Chapter Three

RunAway Wife

Eunco’s pov
After I walked out of the house, I heard Oppa crying really hard inside the house, my heart is almost tearing apart. I started running away from that house, I ran as fast as I can. Finally, my leg gave up on me. I collapse on the floor, when I snapped out of my own world. I didn’t know where I was, I started to panic. I didn’t know what to do so I took out my phone and started looking for people that can save me, I saw Kyuhyun oppa’s number, without as thoughts, I called him.

Kyuhyun's pov
I can’t concentrate on doing anything the whole day, my instinct told me that something bad is going to happen soon. I feel so bothered by this feeling so I thought I should go out and take a walk to get rid of it.
I was wandering around the street trying very hard to get rid of that feeling, then I passed by the playground where I used to play with Eunco when we were really young, for some reason. I felt something had happened to Eunco. I reached my hand into my pocket and got my phone out, then my phone started to ring and the caller ID was Eunco.

Kyuhyun: Yobeosayo Eunco-ah…

Eunco: Oppa…

Kyuhyun: You sound so different today. What’s wrong?

Eunco: Can you fetch me? I’m lost..  

Kyuhyun:  Okay, do you see a sign anywhere?

Eunco: Yes, I am near Namsan Park.

Kyuhyun:  Okay, I will be there in a jiffy. Don’t go anywhere further.

Eunco's Pov

I waited for Kyuhyun oppa for around 15-20 minutes .Finally, I saw his car at the corner of the road.  He stopped his car in front of me; I opened the door and got in his car. I felt like crying again but I didn’t want Kyuhyun oppa to worry so I held my tears back.
“Why did you come here alone? Where’s Changmin?” Kyuhyun Oppa asked, my heart started to hurt again when Kyuhyun oppa said Oppa’s name.
“Oppa I’m hungry, Can you drive me somewhere that we can have food?” I ignored his question.
“Okay, Let’s go to this restaurant I know that is quite popular, it’s popular for their fish meals” Kyuhyun oppa suggested.  
 “Sounds yummy” I faked a smile.

Then we arrived at the restaurant, Kyuhyun oppa opened the door for me and that strong smell of fish makes me feel very nauseous. But I continued to walk into the shop, then we sat at the table, hope the feeling can go away soon.As i try hard to get rid of the feeling. The waiter came and took our order "Eunco-ah what do you want to eat? " oppa asked. "I'll have the same as you." i answered.

We started to chat about our life but it's hard when kyuhyun oppa ask me about changmin oppa, so i lied to him about our life . Just then our appetizer was served, it was really delicious.When the waiter served our main course to our table , without hasitation , i ran to the restroom and to vomit.

"Eunco! are you okay inside?" I herad kyuhyun oppa voice then my vision went black.

Kyuhyun's POV

Eunco and i were happily chatting away until our main cours are served, then Eunco ran to the restroom.I was worried so i followed her waiting outside the restroom." Eunco, are you okay?" i asked but no one answered . Then i heard a loud bang inside. I ran into the ladies to find Eunco passed out on the floor.I carried her to my car and drive to the nearest hospital . I bring her to the emergency area . a nurse took her away from me.


soon, the docter came out from Eunco's ward. " Congratulation,Sir!" I was dumbfounded by what the doctor just said . " How is she? " i asked. " She is just too exhausted and she is around 1month pregnant, she need more rest." the doctor explained. "Pregnant?" i didn't know how to react at this situation."Yes, don't you know?" the doctor asked. "I haven't seen her for a while" i explained. "Aren't you her husband?" doctor asked "No, i am just her bestfriend." i explained."i see, i hope that you can contact her husband and tell him this good news" the doctor said. "i will, thank you doctor" i bowed.

I went in and saw Eunco and she's still sleeping, i didn't want to wake her up, so i went out to make some calls. I took out my phone and dailed Gina's number.

"yeoboseyo?" Gina answered.

"Its's me , Kyuhyun" i said.

"What's up?" she said happily.

"Eunco is in the hospital now." i told her.

"BWO?!" she screamed over the phone

"YAH!! She fainted so i bought her here." i said.

"Fainted? what did the doctor say? " Gina asked nervously.

"The doctor said she was just exhausted and just need  to have more rest and she is also 1month pregnant." I calmly told her."

S..She's Pr...Pregnant?" she was shocked.


"Send me the address and ward number i'll be right there."

"Okay bye. " I ended the call and sent her the address.

I looked for Changmin's number in my contacts, then I called him.

“Yobeosayo?” Changmin sounded so sad.
“ It's me, Kyuhyun. Are you okay?” I tried to start a conversation.
“ I'm fine, so what's up hyung?” He sounded a little cheerful.
“ I am just calling to inform you that Eunco is currently in the hospital and the doctor said that she is a month pregnant.” I told him.
“ Pregnant?” Changmin sounded so confused.
“ Didn't you know?” I asked.
“ I was …. busy with work.” he explained.
Eunco started to yawn as she is waking up. “ I have to go now, I will text you the address of the hospital.” I told Changmin.
“ Arraso, bye.” He ended the call.


A/N : Sorry for the late post! I will try my best to post every weekend. :D


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Chapter 11: Overall, I love it! :)
2030 streak #2
Chapter 11: I just finished reading this story. It was nice but I was a bit disappointed in the end. Well, don't get me wrong. It's just that if I have to choose between the two, it would be Changmin... I was hoping against hope that Changmin and Eunco would get together in the end. Nevertheless, it was good :)
oh happy new year...
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 11: Awww...hehe. I felt a bit sad on changmin hehe. Anyways. Its his fault though.hehe.done reading this one! :)
Chapter 6: do know that you made Kyuhyun call Changmin after they found out that Eunco is pregnant, right? I don't mean to be mean or anything but this story is too confusing and it looks like you don't really know where you want to go with the plot making it pretty messy...
changmin93 #5
Chapter 4: it's great story. fighting authornim~ ^^
Chapter 4: Kyu is so sweet so protective :' )

Poor Changmin... He must be feeling so guilty now...
Chapter 3: It has a great storyline to it... So far. Update soon :3

Min must be really shocked now... Wonder what happens next 0.0
Chapter 2: please update soon miss author .
Changmin is obviously trying to keep it a secret to Kyuhyun