Be My Girlfriend

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Kaya: “Tae Jonghyun wants to ask you something.”

Taeyang: “Ok what’s up?”

Jonghyun: “May I go over and see if Hailey is ok? It’s because I noticed she didn’t come and I got worried.”

Taeyang: “Yea that’s fine with me.”

Jonghyun bowed: “Thank you I’ll be over once I leave my things at home.”

Taeyang: “Ok that’s fine see you then.

*SHINee’s place*

Key: “Hey so what did Taeyang say?”

Jonghyun: “He said I can go over.”

Taemin: “So you’re going to hang with Hailey?”

Jonghyun: “Yea. And since when do you care today you didn’t even worry about her, just about the fans around you.”

Taemin: “I care.”

Jonghyun: “Whatever you say. Well I have to go.”

Taemin: “Leave no one’s holding you back.”

Jonghyun: “Yea that’s showing you care.”

*BigBang’s Place*

Taeyang went to Hailey’s room: “Sis you ok? GDragon told me you felt sick.”

Hailey: “Yea I’m ok now. Why what’s up?”

Taeyang: “Well that Jonghyunkid was worried and asked if he could come see you and I said yes.”

Hailey: “Ok that’s fine but can I stay laying down.”

Taeyang: “If you feel weak yea that’s fine.”

Hailey: “Ok just send him up here when he’s here.”

Taeyang heard the door bell ring: “I think he’s here already.”

Hailey: “Ok.”

Taeyang went to answer the door and saw JJong: “Hey what’s up she’s in her room you can go up.”

Jonghyun: “Yea sure, but can I ask you something?”

Taeyang: “What’s up?”

Jonghyun: “I wanted to get your permission to ask out Hailey.”

Taeyang: “Did she tell you to ask me?”

Jonghyun: “No she doesn’t know that I’m asking you.”

Taeyang: “Ok well I give you permission because what I have seen from you is good and I trust you with her.”

Jonghyun: “Thank you.”

Taeyang: “Well you can go on up to her room.”

Jonghyun: “Ok thank you.” He said walking up the stairs and into my room.

Hailey looked up and saw him: “Hey what are you doing here?”

Jonghyun: “Wanted to make sure you were ok.” He said next to me.”

Hailey: “Yea I’m fine now I felt sick so I didn’t go.”

GDragon walked into my room and saw Jonghyun and shut the door: “HI.. BYE”

Jonghyun: “Uhm is it ok to shut the door?”

Hailey: “Uhm I don’t usually no but I don’t know why he did.”

Jonghyun: “Can I ask you something?”

Hailey: “Yea, what’s up?”

Jonghyun: “Would you like to be my girlfriend…”

Hailey looked at him and blushed: “Yes.”

Jonghyun pulled me into a hug and he noticed I was shivering: “Are you cold?”

Hailey: “Yea just a little.”

Jonghyun: “I would get under the blanket with you but I don’t want your brothers to come in and freak out.”

Hailey: “Na its fine just do it if Taeyang sees I’ll tell him that you were just keeping me warm.”

Jonghyun: “No I don’t want to take the risk and I respect you to much.”

Hailey: “You’re too cute.”

Jonghyun: “No you are.”

Hailey: “Haha we both are.”

Jonghyun: “Fine.”

Me and Jonghyunwere talking for awhile until Taeyanga walked in saying it was getting late. I got up to walk Jonghyunto the door even after he told me I didn’t have to. I gave him a hug and he kissed my forehead. And he asked if I would be at school tomorrow and I said yes. He went home and I went to shower and sleep. When he got to his place all the guys wanted to know what happened with me and him.

Key: “So is she ok?”

Jonghyun: “Yea she’s fine.”

Minho: “Will she be there tomorrow at school?”

Jonghyun: “Yes? Any more questions?”

Onew: “Are you dating her.” He said coming out of the kitchen.

Jonghyun looked at Taemin who looked uneasy about the question: “Yea were dating.”

Key: “Really.”

Jonghyun: “Yea I asked her when I was with her right now.”

Taemin: “I bet your lying.” He said looking away not wanting to believe it.

Jonghyun: “You’ll see tomorrow at school. Unless you’re going to be with those fans of yours.”

Taemin looked mad and wanted to know if he’s saying the truth about him and Hailey: “No I’ll be there.”

Jonghyun: “ok then.”

That night Taemin couldn’t sleep and the night went by fast. He got up on his own to get ready and wanted to get the day over with. Onew and Minho were ready they just waited on Jonghyunand Key. Key was helping Jonghyunget ready until he pushed Key and told him that he’s be fine with what he wore to school.

*At achool*

Jonghyun: “Key do you see the girls?”

Key: “Yea I’ll go get them.” He said leaving the group.

Kaya: “Here comes Key.”

Hailey: “Ugh no.”

Kaya: “Hailey be nice.”

Hailey: “Fine.”

Key went up to Hailey: “Jonghyun wants you.” He said dragging Kaya and she pulled me.

Hailey was in front of Jonghyun and Taemin was next to him: “You were looking for me.” I said as I hugged him.

Jonghyun: “Yes where were you?” he said as he gave me a kiss which made Taemin mad.

Hailey: “Sitting with Kaya at the benches.” I kissed back.

All but Taemin: “Awe CUTE.”

Jonghyun: “So when are you going to ask Kaya Key?”

Key: “Can’t tell you that it’s a secret.”

Kaya didn’t hear but told Hailey: “When did you both start dating?”

Hailey: “Since yesterday.”

Kaya: “Cool but Taemin looks mad though.”

Hailey: “I don’t care.”

Kaya then asked Key: “Why is Taemin mad?”

Key: “Because he likes Hailey and Jonghyun is with her but Jonghyuntold Tae that he didn’t care for Hailey cause he was hanging with a lot of girls.”

Kaya: “Dumb .”

Key: “I know he is but he’s going to have to get over it soon.”

Jonghyun: “What’s with you Taemin?” he smirked.

Taemin gave him the really face: “Nothing nothing at all.”

Jonghyun: “Hailey we should have another cook out at your house after school today.”

Hailey: “Sure why not I’ll talk to Taeyang about it.”

Taemin saw that Jonghyun was about to kiss me and then the bell rang: “Saved by bell he whispered.

We all went to our classes and just went about our day. Taemin was acting weird and I didn’t know what to say or think about it. The day felt so long and boring and I just wanted it to end. When the day was finally over Jonghyun walked me to the car and asked Taeyang about the cook out. And he said yea that would be cool. We went home and waited for SHINee to get there. I was in my room getting ready and so was Kaya. I wore a muscle shirt with skinny jeans and my Osiris. Kaya put a netted shirt with a tang underneath with Skinny jeans and Osiris. When SHINee got there I was doing my hair so they all went outside and Kaya stayed with me. When Kaya was ready she left my room and joined the guys. I heard a knock on my door.


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