Chapter 9: SORRY SORRY


KyuMin arrive at the Doctors clinic. They immediately saw the Doctor and the Nurse who visit their school. The Doctor and Nurse snob the two. But Kyuhyun stop them.

“wait Sir!! We want to say sorry for what we did” Kyuhyun said.

“oh really? After what you did to us..” the doctor answered back.

“sir were really sorry its not really intention to do that we just want to go out and ” Sungmin said apologetically.

“and? What? date?” the nurse added.

Sungmin blushed. She nod to hide her blushing cheeks.

“no!were not ma’am she will just treat me that time and ..and I told her instead of treating me at the canteen treat me at the expensive restaurant..”

“that’s all?”

“that’s all sir nothing more” Kyuhyun said without looking the two and guest what he’s holding Sungmin’s hands without recognizing that he is already holding Sungmin’s hands. The Doctor and the Nurse look at each other and they saw Kyuhyun holding Sungmin’s arm.

“ehehemmm!!!” the doctor interrupt at the nodding KyuMin. Kyuhyun immediately unhold Sungmin’s hands. “okay, are you sure that you are not a lover?”

“no!!” KyuMin said in unison.

The Doctor and Nurse chuckle at the answer of the two.

“okay we will retreat if you will help us here”

“here?” Sungmin asked.

“why? Don’t you like?” the nurse teased.

“a..a ok .it’s okay”.

“you escape again?” the doctor asked.

The KyuMin just stared. Kyuhyun whistle. Yes they are wearing their uniform.

“ahh ok I knew it”

It’s like community service. Sungmin are assign to accept all the calls. And Kyuhyun help those patients who are coming in and out. They also help serving some food to that patience.





Donghae walk along the hallway and stop when he pass at room 4-C. He peek and he saw Eunhyuk busy doing those assignments. A bunch of note books were at her desk. Donghae slowly came in and slowly took a sit beside Hyukjae.

“booh!!!” Donghae whisper.

Hyukjae jump in shock

“yah!!!you give me a heart attack hae..pabo!” Hyukjae punch cutely hae’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry hyuk hahahahahaha” Donghae apologize while laughing.

“what are you doing here by the way hae?”

“so hae is now my nickname? Huh Hyukkie?”

“so hyukkie is now my nickname? Huh hae? ”

The two burst out laughing.

“let me help you hyukkie”

“no hae, it’s already 5PM and you will be late if you will not go now”

“it’s okay hyukkie” Donghae pick one notebook and started.

“okay that’s what you want”


6:00 PM

“DONNNEEE!!!!!!!!” Hae yelled.

“FIIINIIISHHHH!!!!!!!! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” Hyukkie said cheerfully.

The two laugh. Anchovy and Nemo are now laughing loudly.

“let’s go now we are late”

Donghae hummed.


“why are you late? Mr. Lee and Mr. Lee or should I say Lee’s?”

The two chuckled and trying to stop their selves from laughing.

“I-I…Imm sorry Manager Promise it will never be repeated again” Hyukkie apologize and nod.

Donghae nod and wink at Mr. Manager. Mr. Manager understands it already.

“okay next time come early”

“yes sir thank you” Hyukkie nod and go back to her work.

Donghae and the manager went to the office and talk about what happen.

“what happen why you came late and your with her?”

“I help her doing her assignments it was bunch that’s why I help her and ..and I’m sorry.”

“let’s now go back to our work  Mr. Lee”

Donghae secretly glare at Hyukkie but when Hyukkie tries to glare at him Donghae will just nod and like he’s busy doing something.



A/N: My grammar was very wrong please forgive me (-.-)… yeah finally there was a EunHae^^ moment.. by the way while I’m writing these I’m listening to the radio and there was story. I’m sorry if my story was not that good. And I know my story was not in properly sequence. Kyuhyun Loves Me kyaaaaaaaaaaa~ hahahahahaahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just kidding..i really likes himespecially his voice. (^3^)




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nigerna #1
Chapter 12: the story is good but the font size to small....sorry and thanks for update