
Who Am I? (Sequel to Who's EXO?)




I think mocking EXO name was totally BIG mistake that I’ve been done since my bad accident. Please remind me to not mocking their band name again.

“Noona! Hurry up. Why you so slow like a snail?”

That’s Suho.

I rolled my eyes. That leader was really taken back with my words that day before. “I’m not a snail, stupid!” I cursed under my breath. I hope he not hear me.

I heard someone giggled behind my back. When I turn my head, Kai and Sehun tried to hold their laugh and look away. I hissed with annoying. Both maknaes really planned to take revenge on me with not mind to lend their hands to help me to carry all those heavy things. I kept glared on them when Suho’s voice echoed again.


“Go noona..Go! Kekeke…” Kai let out his laugh. He and Sehun run pass over me, high five between them and its make me really want to chase and hit them to the wall. Hard. Just wait for the right time.

Early this morning, Suho was coming to my apartment and dragged me away to do my first job called EXO’s personal assistant, which I’m sure if I can get paid for not-so-fun-job. I groaned in protest but the leader has his own power.


I dropped those heavy things that I carried from their apartment, alone and yet received a ‘very friendly’ greet from Suho only after I arrived at their practice studio.

*It’s so nice, Suho-ah…*

I clenched my fist. *You’re dead!*

Urgghh… remind me why I need to stuck with those people?

And where is the baboon Kris when I need him? I don’t care if people called him the dragon. What the hell with the name. Called himself as my boyfriend but since I stuck with his weird bandmates, I still not seeing him everywhere.

“Kris ge needs to go to SM” someone said from my back. I think those EXO guys really enjoy speaking and laughing from my behind so sudden. Well, at least don’t appear like a ghost. And thanks to me, if I’m not accidently kicking their lower part because of too shocked.

Tao grinned playfully even I shot a death glare.

“Thank you Tao-sshi for your info.” I fake a smile and bow. Another kid to easy to be fool. I smirked.


Beside Kris, Bakhyun and Chanyeol are also not in this studio. Oh my luck! My bad luck! Like I was locked in a small room with group wild animals that wait a right time to tore my body soon. Even I hear growl everywhere. Thank you for my over fantasy.

“Okay, guys… get ready!” Suho clapped his hand and calling his bandmates, make my thought snapped away. I sighed.

I don’t know what to do and just sat alone on the corner, checked on my cellphone.

At the middle of floor, EXO was ready in group to practice their choreography.  The music turns on and makes me pull up my face. They start to dance.

It’s a unique dance. But it’s too complicated too. I don’t know what the song name is but its pretty sure going to be nice song. I’ve heard that they’re ready for new comeback soon. Well, that Chanyeol told me already.  Just like I care.

Suddenly, the studio door open from outside and Kris turn up slowly to not disturb s. While his eyes still looking at to practice their choreography, he walks to me and shameless sat beside me.

“Good morning, baby…” Kris smiles and kisses me on lips without my permission.

 I stared at him.

“What?” he asked without any guilty at all. I smacked his head. “Don’t kiss me like I’m your own.” I stated.

“But you’re my girl!” he groaned painful.

“Not until I get confirmation your status in my life.” I said. I’m not sure what the confirmation that I really need anymore. Zico himself told me that this guy is my latest boyfriend. The boyfriend that I was loved before I lost my memories.

“Okay… okay. Take your time, baby. But don’t take so much times because I’m craving because missing you too much!” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes.  But only gain a hug from Kris. This guy was really confident with himself.  I can’t help but chuckled too. Seeing me like this, make his smile wide than before.

“I love you.” He whispered those three words again. But this time, I’m not found it cheesy but make me feel the love.


“Yah! No lovey dovey here!”

Such a er.  Kris stand up and hissed at Suho. The both leader have glaring war for second before get interrupt by Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“Sorry guys, we’re late!” Baekhyun smiles apologetic.

His smiles so sweet, I admit that. Why I never notice that earlier? But when he meets eyes with me, his sweet smiles vanished in once.  I frowned to add my confusion as if he hates me in first place. We never talk to each other.

I blew raspberry.

 Then, I elbowed Luhan who sat near me, make the older face me. “What?”

“Why your friend called Baekhyun hate me?” I asked.

Luhan not answer but look at me with puzzled.

“Are you kidding me?”

“What?” I asked again with more confused. Did I look like making a joke here?

Luhan laugh.

Aish… can I slap this guy now? He’s insane! I don’t care if he’s cute or not but I hate when he laugh like that. Its make me feel humiliated for the reason that I do not know.

“Stop laughing and tell me!” I pinched his arm hard. Get you now!

“Aww… it’s hurt okay!” his face turn to red because of my poison pinch. He pouts. Okay, that’s a crime because make him more cute than ever.

But I will not fall into his cuteness. Nonono...

Luhan cleared his throat while his eyes glanced over Kris and Baekhyun to check them before whispered to me.

“ Baekhyun is Kris ‘s love rival.”

Huh? I blinked unbelief. Nah… it’s must a joke right?

“I’m not joking!” Luhan’s voice turns serious, as like he can read my mind. Well, sound he’s scary too. Take note to stay away from him. Sighed.


After taking a break, again EXO practice their choreography with twelve members. This time look more perfect than the first one.  Luhan was so nice to tell me that the choreography for song called ‘WOLF’, new song for their comeback. They put full effort for this comeback and they hope this song and their new album will gain more attention from their fans. I can see their excitement on that. I also admire their hardworking.

And my eyes never stop looking at Baekhyun for whole the dance. Called me ert but I can’t stop myself. Part of my body was badly wanted to know about him. As if we had sharing something in my past.

Secretly, Kris caught me staring at Baekhyun without my knowing. He looks at me but obviously I look at other guy beside him. And the guy is Baekhyun. The same guy who was confessed to me a year ago. He feel worried if my feeling would be changed and if I fallen to Baekhyun back.

He panicked when I suddenly turn my eyes on him. He got caught. He awkwardly replied back my smiles.

“What’s wrong with him?” I raised my eyebrow when Kris looks away from me.

I shrugged and stand up to prepare drink to EXO. Well, if not Suho will curse me because not doing my job as ‘personal assistant’ so well. Then, I ready to go out to buy lunch for them as listed in my paper list. I was tsk-ed when seeing the long listing.

Are they monster or what?

I groaned. Urgghhh....

I hate this job!






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jolly003 #1
Chapter 13: Im starting to love this story so much^^
Chapter 16: Wait i don't understand , well u added Win boys kyakyaaaaa^^
Chapter 15: WOOOW .......
Chapter 14: HAHAHA LOL
britt29able1 #5
Chapter 13: This is soo sad.):
Chapter 13: Omg ;-; wae kris, wae....
Chapter 11: Author-ssi u mean that Yuki' father already died??? And she doesnt know the truth??

Aahh its so confusing... But i hope u will finish this fic, but please... Make Yuki with Kris not Zico, eventho i like-love Zico._.



And yes is so sharp lols, poor exo's member, but the girl just got an accident who involved her brain right, exo shud understand that
Hyeorinna #9
Chapter 7: Heyy do update and complete it soon.. I will be waiting..;)