
Sunggyu yawned, sitting up and stretching as his blinked his drowsiness away.
"Morning," Yongguk greeted, coming out of the bathroom. Sunggyu frowned, swinging his legs around to let the dangle over the edge.
"How come you're always awake before me?" Sunggyu asked, not bothering to get ready. Yongguk made his way over to the giant pile of hamsters, packing them away in an equally giant bag.
"Maybe you're just lazy and sleep in."
"Maybe you're just weird and wake up freakishly early." Sunggyu snapped back, throwing a pillow in Yongguk's direction, completely missing Yonnguk and landing harmlessly onto the floor.
"You missed~" Yongguk teased, heaving the giant bag over his shoulder, "I'm going to bring your hamster army to your new room. Get ready, I'll be back in about a minute."
Sunggyu grunted, standing up and walking to the bathroom, reaching out to grab his toothbrush. He smiled as he grabs it, because he knows that Yongguk always placed it in the same spot so Sunggyu wouldn't have to around for it like... well, like a blind man.
He quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face, drying it off on the small towel next to the sink.
Sunggyu yawned as he walked out of the bathroom, settling himself back onto the bed and grabbing his music player and turning it on, humming along to the song that was playing.
"I'm back, Gyu." Yongguk called, reentering the room. Sunggyu looked up on instinct, smiling at Yongguk.
"Hey," Sunggyu replied, going back to his song. Yongguk began grabbing the other gifts that their friends left them: Dongwoo and Hoya had brought Sunggyu some quilts that were much softer than the hospital's bedsheets; Sungyeol and Myungsoo bought a whole mess of balloons, most of which were attacked and drained of their helium; and Sungjong brought Sunggyu a bunch of clothes, for when he gets out of this "white hell-hole" and moves in with Yongguk, as Sungjong put it.
"I got most of the stuff, the only things that are left really is you, the quilts, and the bags of clothes Sungjong got you." Yongguk explained, picking everything up.
Sunggyu stood up, pocketing his mp3 player. He walked over to Yongguk and grabbed a few bags, waving Yongguk away when the younger tried taking them back.
"I should help, it's not fair that you're doing all of the work." Sunggyu reasoned, "Now show me where my new room is."
Yongguk shook his head at his stubborn boyfriend before taking the elder's hand and leading him to the new room. There wasn't much of a difference other than it was closer to the operating room, in case something went wrong after the surgery, which was rare, according to the doctor.
"It's a safety measure, just in case something were to happen, and also it is easier for nurses to check up on Sunggyu-sshi if he's closer to the operating room, which is where most nurses make runs." the doctor explained when they were first informed about the move.
Sunggyu hummed as he was lead down the hall, deep in thought.
"Do you know how long it'll be after I can see again?" Sunggyu asked Yongguk, gently swinging their intwined hands.
Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember.
"I think the doctor said after four or five months you'll get your full eyesight back. He said by two or three months you'll be able to see, but it'll be pretty blurry and your eyes are going to be sensitive," Yongguk explained, "don't worry. I'll be taking care of you."
Sunggyu scoffed, "Then I should be really worried."
Yongguk mocked an offended look, "Well then! I see how it is!"
Sunggyu laughed at his boyfriend, patting the younger's shoulder, "I'm kidding. You know what that means right? It's a joke. Say it with me. It's. A. Joke." Sunggyu teased.
Yongguk pouted for a second before a smirk came upon his face. He quickly let go of Sunggyu's hand and took a few steps backwards, leaving the blind man to stand alone without a guide.
"Yongguk?! Where are you?" Sunggyu asked confusedly. Yongguk stifled his laughter behind his hand, mentally cooing over Sunggyu's confused face.
"This isn't funny, Bang Yongguk!" Sunggyu scolded, a frown on his face.
After a few more seconds, Yongguk finally laughed out loud, grabbing Sunggyu's hand once more.
"Where did you disappear to?!" Sunggyu asked. Yongguk snickered at the nagging tone of his boyfriend.
"I never left, smart one." Yongguk laughed, "and you sound like some naggy mother."
This time it was Sunggyu who pouted, "That was mean."
Yongguk smirked, "I was joking around with you. Say it with me. It. Was. A. Joke."
Sunggyu glared at his boyfriend and began smacking the younger boy on the shoulder.
"Stop! That hurts, hyung! I'm sorry!!" Yongguk yelped, trying to pull out of Sunggyu's iron grip. A bunch of nurses walked by, some laughing at them, and some shaking their heads at the couple.
The receptionist nurse walked by, rolling her eyes at Yongguk sheepishly smiling at her.
"Help?" he mouthed, rubbing his hands together in a pleading motion. She sighed, rolling her eyes again.
"Sunggyu-sshi, please do not kill your boyfriend in a hospital, we are a facility that discourages death, not the opposite. And as you are not allowed to go outside, you may not murder your boyfriend until you are released from the hospital." she said in a monotone voice, Yongguk trying to hide his laughter at the nurse's poker face.
Sunggyu huffed, glaring at Yongguk one more time before loosening his grip on Yongguk's arm.
"Count yourself lucky." Sunggyu growled. Yongguk mouthed a "thanks" to the nurse before quickly bringing Sunggyu to his room.
Sunggyu sighed once they got to the room, leaning against the headrest of the bed. He had finally calmed down after ignoring Yongguk the rest of the way to the room, which sufficiently upset the younger.
"Hey, Gyu, I need to get some more clothes from my house." Yongguk said, "I ran out of clean clothes and I don't want Sungjong buying me more."
Sunggyu nodded, "Sure, you were discharged a few days ago so you should be able to go. You can visit Himchan too. I can keep myself entertained for the day, you have it to yourself." Sunggyu said with a smile, "You're going to be stuck with me for over 4 months afterwards." he added cheekily.
Yongguk chuckled, grateful his boyfriend was so understanding.
"Thanks Gyu," Yongguk said earnestly. Sunggyu smiled, chuckling.
"Why thank me? You're your own being, you have a right to go to your house." Sunggyu said, waving it off.
Yongguk smiled at his boyfriend, kissing him on the cheek, "Still, thanks, Sunggyu."
Sunggyu blushed, like he always did when Yongguk kissed him. Even if they had never kissed on the lips, Sunggyu felt a swarm of butterflies flying around in his stomach as if he were back in high school.
"See ya later, Gyu." Yongguk called as he walked out of the door.
Yongguk sighed as he walked through the door, looking at his messy house. He began cleaning up everything.
He looked at the shoe rack, his eyes softening as he saw Himchan's shoes laid out neatly. He bent down, picking up as many as he could, before going to the closet to pull out an old moving box he had kept.
He began packing the shoes away, chuckling when he saw it took up the whole box.
"You always had a ton of shoes..." Yongguk said amusedly, closing the box and leaving it there. He stood up, going around the room, packing away Himchan's things into different boxes, sighing as he finished the living room.
He walked to their old bedroom, memories coming back as he walked through the apartment. He smiled as he cleaned out everything, he was sad, but there were too many good memories to cry over them.
He huffed as he put down the last box, tired from all of the packing. He marked the multiple boxes containing Himchan's stuff, setting a small box to the side. He was going to send the majority of Himchan's stuff back to his family for them to decide what to do with them, but he kept a few things for himself.
He kept his and Himchan's rings, putting them on a chain and putting it on his neck, simply for safekeeping. He also kept a few of Himchan's personal things, like an old key and lock necklace he always wore, his favorite sweater and his camera.
Yongguk sat on the couch, looking through the photos, chuckling at some, and shedding a few tears at others.
With a final sigh, Yongguk turned off the camera and placed it back in the box, putting the whole thing in a chest of his personal items. He locked the old chest and grabbed a bag, packing a some clothes to last him the week, knowing that with Sunggyu's surgery, he won't be leaving the hospital for awhile.
He went down to the market and bought some red roses and managed to hail a cab, drumming his fingers on his leg.
"Meeting someone?" the driver asked, a grin on his face. Yongguk chuckled, shrugging.
"You could say so." he responded.
The driver chuckled, "So who is this special someone?"
Yongguk smiled, "An old friend who I haven't visited in awhile."
The driver looked surprised, "I'm surprised, you're a good looking lad and you're not going on a date."
Yongguk smiled, "I'm already taken."
The driver nodded, "So where are you going?"
Yongguk looked at his phone, reading the address out loud, the driver's face growing sympathetic when he heard it.
"I bet your friend'll like the flowers." the driver said as he made a turn. Yongguk smiled, nodding as he looked down at the red roses.
"Himchan always loved these," Yongguk said, "he was always one for the cheesy, romantic stuff."
The driver nodded, "Sorry for the loss."
Yongguk waved it off, "Don't be all sad for me. I got over it pretty quickly..."
The driver hummed, pulling up to the gates of the cemetery.
"Here we are, son. I can afford to wait and bring you back, if you'd like." the driver offered.
Yongguk smiled, "Thank you. I'll only take a few minutes."
The driver shook his head, "Take your time."
Yongguk smiled, thanking the old driver again before walking through the gates, searching for Himchan's grave.
When he found it, he smiled at the multitude of flowers and small gifts surrounding the grave, a picture of Himchan resting there as well.
Yongguk placed his own bouquet of flowers in front of the picture and sat down on the grass, smiling at the grave.
"I miss you, Himchan. Sometimes I wish we had never gotten into that accident. But then again, I would have never met Sunggyu, right? I hope you like Sunggyu, because I really do. I think you two would have been great friends, going out to the coffee shop to plan my demise or something like that."
Yongguk laughed at the image of Sunggyu and Himchan sitting at a table, plotting something evil.
"I met a boy who loves coffee possibly more than you do. Seriously, that boy is crazy about his Americanos." Yongguk leaned back, his hands supporting him, and looked up to the clear sky.
"Sunggyu got your eyes. I remember when you first told me that you were going to donate your body, I thought it wouldn't be necessary, because you'd live until your organs were so old, they couldn't use them. I guess I was wrong on that," Yongguk said, chuckling bitterly, "but still, I'm glad Sunggyu got your eyes and not some random stranger..."
Yongguk sat up straight again, smiling at the photo of his old lover.
"I'll make sure I visit more often, okay Channie? Sorry I haven't been able to, my life's been a bit hectic. I gotta go now, I got a taxi driver waiting for me."
Just as Yongguk left, he thought he felt someone hugged him, as if they snuck up behind him and hugged him tightly, just like Himchan used to do.
"I'll miss you, Channie. I hope you're happy up in Heaven." Yongguk murmured. He felt the "hug" become tighter before the feeling disappeared and Yongguk felt like he was alone once more.
He sighed, standing up taller and making his way out of the cemetery.
Himchan smiled as he saw Yongguk walk through the gates of the cemetery, wiping away a lone tear that trekked down his cheek.
"Bye, Yongguk, I'm glad you and Sunggyu are happy."
"You sure you want to go now? We can stay a few more days." a voice offered from behind him. Himchan turned to see his new friend standing behind him, a sympathetic look on his face.
Himchan shook his head, "Nah, I'm fine, Yoseob, we should be heading back by now anyways."
Yoseob nodded, but still looked worried, waiting for Himchan to walk up next to him before the two disappeared.


Hello~ How long has it been since I last updated? Almost 2 weeks, right? Dang... I'm sorry for the late update!!! I finally finished my exams and I got to finish this chapter today! I'm writing with wet nail polish on right now so I'm going to keep this short. I put Yoseob in here as an angel because... well... he looks like one. So our angel Yoseob will be doing the thank yous! Seobbie?


Yoseob: Hi! Thanks to Syznim, imr321, Myungie07, mitsuchan, sendirian1505, Renz90211, rhayqueiroz, HANAGYU, albinski, gyuwifey, Mesic10, and, Nicti2323 for subscribing to this story and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Thank you, Yoseob-ah! Hopefully I will be able to post another chapter by next week if I don't get swamped with homework, and if not, maybe this weekend. Feel free to leave any comments, corrections, criticism, etc. for me to read! I love reading them and replying to them, so keep them coming! And also, I think I might have done this before, but thanks to those 13 people who upvoted this story, it's really touching for me knowing you guys really love this story so much!! Okay, bye!~~


- Evil Pandabear


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Chapter 31: I dislike seeing woohyun happy haahhaa
Chapter 7: Yeah i dislike woohyun hahahha.babygyuu T.T dongwoo is always his nice bestie awww
Chapter 48: nice 2 see lilttle jaewook takes so much after his parents ;))))))
Chapter 48: Annyeong author-nim!! : )) I'm actually reading this after you greeted me in Chapter 35. XD I didn't have time to read this so yeah. I read the whole story and I was kind of expecting it to be a bit angst- with Woohyun lurking in the past and Sunggyu had to deal with the heartache. And this is actually the first fanfic I read where Gyu is paired up with another idol member (who happens to be Yongguk XD). I think bc of this fanfic I might stan B.A.P. too but yeah. XD Anyway the BangGyu fluff is too much to handle, plus YaDong being parents is so hilarious. XD I can't wait for your next update author-nim. XD Daebak author-nim! : ))
Chapter 48: You are giving me so much cavities with this OTL thank you for such a cute update and I hope you have/had fun on your trip ^^
Chapter 48: this is so cute!!
they loves jaewook so much haha
gyu get a free pass..that is totally unfair but luckily yongguk loves rides so hahahaa
Chapter 48: Oh, Thank you for writing such a nice story ^_^ Really almost comes to an end? I look forward to the next update :)
Chapter 47: Omg they have a baby >w< that's the most adorable thing ever ~ thank you for such a fluffy chapter and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip ^^
heegrand #9
Chapter 47: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 47: This chapter was so cute!! *squeals into pillow*
And oh my gays! I am going to Korea in about 2 weeks too! Let's meet up, haha! No but seriously, it would be fun to meet up ^^
Keep up the good work!