
Who Am I? (Sequel to Who's EXO?)




My name is Kim Miyoung.

That’s what are they told me and I just acccept it. However, when I enter my old room, where L did mention that I had used it not long time ago, I found 'YUKI’ name was carved on the board. The board that had Polaroid photos with someone in her previous life stuck on it.

I silently examined all the photos and tried to remember everyone on them. But still I have no idea who they are.

“They are Block B. Your friends.”

I jumps in shocked and lifted my body to behind. Seeing L leaned on the wall while crossed his arm. Slowly, he walked and approached me. His eyes stare at the Polaroid photos then.

“And this guy...” he pointed his finger to a young guy who look like success in stole a kiss on my cheek. “That’s Jihoo hyung, your first lover.” Said L, his gaze changed to meback then.

“M-my.. first lover?” I frowned.

L smiled and nodded.

“This hyung really affect your life before. Even after your broke up, you never lost your admire towards him..”

“B-but..why are we broke up?” I asked, while I still on process to do brainstorming.

“Because of love.” He stated.

I blink in confused. *Why should I need to break up if I love him?*

“Noona, did you remember that night you told me.. you scared about long distant relationship, that’s why you broke up with him?” he asked me sound like I still remember ‘that night event’ that I really not sure about.

But, I still manage to hear him.

“I knew that’s only the excuse that you made it. You’re letting him go that time because you wants him achieve his dreams. Well, that’s too much things happened in our life, noona. Especially yours. There are too many people who waiting you to remember.  Don’t stresses up your life. We’re not rushing, right? I will help you, noona..”

I just nods, like fell under my brother’s spell.

“That’s name.. who’s Yuki?” finally, I voiced out the question about the name.

L stays silent for while he’s thinking about something before look back at you.

“Your name, noona..”


“That’s your birth name, Kim Yuki.”

“What? Are you kidding me? So, what’s about Kim Miyoung?”

“Dad decided to change it. You never response to us when we’re calling you by that name.  You look like dead body that waits your time to die. That’s time, your eyes showing nothing. You looked at us so blankly. You’re barely to try to talk. Even, you never try to move your body. We’re too sad and frustrated. But, we can’t blame on you. Since kid, you’re suffering more than people do. Until one day, a nurse calling a kid by her name, Miyoung, for first time you gave respond. It’s not your name but you response on it. When mum try to call you by Miyoung name, you smiled to her.”

I kept silent to hear his story. L never talks too much like this ever since he was taking care of me in Japan before. I knew he have many things to share with me but he always choose to keep by himself.

“That’s miracle, noona..” he continued again. “Because of that, dad decided to change your name. With the new name, you found new spirit and energy to survive the hard life. we expected, you make it with the new name.  It’s not because Kim Yuki is a bad name, it’s maybe you that time choose to decline the name.”

“Really? I don’t know about that..”

“Either Kim Yuki or Kim Miyoung.. for us, you always the same person. We love you whoever you’re, noona..” L whispered before hug me tightly. Long.

I’m responding on him and patted his back. Sighed in relief. “So... I will become Kim Miyoung to all of you... as my granted for all the hardworking that you all give to me. Thank you because never give up on me that time. I’m so glad to be part of this family. It’s so wonderful...”

“Thank you for survive, noona..”

I smiled.


“Park Chanyeol!!!”

The guy run towards Baekhyun, kneel down and raise his both hands up to the air.

The rest of EXO just giggled in their place while Kris only shot a glance to s. He can’t manage to sleep when he heard Baekhyun start to storm over the house when he’s knowing his cat..or your cat actually was missing.


“I-I just put him at outside for while.. I swear.. it’s just…”

“I don’t see him when I come in, Park Chanyeol!. No cat at outside!”

“I swear! He never moves around when I put him at outside before. Maybe he goes to take fresh air..”

“What? You did it same before?”

Chanyeol gulped in panic. * Did I just spell it out? I’m dead.. Oh my gosh..*

“How dare you?!” Baekhyun start to hit his head using a pillow that he grabs on the couch.

Omo..omo.. Baekhyun become too emotional if the cats matter raise up. Let’s Baby missing means you’re dead. He took care too much about the cats like his own kids.

Kai and Suho try to calm the angry Baekhyun from continue to hit Chanyeol. Chanyeol rolled on the floor and groaned in painful like he was hitting by baseball stick.  However, Baekhyun still manage to kick his using his leg before Kai and Suho dragged him far from his prey.

Chanyeol cried. Well, everyone knows that he just faking on it.

He wake and sat on the floor, fixed his messy hair. Pouted. “I would find him, okay!” he blew the raspberry.

“Yeah! You should!” Baekhyun shouted back.

“Aigoo..these kids..” Suho shook his head.

“Why don’t you ask our neighbor? Maybe they found Baby..” suddenly Kris speak.

All the eyes suddenly focus on him. He never cares about the cats even though the cats belong to his girlfriend. Well, he doesn’t like animal actually but it’s not means he hate them.

He’s never here for more than six months. When EXO-M needs to go back to China last time, Kris left everything behind. He never thought that I suddenly missing after he left me during at the airport. That’s the last time he saw me.

No news from me.

He tried to find me but no contact. My brother’s also missing. The only one hope that time is Jieun and President Lee So Man but more frustrating, they’re also having no ideas where am I. He not sure either they’re really not know or they’re just tried to keep a secret about me.

And…he’s regretting a lot because left me behind for alone, to face the difficulty time without him.

“Then..that’s a good idea. I’ll take a look.” said Chanyeol. He stands up and run to the door before stopped in place.

“But.. we have no neighbor beside Kim sibling. One of our neighbor just moved last month and another one is rarely return home..” suddenly Chanyeol stated.

“Since when you know about our neighbor’s activities?” asked Kai, wondering.

“Aishh..I’m a good neighbor, okay! Not like you!” he hissed.


“Try Kim Siblings...” said Suho, make EXO in shocked. Especially Kris and Baekhyun.

“We met her today... maybe..”

“It’s not her!” cut Kris. His voice sound different. He slammed the glass on the table and walked to his room.

Everyone looked at the leader. “What? I said something wrong?” he asked, innocently.

“You’re not sensitive, hyung..” Sehun who just watching all the dramas, and patted his shoulder. Acting as a mature maknae.

Kai shook his head, also patted his shoulder once.

Suho looks around need some explanation from others. One by one leave him, except Baekhyun and Chanyeol. For some reasons.

“Y.O.U! Go now!” Baekhyun ignore Suho by himself and pointed his finger towards Chanyeol, mouthed ‘OUT!’

Chanyeol make a face and lazily dragged his feet to outside. * He cares a lot about that stupid chubby cat more than his bestfriend, huh! It’s okay..Let’s see what happened later.. * He thought before randomly press the doorbell in front EXO’s.


Ding dong..

L and I at the same time look at the door.

I’m in time to tell L about what happened in the airport today. About a group of young men confidently called me as Kim Yuki. I want to know if he knew about them.

But the doorbell was disturbing us.


Chanyeol waits for moments before he realized after that, the doorbell that he press first is mine. Not other neighbor.

The door is open, and do not why.. his body’s shivering.

Try Kim Siblings..”

We met her today.. maybe..”


*Does really Yuki noona is back?* He gulped.


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jolly003 #1
Chapter 13: Im starting to love this story so much^^
Chapter 16: Wait i don't understand , well u added Win boys kyakyaaaaa^^
Chapter 15: WOOOW .......
Chapter 14: HAHAHA LOL
britt29able1 #5
Chapter 13: This is soo sad.):
Chapter 13: Omg ;-; wae kris, wae....
Chapter 11: Author-ssi u mean that Yuki' father already died??? And she doesnt know the truth??

Aahh its so confusing... But i hope u will finish this fic, but please... Make Yuki with Kris not Zico, eventho i like-love Zico._.



And yes is so sharp lols, poor exo's member, but the girl just got an accident who involved her brain right, exo shud understand that
Hyeorinna #9
Chapter 7: Heyy do update and complete it soon.. I will be waiting..;)