Chapter 3 - The Letter

Back To Me

Reii’s POV

I walk to the classroom as usual, lazily. I dragged my foot to my table and rested my head on the table immediately when I reached my table. I never enjoyed coming to school, Mondays to Fridays are hell and Saturdays to Sundays are heaven. Okay maybe Fridays are half heaven half hell since Fridays are last day of school :). Yesterday B2st performances were great I recalled still laying on the table.

‘Class please take out your science textbook,’ the teacher said.  

‘Arh boring,’ I thought and began finding my textbook underneath my table to avoid being scolded by the teacher early morning. I hated it when the teacher scolded me early in the morning especially when im just in school for not long.

‘Ahh ha, found it’ and I pull out my science textbook. Just then, a letter dropped when I took out my science textbook.  I pick up the letter and hid it so that my teacher would not see and confiscate my letter. I had been caught for a few times for writing letter and passing them to friends in class. My friends and I would always write letter to each other in class to kill our boredom.

I took out the letter and see what it is about when the teacher was writing answers on the board. The letter was a pink coloured one and on the front page it wrote: To: Reii. The card was beautifully decorated with lace and ribbons. Sweet right? I know so I quickly open to see what was inside and who send it to me.

Inside the card its say:

Dear Reii,

Hi! Its me, the leader Doojoon from B2st. I know you would be surprise or maybe you will doubt more whether the letter was really from me. Its true, believe what you see now, I am writing to you.

I like you the first time I saw you and I really wanted to see you again.  Will you give me a chance to date you? Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?  If you agree, this is my number xxx-xx-xxx. Text me if you are willing to give me a chance. Hope to receive your message.




I was confused, didn’t know what I should do about it. I quickly kept the letter in my bag so that no one saw the letter, especially Jean. If she saw it, Im dead. You know why? Cause she would be very noisy if she found out about it. I could already imagine it in my mind. At first she would be like’ Omg?! Doojoon wrote you a letter? What are you going to do? Reply him? Are you going to reply him? Tell me! Omg! Its so unbelievable and cool!’ and after that the whole school will know about it for sure. Seeing that sight I quickly keep the letter and make sure that she didn’t know it.

It was recess now, and im still pondering about it. I didn’t know whether I should reply him or not. I wasn’t sure if he was serious about it and what if his not serious? Wouldn’t I be a laughing stock and an embarrassment if he wasn’t serious. ‘ Aishh i don’t care anymore’ I thought and I began taking my phone out and texted him that I received his letter and told him yes that I agree to go on a date with him tomorrow. I regretted agreeing to the date after awhile as I thought that maybe he would think that im an easy person and not having his reply back makes me even more worried. Jean asked what happened after seeing me fidgeting around the chair the whole time while eating in the canteen.

‘Ah nothing, I was just feeling stuffy I guess’ I replied Jean and hurried her to continue her food when she raise an eyebrow on me feeling suspicious about it.

Doojoon’s POV

We were at the waiting room now after the performance. I quickly took out my phone and send her the address we’re going tomorrow.

Doojoon’s msg: Hi sorry for the late reply, I will meet you at here….(the address).. tomorrow.

Reii’s msg: okay! :)

After seeing her message, I went over to where the other members were. I took a picture with Junhyung while the others were playing. I cant wait to see her tomorrow!

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Good, good story!!!
Love your story, please continue writing good stories! xx
2nd time already..but still, i luv it..prefer 'back to me' more than the sequel..hurm..
sizukahowon #5
wow!!!!!!!even this not the end that i expect to be..but u make it out dear!!!!!!!!!<br />
my tears keep falling down while reading ur ending....its DAEBAK!!! <br />
for the sequel good always supporting u!!!
YAH!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TRICKING US!!! lol I knew something was up with the title anyways here to support you all the way through ;D ^^¥
janixzgloom #7
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-kpop_bunny- #9
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! she cant dieeee!!!!!~~~<br />
she died.........<br />
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Epilogue? please JEBAL!! Anio!!! she cant dieeee...