Chapter 011: Goodbye Stages

Faerie || NH Media's First Girl Group || Apply Closed~!

After promoting four a month, the girls of Faerie were glad to be saying good-bye to "Into the Night Sky" and "Wonder Boy." They wanted to perform as a full group again, and they knew that their new manager - who they had all come to love - had a lot in store for them.

Jacy, Ae Sook, Mai, and Hye were getting ready to go on stage while Belle, KiHyo, Huan, and Hyelee were finishing up their make-up. The dressing room was a bundle of nervous energy until Rae Eun walked in.

"Dark Faerie, are you ready?" Rae Eun smiled. "You're up in three." She bowed to the girls and left the room.

"Okay, hwaiting on three, arasso?" Hye smiled at the three members of her sub group before looking over at the other four. "Come on - all of you~!" She laughed, putting her hand into the middle of the circle they had formed. "Hana, dul, set-"

"Hwaiting~!" The eight girls chorused before sharing a quick group hug and sending Dark Faerie on their way to perform "Into the Night Sky" for the final time.


"And here to say goodbye is Dark Faerie with Into the Night Sky!"

The lights came up on the four girls. They each waved as the song began and then went to doing what they had become so used to doing - performing.

[breakdown; basically: Hye=JungAh, Jacy=Kahi, Mai=Nana, Ae Sook=Uee]

The four girls finished the recording and smiled at the cheer of the fans in the crowd. The roar of the Enchanted had gotten louder since they had started promoting as two separate units; every member of the group got enough lines and screen time in the videos, which made fans happy - and made fans realize that the members they had been bashing before were actually talented and meant to be idols.


"The other half of Faerie: Light Faerie performing Wonder Boy for the final time!"

The music started and the lights came up on the other half of the girls. Smiles were on their faces as they danced and sang, glad for it to be the last time to have to perform the song.

[breakdown; basically: Belle=Raina, KiHyo=Eyoung, Huan=Jooyeon, Hyelee=Lizzy]

Once they finished and heard the cheers from the crowd, they ran back into the dressing room to be met with the rest of the group.

"We're done~!" All eight girls cheered happily.

Rae Eun walked into the dressing room and rolled her eyes. "Come on girls, let's get you back into your street clothes so we can go eat. I got us a reservation at a nearby restaurant for about ten minutes from now." She smiled, and then her eyes widened as she was surrounded by eight girls hugging her. "Yah, yah~! Come on now." She sighed. "Get dressed."


The girls smiled in awe as they followed Rae Eun into the restaurant. None of them were dressed for something so nice; in truth, most of them were in sweatpants or pajama pants and hoodies; Belle was in a dress, but it was one of her longer, more beat-up ones. They were led to a round corner-booth so it was big enough for them all to sit down.

"Fancy seeing you girls here."

The eight girls and their manager looked up from the menus they were talking over to see SHINee standing by their table; the one who had spoke was none other than Jonghyun.

"Annyeong sunbaes," Faerie chorused, bowing their heads slightly. They all looked happy, but dead-tired and obviously hungry - if the three empty chip baskets were any indication. Rae Eun had taken them to a Mexican restaurant.

"It's odd seeing you at a place like this, Huan-ah." Minho smiled at his dear friend. "You don't like spicy foods."

Huan blushed slightly at the fact that he had remembered that. She shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "Well, I'm sure I can find something that's not that spicy." She smiled.

Taemin nudged Minho in the ribcage, causing the maknae to get a flick to the shoulder. The other members of SHINee snickered before bowing.

"It was good seeing you. Congratulations on your goodbye stage; it was really good." Onew said, nodding before shuffling s away from the group of girls.

Once everyone was sure SHINee was out of earshot, a few of the girls Huan.

"Does someone have a crush?" Hyelee grinned.

"Do you like Minho? Or does Minho like you?" KiHyo asked, smiling brightly. "Oh, you two would make an adorable couple~!"

Jacy laughed and shook her head. "Aish, leave the poor kid alone."

"What appa said~!" Huan pouted.

Belle and Hye had went back to talking to each other about the menu and what to get. They had both wanted the same two things, so they decided to each get one of them and share. Mai and Ae Sook had decided on what they wanted a while before everyone else, and once everyone had made their final decisions, the group ordered and ate.

Once they had finished eating and were waiting for the waiter to come back with the bill, Rae Eun looked at the girls. "You girls are going on a three month break before practicing for your next comeback. Your next comeback will be in January, but you all need to rest. Of course, you can all dance and practice in your free time - but I don't want to endanger your health. A week from tomorrow, we will all be going on a vacation to Hawaii - my treat." She smiled. "And we'll be there for about three weeks; my family owns a hotel there, so we're all set."

"What about after that?" Huan asked, she - as well as most of the rest of the group - was a bit in shock by the news of a vacation.

"After we come back from Hawaii, you'll have about another two months until you absolutely have to be back for practice. You can go visit your families, or you can stay here and get to know each other more. Oh, and the reason we aren't leaving this week is because tomorrow you have a radio broadcast appearance, and then the next day you will be on Weekly Idol." Rae Eun smiled and then looked at her watch. "Oh goodness. I have to get you girls home. It's getting late."


Once they got home and split into their rooms, each girl felt relaxed and safe. With Rae Eun as their manager, nothing had gone wrong during this comeback. Everything had gone smoothly. The comment about families at dinner had been a topic everyone was glad hadn't been expanded on; most of them had silently decided to stay in Korea with each other. The group itself was starting to feel more like a family than any of them had ever really had.


OMG. I am SO sorry that this is like... An entire month after my last update.
As many of you know, I moved out of my dad's house and into an apartment on June 28. Well, I started my new job on July 5, and have been working nearly nonstop. We just got internet in my apartment yesterday (July 24), and thank goodness.
Anyway, things are looking up for the girls, aren't they? *rubs hands together manaically* We'll just see how long that lasts. xD
Anywho, yes - their new manager is super nice, and this time it's genuine. Because I like Rae Eun and what I have in store for her and the rest of the group throughout the rest of the story.
Also, if you haven't heard f(x)'s comeback "Rum Pum Pum Pum" go do it. It's catchy as all get out and they look awesome. I can't wait for the live performance.

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Faerie || False alarm - got called into my new job and have to go back to no internet in the morning -__-


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Chapter 25: lol. There actually are places like that, Jae. ^^ -went to Hawaii when I was 14- But Rae Eun's story made me cry!!
Chapter 24: Great chapter~! :D
I think all the suitcases suits everyone's characters. *nods*
Oh, I'll be looking forward to "Farie's Strong Home"! ^^
Chapter 24: Oh and LOL!!! Chullie calling Bella.
Chapter 24: I want every single one of those luggage sets. -sobs- they're so pretty to look at.
Chapter 23: Aw both of the goodbye stages were amazing. ^^
Looking forward to what you have in store for them~!
Chapter 23: Awww their goodbye stages are <3. ^^ And yay for you having net back -dances-
Chapter 22: It's about time they got a new manager! :D
Looking forward to their comeback~
CandyFreak #8
Yay! New manager! But this keyboard is seriously killing me... Were going to Harajuku tomorrow!
Chapter 22: y comeback?
ooh ooh can't wait. <3
can't wait for the comeback!
dark faerie, light faerie, fighting! <3
Chapter 22: OMG YES!!! BYEBYE J.O!!