Chapter Ten

RunAway Wife

Kyuhyun's Pov

We were in Changmin's car driving to the hospital, I held onto Eunco's hand tightly, I felt her hands were sweating.

“Hang on there, we are going to reach the hospital soon,” I told her.

She didn't answer me, I know she was in great pain but I can't do anything to help her. Soon we reached the hospital, I carried her in to the A&E while Changmin get his car park. I ran inside and I saw nurses and doctors are all busy doing things.

“Please help my girlfriend, she is going into labour.” I begged the older looking nurse at the reception counter.
“Okay, follow me.” she told me.

I followed her into a room and placed her on the couch, then the nurse went out to get a doctor. Awhile later, a doctor walked into the room and asked some questions.  I saw him pulling her legs apart and he said “ Miss, please breathe deeply now.”

Eunco started to breathe in and out slowly, she then hold onto my hand tightly. After a few minutes of breathing deeply, “I can see the head now, now push as hard as you can.” the doctor announced

Eunco took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she can, I can see her face turning red. After a few push, Baby Jongin successfully came into this world. The doctor asked me to cut the umbilical cord, I took the scissors and cut it. I went back to see Eunco who was drained from the process of giving birth, the doctor then passed baby Jongin into Eunco's hands, she teared up as she held Baby Jongin in her hands.

“Oppa, he is the most precious thing.” She said.

“Yes, you two are the most precious thing in my life.” I said.

She turned to looked at me and gave me a sweet smile then turned back to baby Jongin, The nurse then pushed Eunco and Jongin out of the room. Changmin was outside waiting for us, when he saw Baby Jongin, he teared up and Eunco wiped away his tear.

 I went to do the paperwork for Eunco and let them to have their time together for awhile, I then called Gina and told her the news, she was over the moon when she heard the news, she said that she would be there in 30 minutes.

I walked to Eunco's ward, seeing Changmin holding onto Jongin and looking at the sleeping figure of Eunco made me felt like an outsider but I made myself stop from having a mindset like that. I walked towards Changmin and said “ Changmin-ah, I will go back and give Eunco's daily necessities .”

“Okay.” He answered.

I went back to the house and gathered some of Eunco's clothes and the bag of things that we packed for Jongin's arrival.

Eunco's pov

I felt so drained after giving birth so I decided to take a nap to recharge myself  while Changmin oppa get familiar with Jongin.

When I woke up after my nap, I was hoping to see Kyuhyun oppa's face but he is still no where to be seen. Then I heard Changmin oppa and Gina onnie's voice, they were talking about how cute my Jongin is. I was struggling to sit then Changmin oppa saw me and he helped me.

“Where's Kyuhyun oppa?” I asked.

As Changmin oppa is about to answer my question then I heard Kyuhyun oppa's voice “ I'm here.”

I turned to look at the direction of the door and saw Kyuhyun oppa, I smiled happily as he slowly walk towards me. He was holding onto a big bag on one shoulder, another hand 'FOOD'. He then placed all the things on the movable table and walked towards me, I spread my hands out signaling him that I wanted a hug. He then hugged me tightly

I broke the hug and asked “ Where were you just now?”

“ I went back to get some things for you and buy some food for every one.” he explained.

As I turned my head to look at Jongin, I saw Changmin oppa already started to eat some of the food and I jokingly said “ Yah, Shim Changmin are you that hungry?”

He smiled at me with his mouth full of food, he quickly swallow it and answered “ I didn't eat much just now.”

“Oppa, I was joking, eat all you can.” I said .

“Eunco-ah, you can't tell him that he would finish everything.” Kyuhyun commented and making everyone laughing including Changmin oppa.

Finally I get to hold on to Jongin, I get to take a closer look at him. He inherited his father's good look, I wonder if when he grow up will he be as tall as his father.  

After a few days staying in the hospital, I am finally free to go back home. I went back to the house with Kyuhyun oppa. Since I just gave birth, Changmin oppa and Gina onnie came to the house everyday to help out and just to play with Jongin. I felt like a patient as I can't even get out the bed without permission from the two oppas, even just getting a glass of water is prohibited. But overall, I felt like a queen as I am being served.

I decided to let Kyuhyun to shared a room with me as Jongin was sleeping in the same room as me. Jongin would some times cry in the middle of the night and I wasn't able to wake up to take care of him as I was sleeping deeply.

A month later, we decided to give Jongin his first month party. The party was held at Changmin oppa's house, the theme was the same, this time with Jongin with us.
Changmin's omma was here at the party too, she was so thankful and proud of me for giving birth to her grandson. We were able to end this party successfully unlike the last time,

Changmin's pov

Seeing my own son in my arm was the most wonderful feeling anyone could imagine, I was so thankful to Eunco for forgiving me for doing those things that hurt her badly.

At the party, I saw omma and Eunco sitting together chatting happily, I feel relieve. Then Kyuhyun hyung walked towards me and said “Changmin-ah I want to talk to you about something.”

So I went to the backyard with him to have a talk, I saw hyung was pondering about something. So I asked “Hyung, what is the thing that you wanted to talk about?”

“I want to propose to Eunco but I am afraid that might hurt your feeling.” he said.

I was taken aback with his words, I feel a bit hurt about it but I felt that no one can give Eunco expect for hyung because he is willing to sacrifices everything for her. I can't even compare myself with him because I have hurt her and I don't deserve her.

“ Hyung, don't worry about me. I fully support you to propose to her.” I said.

“Jincha? Thank you. I was so afraid that this might hurt our friendship.” he confessed.

“Don't be paranoid. As long as I get to see JongIn, I am happy.” I told him

Everytime I speak of Jongin, Happiness just instantly come into my mind. I felt happy just thinking about him, he is my everything now.  

 Kyuhyun 's pov

I decided to bring Eunco out on a date after giving birth to Jongin, we left Jongin with Changmin, Eunco felt that he should have more time with his appa.

I planned to bring her shopping and bring her to her favourite restaurant then propose, hopefully this will end well. So I brought her to a shopping mall, we went into every store and she got quite a lot of things as she got rid of most of her baby fats and she got back her perfect figure but with more curves.

After shopping, we found a place rest our legs, it's aching from all the shopping. We continued to shop a bit more then we went to the restaurant to get our dinner, I hope the restaurant would follow act  according to the plan.

We walked into the restaurant and we were lead to our sit, we took our sit then the waiter came to take our orders. I ordered Eunco's favourite food and mine too, after the waiter left us. Eunco looked at me and smiled gently. I took hold of her hand and caressed it gently, I stared at the fourth empty finger, soon there will be something to take away the emptiness of the finger.

Then the food came, we started eating. We started chatting happily soon, it was time for dessert. As the dessert was served. I saw the manager of the restaurant pushing in a cart with a metal lid covering..
[4:15:18 PM] Swee Ying Xin : covering something underneath.

He opened the lid, it was a bouquet of rose and the ring I bought in New York. He smiled at me and left the two of us, took the bouquet and the ring and kneel in front of her and asked “ I want to give you and Jongin happiness and to protect you the both of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

Eunco's hand was covering her half of her face, she was so surprised that she could talk then she nodded her head. I slipped the ring into her ring finger, and hugged her tightly.

Changmin's pov

After Hyung and Eunco left Jongin with me, I played with jongin until he felt tired and fell asleep. Then he cried again, I made milk for him. I fed him and burped him, after he finished his milk, he fell sleepily again.

About 2 hours later, Jongin cried again and this time I smelled something from his bottom. It's the part that I'm the most afraid of, changing diaper. I quickly changed his diaper even though I may not be perfect but I still did it.

Half a year later

Eunco's pov

I am now better at being a mother, as Jongin is much older now. He is easier to handle, he is not as vulnerable as he is when he was a newborn. He is able to make little sound.

Every morning, I would be awaken by Jongin's cry or his laughter. Oppa would wake up and play with him while I go prepare his milk and oppa's breakfast, after making the milk, I would feed Jongin and oppa would go eat his breakfast. After breakfast, I would make sure that oppa takes his vitamins and I would also pick out his outfit of the day then he would go to work while I stay home and look after Jongin.

I would go out with Gina Onnie sometimes as staying at home all day could be pretty boring, Gina onnie would pamper Jongin with clothes and little toys. We would take lots of pictures and have lots of fun all day with her. We also enrolled Jongin into a baby spa, for him to learn to swim and also for him to relax.

On weekends, we will leave Jongin with his Changmin appa as Kyuhyun oppa and I didn't want Jongin to be awkward around his biological father when he grow up. He would always bring Jongin to the park to stroll and then bring Jongin to his omma's house, everytime when Changmin oppa bring Jongin back, Jongin seems a little more chubbier then before, he seems so happy after staying with his appa.

Other then taking care of Jongin, Kyuhyun oppa and I were also planning our wedding. That would taking placing in a few months, I told oppa that I want a garden theme for our wedding, oppa was fine with everything about the wedding except for the music as he wanted to have something to plan so that he doesn't feel that he was doing nothing.

I was at home with Jongin waiting for oppa to come home as I have something to tell him, it was about the wedding picture. I was in the bedroom with Jongin, he was laying on the bed with me, playing with his little fingers. Then I heard a sound, I quickly turn and looked at him then said “ Jongin-ah, say it one more time.”

“” He was mumbled.

I was so happy as Jongin's first word was ma, it means mama. I quickly dialed Changmin oppa's number, then he answered the phone.

Changmin: Yeobeosayo?

Me: Oppa guess what just happen.

Changmin: What happen?

Me: Jongin just say, it means mama.

Changmin: Jincha? I want to hear it too.

Me: Okay, you wait while I get him.

“Jongin-ah say” I told Jongin.

“” Jongin said clearly this time with Changmin oppa listening over the phone.

Me: Oppa did you hear it?

Changmin: Yes. I'm so happy.

Then I heard someone walking up the stairs, it's Kyuhyun oppa who juat came back home from work.

Me: Oppa, I got to go now, Kyuhyun oppa is back.

Changmin: Okay, I will text you later.

Me: Okay bye.

Then Kyuhyun oppa walked towards me and Jongin who was on the bed, I hugged him and pulled him down on the bed. I told him about Jongin's first word, oppa was thrill and Jongin was able to say it again for oppa to hear. Oppa was fast enough to record it in his phone, then I told him to go get a shower while I get Jongin to sleep.

Finally, Jongin fell asleep, he was so hyper today that he didn't want to close his eyes. But the tiredness still got him to close his eyes, I carried him and placed him gently in his crib. Oppa walked out of the bedroom and sat on the bed with him, I took hold of his hand and said “Oppa, let get our wedding picture done quickly.”

“Okay, I will get it booked next week.” he said.

“Gina Onnie will be the bridesmaid, then who will be your groomsmen?” I asked curiously.

“Hmm, maybe one of my friend, Donghae?” he suggested.

“Hmm, he seems nice and he is handsome too.” I said.

Oppa glared at him when I said Donghae was handsome, I giggled as i knew that he was jealous.

“But you're more handsome then him cause you're my prince charming.” I said it will a hint of ageyo in my voice.

He then smiled and said “I knew that I was better looking then him.”
I can't help but to laugh at his words.

A few days later,

Gina onnie and I went out to look for bridal boutique, we went into several but I didn't see the dress that I really want in it. We got a little tired from walking all day, we decide to sit down at the bench in the mall.

“What design of dress are you exactly looking for?” Onnie asked.

“Hmm.. I am not sure yet but I want a dress that is really special because this is my second marriage.” I answered.

“I know we are going to find it somehow.” Onnie assured me.

“Gomawo onnie.” I leaned toward onnie and gave her a side hug.

After 15 mins of sitting and chatting, we stood up and continued to search for the right dress. We went into several more boutiques but nothing caught my eye until we walked into a boutique that I instantly got attracted to, the boutique was really elegant and unique.

We walked into the boutique then I saw the dress that I was looking for the whole day, I turned and looked at Onnie and said “ This is the dress that I was looking for.”
“It's beautiful.” she commented.

“This gown had just arrived this morning, it's handmade by our master seamstress.  This gown will look really good on you because the gown will compliment your skin colour.” The sales assistant explained.

“Can I try it?” I asked.

“Yes of course, please wait while I get the dress ready for your fitting.” she said.

I looked at onnie nervously as I was afraid that the dress will look bad on me, she felt what I was feeling then she gave me a assuring look. Then the sales assistant lead me to the dressing room and she helped me to get into the dress, I looked into the mirror and the strapless ivory coloured gown with a heart neckline and it's puffiness made me feel like a princess.

I walked out of the dressing room and showed onnie the dress, she gave me a thumbs up. Then she took a picture of it and sent it to oppa.

Then I told onnie to choose her bridesmaid dress, while she was changing. Oppa called,

Me: Yeobeosayo Oppa.
Oppa: Eunco-ah, is that the dress you want?
Me:Hmm, I am still not sure. How about you come and see it in real life.
Oppa: since I am free now and Jongin is with Changmin, I think I will go and see it in real life.
Me: Jincha? I will send you the address of the place.
Oppa: See you later, Jagi.

It was the first time oppa called me Jagi, I felt so shy and happy at the same time. I sent oppa the address of the boutique.

Then onnie walked out wearing her one shouldered light pink chiffon long dress, she looked like a goddess as her slightly tanned skin and the dress compliment really well. I took a picture of her wearing the dress, I saw oppa wearing into the boutique.

He saw onnie wearing the dress and he gave her a thumbs up, he made me wear the dress again.
[4:16:24 PM] Swee Ying Xin : So I went into the dressing room with onnie and this time she helped me with the dress. When I walked out of the dressing room, oppa smiled happily and he said “This dress is really beautiful on you.”

“Oppa go get a tuxedo to suit this dress and let's take a picture together.” I said.

He went into the male section to look for the perfect tuxedo to match my ivory dress, he matched up a set and he changed into it. When he walked out of the dressing room, he looked like a prince. He was wearing a ivory vest underneath it was a white shirt and he matched it with matching tuxedo jacket and pants. We stood together and onnie took a picture of us. Then we all bought the clothes and bought it home, I hanged oppa and mine clothes on the outer part of our closet.

A week later,

We left Jongin with his appa for a few days while me and Kyuhyun oppa went to Jeju island, we went there to get our wedding shoot since the theme of our wedding is Garden.

On the first day, we went to the hotel spa to pamper ourselves the whole day with facial to body massage and for me a manicure. After the spa, we were so relax that just as we step into the hotel room, we fell asleep quickly.

On the second day, we had to get up early to prepare for the shoot. We both had to get our hair done and make up done, oppa only have some concealer and foundation on. I changed into a champagne coloured gown and oppa changed a black suit with a white shirt and a bow.

Then we head out to the shooting venue, it was a garden with many different types of flowers. The camera man was waiting for us to us ready for the shoot, we get to take some individual shots. After the invidual shots, oppa and I get get to take picture together.  

“Please look into each other's eye.” the photographer instructed.

Oppa placed his hand on my waist, he looked into my eyes and I can feel his love at that moment. I felt so blessed with him by my side.

The second photoshoot venue was at the beach, we went to changed into another set of clothes. I wore a yellow ombre maxi dress while oppa wore a low waisted slight tight fitting black pants with a long sleeved white shirt, to match the theme.

When the photoshoot was over, oppa treated photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist and staffs to dinner to thank them. After the dinner, oppa and I decided to talk a romantic walk at the beach again to enjoy the cooling sea breeze. I held onto oppa's hand as we stroll down the beach, I stopped and oppa turned to looked at me.

“Oppa I have something to say you.” I said

“ What is it?” He asked curiously

I took in a deep breathe and said “ Oppa, Thank you for accepting me even though I am a mother now and I was married once to your best friend. Also not giving up on me and standing by me when I need someone's attention. I felt really bless to have you in my life, if it wasn't for you I will not be as happy as I am now.” I felt my cheeks were wet as I was tearing up as I speak. Oppa took his thumb and wipe of those tears off my cheeks and he smile sweetly at me and said “ Eunco-ah, oppa have nothing to say because my love for you is unable to be describe in just a few sentences of words. As long as I am with you, I promise that I will not cheat on you or do anything to hurt you I wouldn't even let anyone to hurt a strand of hair t from your precious head.”

I smiled at his words and hugged him tightly, I pull away from the hugged then we walked back  to the hotel slowly.  

The next day, we flew back to Seoul, me and Oppa went back home first to unpack all the stuffs. We were planning to get Jongin and Changmin oppa to go dinner together but I fell alseep as we had to wake up early today to catch our flight.

When I woke up, the room was really quiet. It seems like no one is at home but I smelled food. So I went downstairs and saw Changmin oppa and Jongin sitting on the couch in the living room while Kyuhyun oppa was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I walked towards Kyuhyun oppa and back-hugged him.

“ Did you sleep well?” he asked.

“ Yes.” I answered as I freed him from the hug.
“Go out and wait to be served.” he said.

I walked out of the kitchen and joined Changmin oppa and Jongin, they seems like they had a great time together. Oppa let me carry Jongin and I played with him, he was seems like he missed me really much.

“Dinner's ready.” Kyuhyun oppa announced.

A few days before the wedding,
Gina's pov

Changmin and I have some plans for the couple before they have their wedding, I would be  plannig a bachelorette party for Eunco while Changmin would be planning a bachelor party for Kyuhyun.

Since Eunco is a mommy now, I can't give her any thing that is overly rated in the party so the theme would something elegant but a lil bit dirty.

I kidnapped Eunco for a day and took her to a hotel room that me and some of our friends booked. I made her changed into a night gown that look a bit like a wedding dress, we all sat down on the bed and started chatting happily. Then we took some pictures together to remember this night and for the highlight of the party, the cupcakes that we ordered. It was a cupcake with a some rated things as the decorations. We ended up not touching them because it looked so disguising, we ended the party with some alcohol and girl talk.

Changmin's pov

I decided that the bachelor party should be something really mature and not involving any female participants. So I booked the some hotel as Gina and the other girls but on different floors, I bought got some friends over and the groomsmen, Donghae, over to get the party going. So I took hyung to the hotel and made him stay with us, we popped open some of the wines. We started drinking and we also had some men to men talks.

Author's pov

On the day of the wedding, Eunco woke up really early to prepare for the wedding while Kyuhyun get a bit more sleep.

After preparing, they both headed towards the wedding venue, they did a rehearsal first. Kyuhyun standing in the front with Donghae while Eunco standing at the end of the carpet with Changmin. He is going to hand over Eunco to Kyuhyun.

Slowly, guests started to arrive and time is ticking quickly, Eunco was in the room with the bridesmaids. Then Changmin walked in and announced that the ceremony will start in about five minutes and Eunco's heart was beating really fast. She felt the some way when she first married  Changmin.

Then the bridesmaids started walking out of the room slowly, it going to be Eunco's turn to walk the aisle soon. Finally it's her turn to walk out the room, she held onto Changmin's hand tightly and slowly they walk toward the aisle. When she started walking down the aisle the guests started standing up and welcoming her. When she reaches the front, Changmin handed Eunco's hand to Kyuhyun.

“ Take good care of her.” Changmin said while holding back his tears.

“ I will.” Kyuhyun said.

Then the ceremony continued with the couple saying their vows, it's the moment that everyone has been waiting for. Kyuhyun slipped the wedding band onto Eunco's finger and vice-verse, then the priest announced “ you're now husband and wife, sir you may kiss the bride.”

Kyuhyun  looked deeply into Eunco's eyes and then planted a kiss on her lips. Everyone cheered as they kissed.

A few days after their wedding, Eunco and Kyuhyun went for their honeymoon in Paris. A year later, they had another baby girl named Cho Jong Hee.

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Chapter 11: Overall, I love it! :)
2030 streak #2
Chapter 11: I just finished reading this story. It was nice but I was a bit disappointed in the end. Well, don't get me wrong. It's just that if I have to choose between the two, it would be Changmin... I was hoping against hope that Changmin and Eunco would get together in the end. Nevertheless, it was good :)
oh happy new year...
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 11: Awww...hehe. I felt a bit sad on changmin hehe. Anyways. Its his fault though.hehe.done reading this one! :)
Chapter 6: do know that you made Kyuhyun call Changmin after they found out that Eunco is pregnant, right? I don't mean to be mean or anything but this story is too confusing and it looks like you don't really know where you want to go with the plot making it pretty messy...
changmin93 #5
Chapter 4: it's great story. fighting authornim~ ^^
Chapter 4: Kyu is so sweet so protective :' )

Poor Changmin... He must be feeling so guilty now...
Chapter 3: It has a great storyline to it... So far. Update soon :3

Min must be really shocked now... Wonder what happens next 0.0
Chapter 2: please update soon miss author .
Changmin is obviously trying to keep it a secret to Kyuhyun