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Taeyang: “Hailey get up you have to go to school.”

Haliey: “No go away.”

Taeyang: "You have to get up”

Hailey: “I don’t want to go to a new school I don’t even want to be in this town”

Taeyang: “Well I don’t care you have to go.”

Hailey: “Fine I’m up.”

Taeyang: “Kaya get up you have to go to school.”

Kaya: “No!”

Taeyang: “Don’t start im not going through this again Hailey just had a fit I don’t need you to have one to.”

Kaya: “Who’s going to register us?”

Taeayng: “Me of course.”

Kaya: “Just telling you right now if any girl gives us crap were not taking it.”

Taeyang: “I know that but at least not the first day.”

Kaya: “No promises.”

Taeyang: “Your such a diva.”

Kaya: “Thanks I learn from the best from your friend GD.”

Taeyang: “I know he really needs to stop teaching you both.”

Kaya: “Whatever now get out hyeongje I need to get ready.”

Taeyang: “Hailey, Kaya are you both ready we need to go before school starts!”

Hailey: “No need to shout.” I said walking down the stairs.

Kaya: “No kidding it’s to early for that.” Walking behind me.

Taeyang: “First you both complain and now you want to act all chill what the heck.”

Hailey: “Whatever can we go already.”

Kaya: “I know I want to get this over with.”

Taeyang: “Yea let’s go.”

It felt like forever to get to the school. We didn’t know what to expect and the fact that Taeyang had to get off we knew that people were going to stare, and we weren’t in the mood for that. I had a bad feeling about this and I just wanted to go back home.

Taeyang: “I’m not going to get down I registered you both a long time ago you just need to go to the office to get your schedules.”

Hailey: “Ok whatever.”

Taeyang: “Try to at least pretend you want to be here.”

Kaya: “No cause we don’t want to be here we were fine in our old school.”

Taeyang: “Well I and the guys will be here once you get out.”

Kaya: “Ok.”

Taeyang left so Kaya and I made our way to the building and found the office. We waited until first period start to go to class. I was happy cause I had a lot of classes with Kaya. I got to class and took a seat by the window. While I was looking outside waiting for the time to pass by I heard squealing girls outside making their way inside. They were crowding around some guys. I just rolled my eyes and went back to looking outside. Thank goodness the classes went by so fast that it was lunch time. I found Ivee and we sat at a table near screaming girls crowing five guys. Surprisingly one of them got up and went to talk to us. And we knew this was a whole new begininng.

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