Truth turned into Lies

Bullet Proof


Jonghyun: “Liked the show?”

Hailey: “Yea I liked it a lot.”

Taemin ran into the dressing room and jumped on the couch: “Im tired.”

Minho: “Well rest up while me and the others plus Jonghyun go on.”

Jonghyun: “Hailey wait here with him please that way before you leave I can give you a hug and kiss.”

Hailey: “Ok I’ll be here.”

The guys waited on Jonghyunto change and then left me with Taemin. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Especially with what happened last time. I stayed quiet for a bit until he started talking to me.

Taemin: “What’s with you? You’re all quiet.”

Hailey: “Well last time me and you were alone you kissed me.”

Taemin: “Yea I remember I will never forget that moment.”

Hailey rolled her eyes: “Yea whatever you say. By next week you’ll be over me.”

Taemin: “Maybe, maybe not you can’t be too sure.”

Hailey: “Sure you can get any girl you want.”

Taemin got up and walked towards Hailey: “Not every girl.”

Hailey stepped back and backed up into the door and Taemin was near her: “Can you please move?”

Taemin: “Why you know you like me.”

Hailey: “I don’t go for guys that hang around with lots of girls when I’m not around.”

Taemin: “I did that one time!”

Hailey: “Taemin you didn’t go check up on me or anything Jonghyun did!”

Taemin: “But…”

Hailey: “No you had your chance and you blew it.”

Taemin: “Hailey please…”

Hailey looked away: “It’s to la-----.” He cut me off by kissing me.

Taemin smiled and then Hailey pushed him: “What?”

Hailey: “Seriously Taemin I’m with Jonghyun and that will never change.”

Jonghyun and the others walk in and Jonghyun goes next to Hailey: “Hey sorry for keeping you waiting.”

Hailey: “Its fine I have to go either way the guys are probably looking for me.”

Jonghyun: “You have to go already…”

Hailey: “Yea I kind of do.”

Jonghyun: “Well let me at least walk you over to where your brother is.”

Hailey smiled: “Ok fine by me.”

Onew: “See you tomorrow.”

Minho: “Later.”

Key: “Don’t stop fighting with me.”

Hailey: “Shut up Key.”

Onew: “You have nothing to say to her Taemin?”

Taemin turned his back: “Nope nothing at all.”

Hailey rolled her eyes: “I don’t care. And I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

Jonghyun took Hailey’s hand and they left the dressing room. He walked her to where the guys were. The guys looked a little angry since she took a long time. Jonghyun didn’t kiss her or anything like that because he didn’t want to upset them. He gave her a hug and said bye.

Taeyang: “That was a long walk.”

Hailey: “Sorry I ran into the JO Twins and then I was with Jonghyun. He wanted me to see them perform.”

Taeyang: “ok that’s fine.”

Seungri: “Let’s go home.”

Hailey yawned: “Yes please.”

Seungri: “Want me to carry you?”

Hailey: “Yes please.”

Seungri lifted Hailey on his back: “OK.”

Kaya yawned also: “Yay going home.”

Daesung: “Come here I’ll carry you little one.”

We all went home and went to sleep because we were all tired and exhausted. The night went by so slow and I woke up a few times for no reason. I couldn’t go back to sleep and then my phone lit up. When I grabbed a hold of it, it was a message from Taemin. I didn’t know if I should read it or not, but I did either way. He told me how he felt and how he really cared for me, but I didn’t respond because I don’t feel the same. At least not anymore because I had JJong.  It was finally time to get up and I didn’t want to go today but I had to. I got dressed and made my way down the stairs to wait on Kaya. When she was finally ready we left and got there with in no time. We spotted the guys but we sat down and had them walk to us if they wanted to hang with us. As we thought they walked over and Taemin was behind Jonghyun. I just didn’t look at him or plan to speak to him for the rest of the day.

Jonghyun sat and hugged Hailey: “You look tired babe.”

Hailey: “It was a long night is all.”

Jonghyun: “You sure?”

Hailey: “Yea honest.”

Jonghyun and the rest of us heard the bell ring: “Well let’s go I’ll walk you to class.”

Hailey: “Yea that would be nice.”

Jonghyun smiled at Hailey: “Yea I know.”

The classes went by so fast and I didn’t want lunch to come, but it did. Jonghyunnoticed that there was something that was bothering me. He looked like he wanted to ask but he stayed quiet. I wanted to tell him what Taemin has did to me but I didn’t want them to start fighting. It was killing me but I did what I had to do. I asked him if I could talk to him alone because I was scared of what will happen.

Hailey: “Could I talk to you alone please.”

Jonghyun: “Yea sure.”

Hailey got up and he followed: “Uhmm I have to tell you something..”

Jonghyun: “What is it?”

Hailey: “Uhm at my house when you went over the second time for the bbq Taemin went to my room to talk to me..”

Jonghyun: “And then?”

Hailey: “We talked and out of the blue he kissed me..”

Jonghyun looked to the ground: “What else happened?”

Hailey: “Well at the concert when you left me alone with him he got close to me and kissed me again but both times I told him to never do it again cause I didn’t like him and that I was with you..”

Jonghyun: “You promise that’s all that happened.”

Hailey: “I promise I wouldn’t lie to you Jonghyun please believe me.”

Jonghyun: “I do but I want to hear it from him to make sure.”

Hailey: “Fine.”

Jonghyun walked back to get Taemin and they both went back to where Hailey was: “Taemin I want the truth please.”

Taemin: “Ok. About what?”

Jonghyun: “Hailey just told me you kissed her twice is it true?”

Taemin: “No dude why would I do that.”

Jonghyun: “Are you sure.”

Taemin: “Honest..”

Jonghyun: “Hailey why are you making things up?”.”

Hailey: “I’m not why would I want to make things up.”

Jonghyun: “I don’t know I just want to know the truth.”

Taemin: “Like honest why would I she’s with you.”

Hailey: “Why are you lying seriously Taemin.”

Taemin: “I am not lying Hailey.”

Jonghyun: “Hailey just tell me the truth.” He smirked.

Hailey: “I am why would I make this up Jonghyun.”I started to tear up.

Jonghyun: “Please don’t cry I just want to know the truth.”

Hailey: “I am telling you the truth, but I guess you don’t believe me.”

Jonghyun: “I d—.”

Hailey: “No you don’t because if you did you wouldn’t keep asking me.”

Taemin saw tears in Hailey’s eyes and felt really bad: “Jonghyun..”

Jonghyun: “Yea?”

Taemin: “She’s telling the truth I’m the one lying to you.”

Jonghyun: “Why would you lie to me.”

Taemin: “I don’t know it just happened I didn’t mean to hurt you both.”

Jonghyun: “Taemin but you knew she was my girl why would you go kiss her?”

Taemin: “I know you’re with her but you knew I liked her to and I started talking to her first.”

Hailey: “If you did like me you would have worried about me when I didn’t come and not hang with girls.”

Taemin: “I know, but I wasn’t thinking.”

Hailey: “I guess I have to go.”

Jonghyun: “Where are you going?”

Hailey: “I’m going to call my brother to come pick me up. This is too much.”

Jonghyun: “Want me to stop by later..?”

Hailey: “I don’t know up to you, but I want to go home now.” I said walking away.

Hailey went to the office and called Taeyang and he went to pick her up. When they got home she went to her room and hid under the blankets. Meanwhile at school the guys went to sit back at the table and Jonghyunwanted to yell at Taemin.

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