Chapter 37 - Back To Me

Back To Me


Doojoon’s POV

When I try to forget the past times, I can’t forget it

Your voice that used to always call my name roams in my ears

Unknowingly my footsteps are headed towards you

Now what do I do? What do I do now?

*How could I not realise?*

I rushed out of the door, running with all might, every steps taking me to you.


Don’t you tell me why

Don’t let me down

Comeback, I keep thinking of you

Please just one time


I’m going out of my mind

I can’t see you


Tell me I can go go go back to you you you you

I can’t live on with you true true true

I need you, to you, back to you

*Reii, Im coming back to you*

The days without Reii was really miserable. Every single second feels like hours and living every single day just make me feel like dying. My world was all dark without the presence of Reii. I drive fast down the road, not caring whatever that is happening anymore. All I wanted to do is to see Reii again and I’ll never let her go.


Come back to you

Because of you

I remember you

I need you, to you, back to you


When I try to empty my heart towards you, it doesn’t erase

I only need you, only you I need


Don’t you tell me why

Don’t let me down

The memories with you keep coming up

I can’t forget

Everything that I see, everything that I passed by, all remind me of you. There isn’t one single day that I don’t miss you. The memories we had together, these memories that I tried hard to bury, they would just come back eventually telling me that they miss you, I miss you.


I wonder if you think of me sometimes

You bad person

Tell me I can go go go back to you you you you

I can’t live on with you true true true

I need you, to you back to you


Come back to you

Because of you

I remember you

I need you, to you, back to you

I rushed out of the car immediately, running towards you, running like there is no tomorrow, I ran like my life had depended on it. I was so stupid, I should have persevere till the end and we would have been together by now. I key in the password to Reii’s door and ran inside.

‘Junhyung?’ Reii said from her living room.

‘Reii!’ I said running towards her.


I probably can’t even measure up to the wind that blows by ah ah

Even if you left me coldly, I don’t hate you

I keep drawing you back fervently

What is the use if I’m going to be hurting again

I say no more

I hugged her tightly to me. It had been long since I last pulled her into my embrace. I missed her. It was nice smelling her vanilla sense again.

‘How did you get in here?’ Reii asked in shocked.

‘Junhyung gave me the passcode but that is not important. I missed you Reii.’ I said to her, still not releasing her from my arms.


Tell me I can go go go back to you you you you

I can’t live on with you true true true

I need you, to you back to you

‘I love you Reii, come back to me will you?’ I ask while looking into her eyes.


Come back to you

Because of you

I remember you

I need you, to you back to you

‘I need you Reii, please’ I said to her.

‘But..’ Reii said but I cut her words.

‘Don’t worry about it Reii, we’ll face it together. Tomorrow I will call for a meeting and we’ll go tell my CEO first and after that I’ll tell everyone that you’re my girlfriend. No matter they like it or not, they’ll have to face it. I cant lose you anymore Reii.’ I said to her.

‘Please..’ I pleaded her while waiting for her reply.


It’s so hard looking at you ,

Who I used to be with be everyday, just in my dreams

At least if it was a nightmare,

I would wake up and everything would be the way it was

Reii didn’t reply my answer. She kissed me instead. I close my eyes as we deepened the kiss. Time passed and nobody knows how long we kissed. Reii pulled out from the kiss while I stood there not moving. A part of me was happy but a part of me was scare. I was afraid to open my eyes. I was afraid that once I open up, I’ll be back at my bed with nothing in front of me, telling me that it was all just a dream. I had it countless time, everyday waking up to find that it was all just a dream, and the fact that Reii had left would hit on me again, causing my heart to ache.

‘Doojoon?’ I heard Reii voice and she sounded worried.

I slowly opened my eyes to find that she was still in front of me.

*She’s here, Im not dreaming!*

I hugged her tightly once again.

‘Doojoon, you’re suffocating me’ Reii said breathlessly.

‘Im sorry.’ I said and release the hug.

‘Will you come back to me?’ I asked again and wearily just to make sure that ‘Yes’ is her answer. I didn’t want my hope to get high up and crashed later on. I wouldn’t be able to take it, so is my heart.

‘Yes joonie!’ she said smilingly at me.

I carry her up and spun her in rounds upon hearing what she said. Nothing can make me as happy as now, as happy as what she said to me.

‘I love you Reii, I love you!’ I said repeatedly while spinning her around.

‘Hahahas, you’re crazy joonie! Put me down!’ Reii said as she chuckled.

‘Promise never to leave me again okay?’ I asked Reii when I put her down and held out my pinky.

‘I promise!’ she said and held out her pinky to link mine.


More sweet moments tmmr!!! :) hahahas or mayb later depends on my mood :) 2 more chaps and this story will end.. :(

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Good, good story!!!
Love your story, please continue writing good stories! xx
2nd time already..but still, i luv it..prefer 'back to me' more than the sequel..hurm..
sizukahowon #5
wow!!!!!!!even this not the end that i expect to be..but u make it out dear!!!!!!!!!<br />
my tears keep falling down while reading ur ending....its DAEBAK!!! <br />
for the sequel good always supporting u!!!
YAH!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TRICKING US!!! lol I knew something was up with the title anyways here to support you all the way through ;D ^^¥
janixzgloom #7
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-kpop_bunny- #9
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! she cant dieeee!!!!!~~~<br />
she died.........<br />
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Epilogue? please JEBAL!! Anio!!! she cant dieeee...