He Can't Resist Her






"HUH?!" you we're startled becuase of your phones' ring tone.
"Tsk.! Tsk.!...You didn't look at the caller's name again."
"Wha~-? It's only 5:30 in the morning!! Your call woke me up" You said then pout as if he can see it.
"Hahah~- okay stop pouting....I think we're going home this late afternoon, so maybe you can go to church by yourself?"
"Hmm.. okay~! no worries." You said then smile.
"Okay, I'll gonna hung up now. Bye...take care. Be a good girl okay?" You chuckled then your Dad hung up. 
You lay in your bed once more trying to sleep but you can't 'cause you're already awake. So you stood up and do your morning routines. Take a bath, Eat breakfast, and Brush your teeth. 
Beep beep
Your phone vibrates and you look who's the messenger is..
Bacon ;P :
HIII!!!! Good Morning!!!
You're to loud in the morning :P
Bacon ;P :
That's me!!
After reading the message, bright idea suddenly  popped out from you head. So you call at Baekhyun.
"Yobocheo? It'ch choo early for a phone call" Baekhyun said as soon as he answers the phone while eating his cereals.
"Are you eating? Swallow first before you say something"
*gulp* "Sorry." Baekhyun smiled. "Why did you call? It's so early?"
"Why? you texted me so early too~" You said back. "By the way, Are they awake already?"
"Nope!! It's only 6 in the morning. I'm the only one who's awake right now." Baekhyun said proudly
"Oh~ You're an early riser, I see." You said with your annoying tone.
"Why did you asked?"
"I think I'll go there!" You said joyfully.
"Really?!!....Wait, why?"
"I'll make you breakfast. May I?"
"WAAAhh~~!! Nahi's gonna cook breakfast for us!! Yehey!!!" Baekhyun cheerfully said like a child then you laugh at the tone of his voice which is can be heard from the other line.
"Ok~ I think I'll go now. I want to be there before everybody wakes up" You said then hung up.
As soon as you hung up you immediately go to the EXO's dorm.
@EXO Dorm
"WAAAhh~~!! Nahi's gonna cook breakfast for us!! Yehey!!!" Kyungsoo heard Baekhyun as soon as he walk to the kitchen.
"Hey~! You're loud." Kyungsoo said after Baekhyun hung up.
"AHHhhH!" Baekhyun startled. "Are you trying to kill me?!!" He said with big eyes
"Hyung~ Don't be loud, you're gonna wake the others!" Kyungsoo whispered.
"Oh~ Sorry.." Baekhyun whispers back. "By the way, Nahi's coming here this morning to cook us breakfast. She's on her way."
"Really? Can I help her?" Kyungsoo said as his eyes went bigger and looked at Bacon at the corner if his eyes.
"I don't know? Can you?"Baekhyun teased.
"Of course I can!!"
Ding Dong!
"She's here!!" Baekhyun said as he widen his eyes in excitement.
Bacon opened the door and let you in while D.O is standing behind him.
"Nahi, Are you going to cook for us?" D.O said wearing his big smile.
"Well~.. Yeah. Wanna help me?"
"I would love too!"
As Baekhyun's lying on the couch, in 'living his life' position, while watching tv,
You and D.O are preparing for the breakfast. After you two we're finished you put the foods in the dining table.
"Baekhyun, can you please call the others, breakfast is ready!" You shouted to get Baekhyun's attention but unfortunately, He can't hear you because the tv volume is too loud and he's too close to the tv.
"Nahi-sshi, I think he's deaf already. Why don't you just call them by yourself?" D.O said while stirring the blue lemonade.
"Hmm~ I guess I had no choice." You said with a smile.
As you walk through the hallway you saw some extra rooms. 
"Extra rooms?" You mumbled
 'Ahh~ I get it. It's EXO M's rooms.' You thought.
"I've remembered, They're in Thailand these days" You mumbled again.
Then you realize you're in the wrong hallway. The hallway you are standing right now are EXO M's hallway. And EXO K's are on the other side. So you went there and you knock at the first door you see.
Nobody answered so you went in. You saw Suho who's still in his dream land.
'Suho's cute when sleeping~' You thought while you chuckle sofly.
You kneeled and shake his shoulder lightly to wake him up.
"Huh?" He said sqeezing his eyes trying to adjust at the light.
"Wake up already, Leader. Breakfast is ready." You said softly with a smile.
"What? Nahi?" he said as he face you.
"Yes, You better get up. I cook some breakfast for you guys." You said with a smile then you stood up and went to the door.
"Wait, are you still gonna wake others?" Suho sit and asked before you close his door.
"Ah.. yes, why?" 
"I'll do that, just prepare the foods" Suho said with a smile as he stood then walk towards you and turn you around 
"Uhh~ Okay, better hurry!! Before the food gets cold!!" You said as he lightly pushed you back in to the kitchen.
Suho went to each room and wake the others up. And now he's infront of Sehun's door who he think he's still sleeping, so he knocked.
"Come in." Sehun said.
"Oh~! He's already awake?" Suho mumbled before opening the door
"Ah~ Good! you're already awake."
"I just woke up. You're knock is like an alarm clock, You almost break my door," Sehun said with his blank face. When Suho heard that, He stiff for a moment.
"By the way, Breakfast's ready. And we have a visitor." Suho said with a smile.
Sehun got up as fast as he can when he heard that they have a visitor and go to the kitchen as soon as
possible, leaving our leader dumbfouded.
"Am I really that hard to knock?" Suho asked himself  looking at his fist and follow everyone in the kitchen.
As Sehun went to the kitchen, the first thing he can see is you having fun talking with Kai.
Sehun's smile faded.
He walks towards the cabinet above the sink to get some glass wearing his blank face.
As you see him walk you smiled and greeted him
"Oh~! Good morning !!" But he ignore you. He didn't even
looked at you.
You pouted and went to him. You suddenly hug his arm then you we're wearing your puppy eyes with a pout. 
He looked at you wearing his blank face.
'So cute~' He thought. He can't resist it so he smiled.
"Good Morning." He smiled and said with his morning low voice so you smiled too. You release his arms and you pushed him lightly infront of the table where everybody is sitting down.
"You're the only one we're waiting" You said as you signal him to sit then you sit beside him.
"Nahi cook all this!!" Baekhyun said excitedly who's sitting beside maknae.
"Hey!! I help too!!" D.O said who's sitting infront of the maknae and the two start to fight.
"Hey! stop fighting!! It's early in the morning ya' know" The two stop fighting when they heard Kai.
You bid your blessing to the food first then you all started eating.
'She really knew that I can't resist her' Sehun thought while he
looked at you and smile but you didn't notice him because you're busy eating.
Yup!! You're a heavy eater :P
Here's the new update...
Sorry guys it took so long because of internet problems.. :)
I'll update as soon as possible :)) I Promise :D
By the way, Advance Happy Birthday to our Maknae!! :))
Apr. 12 :)





Saranghae <3

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In all those who already read the last chapter.. I added some, so read it again XD


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Chapter 14: Aww what a cute story ;)
Chapter 13: Please update soon (:
irenerose #3
Chapter 13: Oh my goodness....cuteness overload....hi hi....update soon...<3
Chapter 13: Cute~ update soon!~
ELFaye #5
Chapter 10: OMG!!!!!!!!! so sweet >< I ship Nahi with Sehen ><
and author-nim I Love your story, by the way !!!<3
update soon