
Who Am I? (Sequel to Who's EXO?)





My name is Kim Miyoung. But people said I was used to be Kim Yuki before. Well, I don’t know. My stepmom and dad gave fully support to help me find my past memory. The forgotten one. But the one thing is I never told them about my weird dream.

Since a child, from what I remember, my grandpa was raised me up. After my parents divorced, I rarely met my dad; just L always came to visit me in Japan.

These broken memories were little by little refreshed back in my mind. Because of time maybe. 

Woo Jiho.

Another man in my life.  Not just another man, but I believe he kept something from me.

“You’re here.”’

Zico grinned while seeing me in shocked. I pout.” You scared me…”

He chuckled and gives me a cup of coffee. As he knows, that’s my favorite drink.

“You… look dazing off. Something happened between you and Kris?”

 “We’re okay. I mean… just okay.” I sighed and sat on the chair in front him, while he leaned over the table.  I drink my coffee and checking around. “Nice workplace. It’s suit for you.” I smiled.

“But still can’t compare with yours.  My equipment is not so fantastic like yours. “

“Good equipment can be bought but not the talents. You’re the most talented person that I’d been met.”

Zico chuckled again. Seeing his smiles sometimes make me so relax.

“Talk about talent.  See like you more talented than me. I learnt music since child before I can be who I am today but you just learnt for two years to catch up same level as me. That’s so awesome honey. “

“Did you feel bad?”

“Nope. I feel grateful. Meeting someone like you was like once in the blue moon. Too precious. Too beautiful.  I missed your finger skill to play the piano. Can you play for me again?”

I sighed before put the coffee cup on the table and stand up. Fully ignored his request. My back was facing him while I’m thinking something.

“I had that dream again.” Then, I said something that obviously make him shocked and silent. That’s my reason why I met him in his studio. I run from my job as EXO’s personal assistant just to meet with him. Earlier, I asked Myungsoo about Zico’s place and with no doubt, he’s giving me all the detail.

“It’s just a dream, honey…”

I looked at him. Searching something from his eyes. The truth.

“Both of us it’s not just a dream, oppa. I’m not stupid. Remember, you told me it was my second times. I wonder how you know it. So… it’s must be something from my past life. I try to bear with it but my feeling make me insane. I want to know.”

“Not now… it will change many things.”

“Like what?”

Zico silent again and ducked his head down. As if I was pressured him a lot.

“You already had great life and future, so better you let the past goes on. Don’t turning back again. I don’t want to see you in hurt because it will make me broken too. “You… still stubborn, don’t you?” I feel kind of disappointed but look like Zico never open his mouth to tell the truth.

“I’m not sorry…” he whispered.



I left Zico’s studio and return back to EXO’s place just to get scold from Suho because being late again.. But I have no intention to shoot him back, so just let him be whatever he wants. Kris comes to approach me and comfort me but I just feel nothing. Again, this guy failed to make me feel something missing between us.

Everyone agree that’s he was boyfriend before I lost my memory but somehow I can’t feel the feeling. It’s just empty inside my heart.

Maybe I confused but I really don’t know.

“I think we should stop with this.” I stand up and make the rest of EXO eyeing me.  Kris looks at me with puzzled face and frowned. “Anything wrong, Baby?”

“Stop called me baby. Stop act like my boyfriend. And I want to stop from this stupid job too. Mostly… we should stop to meet each other again. All of us. I’m sorry. “I bowed and run to the door after grabbed my sling bag. I left Kris. I left EXO. Without looking back again.

Kris stunned.

EXO dumbfounded.

Everthing happened too fast. They can't learn what was going on. It's too sudden. But among them, the most effected was Kris. I didn't mean to hurt him that much. But I think I shouldn't give him wrong lead if I can't feel same thing as him.  I can't be loved him just because he was my boyfriend before. I can't be EXO's personal assistant just because I was used to be before. I don't know what to do. 

It's hurt my head the most.

I feel so confused.

The weird dream run to me. Everyday. It's make me so insane, plus with Zico's puzzles never help me at all. I know it was something but I don't what's the thing. I hope L would help me but seem like he's in same boat with Zico. He tried to hold something from me.


"Why dad never visit me when I was a child?" I asked L when he pack his things.

Tomorrow he will return back to Korea after a year left his study to company me in Japan. Our parents already left last week to do some preparation before my come back. Supposedly, I need to follow him together but I need to settle down some matters with the company first. After all, I was named as the heiress for my late grandpa's legacy.

L stops doing his things but never look at me.  It was take a while before he smiled and said as usual, " Dad was busy... you know. Business matters."

"But, I'm still his daughter." I pouts.




Zico stayed alone in his studio after I left. He goes to his piano and press one key randomly.


" Do you loved that piano?" she asked.

Little Jiho blinked in confused when a stranger suddenly talk to him. When he look at his side, it was a beautiful girl standing near him with a smile. That girl quite taller than him, somehow it's make him feel humiliated too. He hate taller girl.

"I like that piano. I hope one day I can learn how to play with it." she said again.

"Then, just learn it." Little Jiho replied not interested with her conversation. He just like to see the display piano at the music instrument shop. He don't know how to play it after all. Well, kid like him must be funny when said want to learn playing piano when people called him as troublesome kid.

"But no one want to teach me." she sighed. "And my dad... hate about music."

He blinked look at her. He can see the sad feeling of her. He wants to say something to comfort her but someone was calling her.


Without saying goodbye, she run to someone. "I'm coming, ahjusshi."

"Your friend?" That old man asked her.

Little Jiho just looking from afar. But still he manage to hear she said something, "My friend. New friend." She look at him and send her beautiful smiles. The ahjusshi also look at him. Raised his hand  to the air as friendly greeting. After that, both of them walk away. They look like a happy family.





Zico stop playing the song with breaking heart. That's my favourite song.- Luv Letter

"I'm sorry..." he cried.

That ahjusshi's face never once erased from his mind. After that accident, he promised by himself, he would protect her. Even she not remember him again. Even that ahjusshi also not remember him too. But until now, he still remember about him and the painful secrets. He has no right to hate him when she become innocently believe in him.

Lee Soo Man. That man.


I throw my sight over the river. Looking at the deep river with the empty feeling. 

"Hi, ahjusshi.."

I remember the weird dream again.

Is it my hidden past?

My head so hurt.


"Why are you stayed alone here?"

Huh? I pulls my head only seeing a guy standing not far from me. My eyes widened in shocked because I never expect that he can find me here... or successful trace my hiding place. Or actually, when he's the one that take initiative to talk to me first when most the time, he tried to avoid from talking to me.


He smiled.

I dumbfounded.




 “Thank you.” I smiled.

"I’m doing nothing. “said Baekhyun, he smiled back to me.

It’s going late. After the day shocking event, I spent the rest of my times with Baekhyun. Near the Han River. Well, I couldn’t run far away from that place. Like he said, he didn’t doing something to comfort me. He just stayed silent beside me, it helped me the most. For people, three hours together without saying any words maybe sound crazy but Baekhyun really understand me, he accompany me without any reluctant. He never asking me again, why I was acting like that during at the studio because I refused to answer him.

“Kris hyung really upset.” Said Baekhyun again when we ride the elevator together to go home. I know what’s he talking about but I’m just like before. Silent. Not answering him maybe the good decision.

Stopped in front our own door, I turn my body and faced him. Baekhyun just smiles and look at me.      

“Baekhyun…” I call his name. I know it must be wrong. Somehow, I feel curious too. The guy in front of me right now sometimes, makes me more confused.

“Do you love me?”

“What?” The guy stunned.

Both of us stared at each other eyes.

" They said you loved me too."

But he did not take long times to answer me, " Yes, I do".

My heartbeat skip hard.



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jolly003 #1
Chapter 13: Im starting to love this story so much^^
Chapter 16: Wait i don't understand , well u added Win boys kyakyaaaaa^^
Chapter 15: WOOOW .......
Chapter 14: HAHAHA LOL
britt29able1 #5
Chapter 13: This is soo sad.):
Chapter 13: Omg ;-; wae kris, wae....
Chapter 11: Author-ssi u mean that Yuki' father already died??? And she doesnt know the truth??

Aahh its so confusing... But i hope u will finish this fic, but please... Make Yuki with Kris not Zico, eventho i like-love Zico._.



And yes is so sharp lols, poor exo's member, but the girl just got an accident who involved her brain right, exo shud understand that
Hyeorinna #9
Chapter 7: Heyy do update and complete it soon.. I will be waiting..;)