Shining Star


Chapter 6: Shining Star  


Sungmin was now at home. She open the ref and sighed.

“aish!!! Where is my beer?”. Scanning everything.

“okay I want to drink and I need to buy”. Sungmin go to the near convenience store.

She’s now walking on the way to her house. When she heard something.

“oi!!!” she look back with a furrow eyebrow and she crossed her arms over her chest.


It was Kyuhyun.

“it’s late why are you walking alone ?”

“o’cmon evil stop showing that you care”

“no of course I’m not and why should i?”

Sungmin give Kyuhyun a deathly glared.


“tsch.. okay! I need to go home now”

“are you stalking me?”

“what!?!?!? me?stalking you? Are you out of your mind. Why should I do that?”

Sungmin lift her left eyebrow and chuckled.

“seriously Kyu is this your way on your home?”

“yeah bunny, why? And why you give me a nickname?”

“why?isn’t good? It suits you Evil Kyu!”

Kyuhyun chuckle and leave the bunny.




Mr. Choi busy discussing.

Sungmin was buy texting when Mr. Choi caught her and ask a question about their topic.

“…………..” Sungmin was speechless.

Mr. Choi just stare at her waiting for her answer.

Kyuhyun write the answer at the back of his notebook and show it secretly, he whisper and Sungmin look down she saw what Kyuhyun write on his.

“a sir it’s 5. The answer is 5”

“how come discuss it”

Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun.

(A/N: Kyuhyun whisper the answer while Sungmin repeated it).

[Kyuhyun whisper mode]

5x=25. Since the variable has a whole number at the left divide the 5to the both sides to cancel the whole number at the left side. So 5x divided by 5is equals to x and 25 divided by 5is equal to 5.

After Sungmin absorb she repeat it.

“5x=25. Since the variable has a whole number at the left divide the 5to the both sides to cancel the whole number at the left side. So 5x divided by 5is equals to x and 25 divided by 5is equal to 5.”

Mr. Choi smiled.

“take your sit”

“thank you sir” Sungmin mumble.

“thanks kyu for the help” Sungmin said without looking Kyu.

Kyuhyun chuckle.



“Evil Cho! Wait for me!”

“yah!!! run fast fish!!”

Donghae finally reach Kyu and he round his hands to Kyuhyun’s neck.

“how sweet!!” Sungmin exclaim making KyuHae jump.

“omygodyourgivingusheartattackbunny!!!!” KyuHae yelled in unison.


“peace” Sungmin said.

“next time don’t just appear in anywhere..gosh”

“yah!!! I promise that Evil Kyu”

Donghae felt that there is something will happen at the KyuMin couple so what he did is he left the two without their knowledge he peek at the alley and saw the KyuMin having a conversation. For him it was cute to see his friend is now having fun with his fiancé.

(A/N: Donghae and the other relative knew about the fiancé Sungmin but he never met her he just know her by name.)

“where’s hae?”

Sungmin and Kyu look around. Sungmin shrug her shoulder “I don’t know”.

‘aish prepare later hae ’Kyuhyun cursed under his breath.

“aren’t you hungry?” Sungmin asked Kyuhyun.

“let’s go. I’m hungry already”

When they reach the canteen.

“what do you want? My treat” Sungmin said.

“ahh your treat for what?” Kyuhyun asked.

“remember you teach me earlier during Mr. Choi’s class?”

“ahh I remember now… since it’s your treat what if we escape class and treat me to a expensive restaurant.” Kyuhyun smirk.

“hhmmmm..i think that’s good idea”


The two are now standing facing the wall.

“so any idea how we can escape at this huge wall huh??”

Kyuhyun sighed

“your plan Mr. Cho is very good and because of that I will give you an appla--”

Kyuhyun pulled on Sungmin’s wrist and run leaving the place.


Kyuhyun  phone call Donghae.


“hae!fish!nemo! I need your help!!”

“yah!!yah!!!yah!!! that’s all my nickname and what do you mean help?”

“I will escape class and I really need you help”

“escape class? I assure to you if this will be ---”

“blah blah blah blah, I knew it hae just please help me now?”

“okay fine.what is it?”

“here’s the plan: blah blah blah blah blah”

Donghae nodded.


“what is this?”

“can’t you see?”

“I can see of course, but are you sure about this?”

“yah!!!just shut your mouth and let’s go”

Kyuhyun dress as doctor and Sungmin is his nurse.

When they reach the gate the guard nod at the two but the guard scratch his head because when the doctor and nurse came to their school they use a car but now the doctor and nurse are walking?(weird).


















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nigerna #1
Chapter 12: the story is good but the font size to small....sorry and thanks for update