

"Gyu... Gyu, wake up." a soft voice called. Sunggyu blinked, not expecting the light that suddenly flooded his vision.

He hissed and closed his eyes once more, rolling away from the offending sun, and yelped when he fell off the bed in a tangle of sheets.
"Woah, woah, Gyu, are you okay?" a male voice asked through his laughs. Sunggyu spun around to see Woohyun sitting on the bed.
He sheepishly laughed with him, nodding as Woohyun helped him up, abandoning the blankets on the floor in favor of cuddling on the bed.
"Hey Hyun," Sunggyu mumbled, Woohyun looked down, raising an eyebrow.
"Hm? What?"
"Let go of me, you stink."
Sunggyu yelped as he fell off the bed once more, Woohyun pouting on the bed with his arms crossed like a kid.
Sunggyu laughed at his immature boyfriend, standing up.
"Aww, come on, Woo~ I was joking~" Sunggyu cooed, pinching Woohyun's cheeks. Woohyun stuck his tongue out at Sunggyu before smiling and pecking his boyfriend on the lips.
"I'm going to go shower." Woohyun announced, stretching as he stood up. Sunggyu hummed in response.
"I'll go start breakfast."
"Gyu~ I'm home~" Woohyun called.
"Ugh, don't do that. You make me feel like a girl." Sunggyu whined when he appeared, frowning with his arms folded over his chest.
"But when we have se-"
"SHUT UP!" Sunggyu shouted, cutting Woohyun off before he could finish his sentence. Woohyun laughed, making his way across the room to wrap his arms around Sunggyu's waist, leaving butterfly kisses on the elder's neck.
"What's wrong? There isn't anything to be embarrassed about~" Woohyun whispered into Sunggyu's ear.
Sunggyu flushed red, shoving Woohyun off him.
"P-ert!!" Sunggyu shrieked, running away. Woohyun laughed, chasing after Sunggyu.
"Aww, come back Gyu, I won't bite- on second thought, I migh-"
Woohyun couldn't get any further as a pillow attacked his face. He couldn't get any words out as the fluffy weapon attacked him relentlessly.
He tried to protect his face, covering it with his arms.
"Sunggyu! Stop!" Woohyun shouted. But Sunggyu was merciless, smacking the pillow onto his boyfriend's face.
"ert!!!" Sunggyu screamed, "ert!!! The first thing you do when you come home is try to have !!"
Woohyun laughed, "But you like it~"
"YAH!!!" Sunggyu screamed, smothering his lover as he blushed furiously.
After Woohyun began panicking, his arms flailing around as a sign that his lungs needed air, Sunggyu released him. He watched in amusement as Woohyun gasped for air.
"Stop overreacting, I didn't add that much pressure." Sungguu scoffed, standing up to prepare dinner.
Woohyun pouted in fake hurt, "On te contrary, you are like the Hulk. When you get mad, you get very violent. I couldn't breath!"
Sunggyu snorted, "That's the idea of asphyxiation! Now go shower and wait like a good boy for dinner."
"Neh, yeobo~"
The two sat at the dinner table, eating in silence. But it wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence, one that was filled by the occasional clinks of the utensils against the bowls and plates.
"Hey, Gyu, I'm going on a business trip for a few days." Woohyun said through bites.
Sunggyu pursed his lips, "Really? Where?"
"Germany. Apparently, there's a 'very important' meeting that I must go to. I think the boss just wanted to go to Germany." Woohyun sighed, making Sunggyu giggle.
"I can totally see him doing that. Well, I guess I'm going to have to entertain myself for a few days." Sunggyu sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Woohyun laughed at the hamster's irritated face, "Aww, are you going to miss me?~" he cooed, making Sunggyu blush.
"No! Why would I miss you, you stupid tree?!" he shrieked, the blush on his face saying otherwise.
"Aw, Gyu, it's okay to admit that you'll miss me~" Woohyun teased.
"Shut up! No I won't!" Sunggyu insisted, but Woohyun only laughed more.
"Fine, fine. Come on, eat, you aren't going to grow if you don't eat~" Woohyun teased.
Sunggyu glared at Woohyun, "I'm taller than you!"
Woohyun waved it off, pretending not to hear it, "Whatever."
Sunggyu scoffed, "You need the food more than me, shorty."
Woohyun stuck his tongue out, continuing to eat.
 "At least I don't look like a hamster."
"Gyuu~~ open the door~ I didn't mean it like that!!" Woohyun whined, knocking on the door of their bedroom.
"You deserve it!! How could you call your own boyfriend a hamster?!" Sunggyu retorted through the door.
"I meant that you look cute! Hamsters are adorable! Come on, Gyu, you know I didn't mean to insult you!" Woohyun said calmly through the door.
He bit his lip, wondering if he would have to sleep on the couch tonight.
He smiled when the door creaked open, Sunggyu peeking through the door, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"... You mean it?" he asked, skeptical, making Woohyun laugh a bit at his boyfriend before nodding.
"With all my heart."
Sunggyu sighed, opening the door and letting Woohyun in. Sunggyu collapsed onto the bed, watching Woohyun change and waiting for the said man to get in bed with him.
Woohyun snuck in next to Sunggyu, wearing that sleeveless white hoodie that he always wore, and wrapped his arms around Sunggyu.
He looked down at the red head in his arms and smiled, kissing the elder on the head.
"I love you, Sunggyu." Woohyun whispered.
"You mean it?" Sunggyu murmured his response. Woohyun nodded, pulling Sunggyu closer.
"With all my heart." Woohyun smiled, feeling Sunggyu bury his head deeper in Woohyun's chest, hiding his smile.
"I love you too, Woohyun." Sunggyu mumbled, his response muffled by Woohyun's chest.
Woohyun Sunggyu's head, kissing the elder softly on the head again before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep
Sunggyu woke up, his eyes watering from the dream. He quickly wiped away the forming tears and tried to sit up, surprised when he couldn't.
He panicked for a second before remembering that Yongguk was with him. He turned to face Yongguk, looking around for the younger's face before he found it, his hand resting on Yongguk's cheek.
"I'm sorry," Sunggyu murmured so he wouldn't wake up the man, "I'm sorry for still loving him."
Almost as if Yongguk heard in his sleep, he brought Sunggyu closer to him, practically hugging Sunggyu.
Sunggyu smiled at the unconscious response, letting him relax in the hug, slowly falling back asleep.
And he swore, just as he was falling asleep, he felt a kiss on his head and a soft murmur.
 "I'm fine with waiting."


Yay!! I'm back!~ how long has it been since I've updated? It feels like forever, but the reasoning behind that was because I was writing the next few chapters so I can just edit them and post them up later on throughout this week and next week, so fast updates!! Yay!!!! This chapter was for those people who wanted WooGyu!! So I sort of fufilled your request... A dream works, right? Anyways, I'm not entirely sure about how you guys want this story to go, considering the plot is sort of... dead. Do you guys want me to continue with the fluffy chapters or do you guys want some kind of angst or drama?



Thanks for answering! Now I'm going to have Himchan do the thank yous!!!


Himchan: Hello! Thanks for subscribing to Kidnapped, even though the stupid author went and killed me *glares*


*Hides behind Yongguk* Sorry....


Himchan: Anyways, thanks to xxidpeace, Hartjen, akmanafeera91, meshoostar, MimeFreak, Sheollie, Taeckhun07, namuchi, -Sleepy_Panda-, and lovefanficsc for subscribing to this mean author that killed me! It must be hard reading this knowing that I'm no longer living....


Okay, bye Himchan! Time for you to disappear again!!! Sorry if Himchan made any mistakes! Hope you liked the chapter!


- Evil Pandabear



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Chapter 31: I dislike seeing woohyun happy haahhaa
Chapter 7: Yeah i dislike woohyun hahahha.babygyuu T.T dongwoo is always his nice bestie awww
Chapter 48: nice 2 see lilttle jaewook takes so much after his parents ;))))))
Chapter 48: Annyeong author-nim!! : )) I'm actually reading this after you greeted me in Chapter 35. XD I didn't have time to read this so yeah. I read the whole story and I was kind of expecting it to be a bit angst- with Woohyun lurking in the past and Sunggyu had to deal with the heartache. And this is actually the first fanfic I read where Gyu is paired up with another idol member (who happens to be Yongguk XD). I think bc of this fanfic I might stan B.A.P. too but yeah. XD Anyway the BangGyu fluff is too much to handle, plus YaDong being parents is so hilarious. XD I can't wait for your next update author-nim. XD Daebak author-nim! : ))
Chapter 48: You are giving me so much cavities with this OTL thank you for such a cute update and I hope you have/had fun on your trip ^^
Chapter 48: this is so cute!!
they loves jaewook so much haha
gyu get a free pass..that is totally unfair but luckily yongguk loves rides so hahahaa
Chapter 48: Oh, Thank you for writing such a nice story ^_^ Really almost comes to an end? I look forward to the next update :)
Chapter 47: Omg they have a baby >w< that's the most adorable thing ever ~ thank you for such a fluffy chapter and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip ^^
heegrand #9
Chapter 47: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 47: This chapter was so cute!! *squeals into pillow*
And oh my gays! I am going to Korea in about 2 weeks too! Let's meet up, haha! No but seriously, it would be fun to meet up ^^
Keep up the good work!