This Love

Bullet Proof


Minho: “Ready to go?”

Taemin: “Yea I have to go get ready.”

Onew: “For what?”

Taemin: “Im going over to their place.”

Jonghyun’s eyes went wide and said: “You got permission to go?”

Taemin: “Yea she asked him when I walked her and they said yes.”

Key: “I’m going to ask if I can go tomorrow.”

Minho: “Do it.”

*BigBang’s Place*

Taeyang: “When he comes over are you both going to be in your room?”

Hailey: “Maybe I don’t know yet.”

Taeyang: “If you go to your room I don’t want that door closed got it.”

Hailey: “Yea I know the rules.”

Taeyang: “Same goes to you Ivee if Key ever comes over.”

Kaya: “Yeah Yeah Yeah I know.

Taeyang: “Well we’ll be out back practicing if you need anything.”

Hailey: “Ok bye.” I said going to my room.

*SHINee’s place*

Taemin: “I don’t know what to wear!”

Minho: “Don’t go to flashy is all I can say.”

Onew: “Go normal.”

Key: “Dress up nicely.”

Jonghyun: “I don’t care.”

Taemin: “Jealous that I’m going to hang with her? He smirked.

Jonghyun: “Not at all.”

Taemin: “Well good then I’ll see you all later.”

*BigBang’s Place*

Hailey is in her room when she hears the doorbell: “Kaya I got it.”

Kaya: “Good because I wasn’t going to get up.”

Hailey: “You’re funny.” I said while opening the door.

Taemin: “Hey.”

Hailey: “Come in.”

Taemin: “Where are we going to hang?”

Hailey: “In my room cause the guys are out back practicing.”

Taemin: “Oh ok then.”

Hailey grabbed his hand and went upstairs and to her room: “Well this is my room.”

Taemin: “It’s so simple. I like it.”

Hailey: “Thanks.” She said while going to sit on the bed.

Taemin followed her and sat next to her: “You sure it’s ok for me to be in here?”

Hailey: “Yea Taeyang said I can have you in here but the door has to be open.”

Taemin: “ok making sure.”

Hailey: “Yea so why did you get all mad today about Jonghyun kissing me on the cheek.”

Taemin: “It’s because I like you and when I found out I got jealous…”

Hailey: “Oh ok well yea he did it at random I didn’t see it coming.”

Taemin: “Oh.. Sorry for getting mad.” He looked away.

Hailey: “It’s fine.” I said pulling his face to face me.

Taemin looked around my room: “I love your room like the color and how it’s not messy.”

Hailey: “Uhm thanks.” I laughed.

It started to get late so Taemin and I went down stairs and he had to leave. I walked him to the door and gave him a hug. While we hugged he tried to kiss me but for some odd reason I pulled away. He was shocked and looked sad. I felt bad and Taeyang walked in and said bye to Tae and he left. I ran after him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and bit and said bye.

*SHINee’s place*

Onew: “So how did it go?”

Taemin: “It was good we chilled in her room since her brothers were outside.”

Jonghyun: “You were in her room!”

Taemin: “Yea she said her brother told us to.”

Minho: “Nothing happened right?”

Taemin: “No nothing happened we just talked and relaxed.”

Key: “Are you going to take this Jonghyun?”

Jonghyun: “Nope I’m going to talk to her and see if we can hang and I’ll ask her brother if I can..”

Key: “Oh wow good luck with that.”

Jonghyun: “Thanks.”

*BigBang’s place*

Taeyang: “So how did it go?”

Hailey: “Same old I mean all we did was talk.”

GDragon: “Honest I like that Jonghyun guy better for you.”

Hailey: “Same here I mean Tae is cool to but to many girls give him attention.”

Seungri: “He was ok..”

Daesung: “I liked that kid also.”

Taeyang: “Either way whoever wants to ask out our girls has to ask me first.”

Hailey: “I know that’s why I don’t expect to be dating anytime soon.”

Seungri: “I’m fine with that.”

Taeyang: “Stop it.” He walked towards him and slapped him.”

Seungri: “Oww Tae that hurt.”

Taeyang: “Good.”

Kaya: “So when’s the next concert?”

T.O.P: “In two days.”

Hailey: “Who’s going to be there?”

GDragon: “Us, SHINee, Boyfriend, 2NE1, Super Junior, and B.A.P.”

Hailey: “Ok then.”

Seungri: “Why,want to hang with then groups?”

Hailey: “That and wonder around see who I bump into.”

Taeyang: “That’s fine with me.”

T.O.P: “Well you both should get to bed cause of school.”

Kaya and Hailey: “Ok were going.”

Kaya and I went to sleep and the night went by fast. I didn’t want to get up for school. I didn’t want to see the guys today. Taeyang didn’t go wake me up and it was strange since he always wakes me up. GDragon walked into my room and went to wake me up. I got up and got ready. My plan today was to try to stay away from the guys. Kaya walked into my room and wanted to know what was going to happen and I told her my plan and she didn’t mind it. I wasn’t feeling too good so I asked GDragon if I could stay home and he said it was fine. Kaya didn’t mind a bit because she knows if people mess with her it’s going to be hell.

*At school*

Jonghyun: “I wonder where Hailey is. I mean her sister is here and she isn’t.”

Minho: “Something might have come up.”

Onew: “Yea don’t worry Jonghyun.”

Key: “Just get her number from Kaya and see what’s up.”

Jonghyun: “Na I’m going to ask to go over and see if she’s ok.”

Key: “I’m going to ask Kaya.” He said as he left the guys and walked over to Kaya.

Kaya looked up and saw Key: “Hey?”

Key: “Hey girl.”

Kaya: “What’s up?”

Key: “Jonghyun wants to know where Hailey is.”

Kaya: “She wasn’t feeling to good so she stayed home.”

Key: “Oh ok cause he saw you and not her and wanted to panic.”

Kaya: “Yea she felt sick so she’s home right now. He can go over and see her I’ll just tell my brother that he wanted to make sure that she was ok.”

Key: “Ok I’ll let him know.” He said grabbing her hand and went to the guys.

Jonghyun: “Kaya? Key why did you drag her over here?”

Key: “So she can tell you about Hailey.”

Jonghyun looked and Kaya: “Why isn’t she here?”

Kaya: “She’s at home because she wasn’t feeling too good so she stayed home.”

Taemin: “Is she ok?”

Kaya: “Yea I’m sure of it.”

Jonghyun looked away and Kaya said: “Why don’t you go over and see Jonghyun. Like see if she’s ok?”

Jonghyun: “I don’t know if your brothers will let me.”

Kaya: “I’m sure they won’t mind if you go see Hailey to make sure she’s ok.”

Jonghyun: “I’ll ask them after school when they come for you. If you don’t mind me walking with you to the car so I can ask.”

Kaya: “Fine by me.”

Key: “Ugh I don’t want to be here.” He complained.

Kaya: “Then go home and I’ll see you I don’t know when.” She said looking away.

Key: “Na don’t be that way babe.”

Kaya looked at him shocked: “Babe? Since when am I yours?”

Key: “Since I met you and said sorry about that incident.”

Kaya: “Haha no, you have to get my brothers permission first.”

Key: “Really.. I’m scared they won’t let me.”

Kaya: “Wow not even I’m scared of them.”

Minho: “He’s just being a diva.”

Kaya: “I can tell.”

Key: “Minho stay out of this.”

Onew: “Both of you stop it.”

Key: “He started it.”

Minho: “And you’re a diva that can’t get a girl because the girl he wants has to ask her brothers for permission.”

Jonghyun: “Enough I have a headache and you both aren’t making it any better.” He said annoyed.

Kaya stayed quiet for a bit: “Well I have to go to class I’ll see you all around.”

Key: “I’ll walk you.”

Kaya: “Uhm thanks.”

Key walked Kaya to her class and Jonghyunwas worried about Hailey. He was surprised that Taemin didn’t have a care in the world for anything at the moment. Taemin was surrounded by lots of girls and didn’t seem to care at all. He just kept smiling and looked happy. Jonghyundidn’t want to be part of it so he walked away. To JJong the day went by to slow until he noticed he was already in his final class. He kept looking at the bell and couldn’t wait to leave.  Once the bell rang he dashed out and went to find Kaya. He was happy that he found her right away and they walked to the car. 

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