but yeah. XD Anyway the BangGyu fluff is too much to handle, plus YaDong being parents is so hilarious. XD I can't wait for your next update author-nim. XD Daebak author-nim! : ))
Chapter 48: You are giving me so much cavities with this OTL thank you for such a cute update and I hope you have/had fun on your trip ^^
Chapter 48: this is so cute!!
they loves jaewook so much haha
gyu get a free pass..that is totally unfair but luckily yongguk loves rides so hahahaa
Chapter 48: Oh, Thank you for writing such a nice story ^_^ Really almost comes to an end? I look forward to the next update :)
Chapter 47: Omg they have a baby >w< that's the most adorable thing ever ~ thank you for such a fluffy chapter and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip ^^
heegrand #9
Chapter 47: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 47: This chapter was so cute!! *squeals into pillow*
And oh my gays! I am going to Korea in about 2 weeks too! Let's meet up, haha! No but seriously, it would be fun to meet up ^^
Keep up the good work!