Kyuhyun Special pt 2!

Making Up For Lost Memories..

If it's not one thing? It is another. LOL! ♥ I think i want to update again later. There's only one more part anyways.


Eli Gently patted her cheek continuously, “S-Sohee! What the hell were you thinking? SoSo, wake up now!” He then turned to me and glared, “What did you do?”

He cared for her. I can plainly see that. His eyes were watery, the tears almost b over. Was... Was she taken?

I flinched a little, “I saved her. Isn’t that what a man’s supposed to do?”

Eli was shaking with fear, and he turned his gaze back to her. I heard footsteps coming fast and turned my head to see the rest of U-KISS making their way over. I felt guilty. Was it my fault? I got onto my feet and carefully scooped her up into my arms like a princess.

“Eli-shii, where’s your apartment?” I asked. I looked down at my princess. A bruise was starting to form above her left eyebrow.

… She looks like an angel. I laughed at how I could think like this when she might be in danger. Eli started off in a direction and motioned at me to follow him.




Turns out, the doctor said she was alright and will wake up soon. She was laying on a futon; I sat on the floor next to her and took her hand. It was so warm and soft.

_Zelda Theme Song_

That was the ringtone for whenever I received a text. I grabbed my phone with my free hand and touched the screen.

Leeteuk: Where r u? It’s been over a half hour!

I sighed and took a picture of her with my phone, attaching it to my response.

I just saved a princess.

Not even three minutes later, eight texts came up.

EH: WHOA! Does she have a BF?

YS: Kyu, I think you’re getting reality mixed up with your games. ^^;

DH: No way! You didn’t save her? Are yuu getting sick again?

SGM: Wah! She’s really pretty O.O

SW: Good for you =3

SD: GAME KYU! Who knew all that gaming would pay off! XD

RW: …Is this a joke?=/

HC: NO flipping way! DON’T LIE TO YOUR HYUNGS!>=(

I quietly laughed to myself and put away my phone.

The one named Kiseop looked at me with eyes set to kill, “What’s so funny, Suju-Hyung?”

I pulled back a little, “Well, my hyungs are teasing me. That’s all.” The silence was starting to get awkward, so I pulled out my PSP and started playing God of War.

Alexander leaned forward, “What are you playing?”

I looked up at him sheepishly - wrong time to play?

“God of War.”

“So it IS true! You really are a gamer!” Soohyun started laughing.

I nodded, a little embarrassed, “Yeah…”

I put it away and grabbed her hand, it with my thumb. Eli was on the other end of the futon, and our gazes crossed. He frowned, sighed and went to sit by Alexander.

“Would you like something to drink, Kyuhyun?” Kevin asked; he was really nice and goofy at the same time.

“Yes, thank you. That would be nice,” I stood up and followed him to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and gave me a bottle of water, also taking one for himself.

“I appreciate what you did for Sohee - I’m very thankful. What you did was really heroic." He bowed, “Thank you for saving our sister.”

I returned the bow, “No problem. But," I straightened up, “Is… Eli-shii angry with me?”

Kevin laughed, “Oh no! Eli gets like that from time to time! Please excuse him!”

I bit my lip and the corners of my mouth went south a little, “Are they... you know...?” I could feel my face turning red.

He gasped, ”Oh gosh, no! They’ve been best friends for, like... ever!”

I took a swig of my water, grateful for something to soothe my dry throat, “Thank you, Kevin.”

He warmly smiled, “Anytime. Please take care of our-“

Alexander opened up the fridge behind Kevin, ”-Of our princess.”

He was smiling like a nut - they both were.

... They knew.

My heart started pounding, “It’s not like that, really. Excuse me.” I went back and took my place by her side again. I then occurred to me - I got permission from her brothers. I laughed a little then remembered when people are like this on TV, they try calling their names. I decided to give it a try.


Isn’t that her name?

Eli turned off his IPod, “Tch. It’s Sohee Jin Young.” He put his ear buds back in and continued ignoring me. I put my attention back on her.

“Sohee. Yeobo...” I said quietly in her ear. My stomach did little flips as  I said this. Am I crazy to have feeling this strong so fast?

Eli went back to the opposite side of her, “Sohee.” Nothing. He tried again, “SoSo... C’mon girl.”

Did he hear me? I really hope not. All of her brothers came and surrounded the bed.

Alexander touched her arm, “Sohee, honey. C’mon.”

Dongho looked at her with worried eyes, ”Noona?”

Soohyun slightly shook her leg,” Sohee, lets go!♥”

“Bali Sohee..” Kiseop quietly said.

Kibum clapped his hands, smiling, “Sohee! You can do it!”

Dongho pouted his lip and looked at his hyungs, “You think she hears us?”

Alexander scratched behind his ear, “I hope so, it’s been like twenty minutes. Lets not tell her how long she was out. She’s going to be so embarrassed.“ He started chuckling and they all joined in.

Eli softly her face, “Sohee...”

She started moving a little. Then..

She shot straight up and screamed.

I panicked. What’s wrong with her?! The U-kiss guys jumped back at the sound. I grabbed her arms, “Sohee! Please! Calm down!”

She pulled away and held her sides as if she was about to break at any moment. Her breathing started to speed up and she said something like, “Can’t breathe…”

Panic attack. Alexander was on it, quickly handing me a paper bag. I smiled at him, grateful he didn’t run under pressure. She was a very lucky lady. I hastily opened it up and placed it in her hands, “It's going to be okay. Breathe into this.”

She desperately grabbed it and did as she was told. Her body looked rigid. I got up off the floor and gently pushed her back down on the bed.

Eli looked at me, “What’s wrong with her?”

“Panic attack. I've seen one of our guys do it once.”

Me. Becoming the last member of Super Junior was hard. My first performance overwhelmed me.

Is it Sohee Jin? Or just plain Sohee? What did she prefer?

I asked, “What’s her name again?”

Alexander pointed at her, "Sohee."

Her eyes were still closed. I want her to look at me again... I took a deep breath and cooed, “Shh, Sohee. It’s going to be fine. Open your pretty eyes. C’mon, Sohee.”

Her breathing became normal and she put the bag down by her side. I snatched it just in case it would happen again. She slowly tried opening her eyes. She was squinting, blinking to help her eyes adjust.  She looked right at me. The blood in my veins was boiling, electricity struck every nerve I had, and butterflies went insane in my stomach. I couldn’t help but smile brightly at her as her whole face turned red and her eyes widened.

Then I noticed exactly how close our faces were. Inches apart.

… Why do I keep embarrassing myself?

She finally spoke, ”H-How long was I out?”

Soohyun happily skipped over and leaned on my shoulder with a big grin, “'Bout fifteen minutes! The doc said your fine! That was some tumble there, Sohee. Kekeke...” Kibum appeared beside him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Yah! What'd I do?"

Kevin stood up and pointed at me. “It was a good thing Kyuhyun caught you just in time or else you would have been… ohm,” Kevin struggled with the last few words.

So, Kevin-shii was the mom of Ukiss.

Kibum cut in, ”Either dead or seriously hurt!”

Sohee looked at her hands, clearly disgusted, ”So, I was just... Knocked out?” Has she been through worse? She continued, “That’s really LAME.”

The boys laughed at her comment, and I could hear the relief in their voices. 

Sohee, you really are different aren’t you? Mii nah. She shyly looked up at me through her hair. I couldn’t stop smiling. She’s too cute.

“I’m glad you’re safe, though.”

Sohee’s eyes looked a tab bit surprised, but she recovered.

“I’m Kyuhyun Cho.“ Does she know that already?

She confidently smiled, “I’m Sohee Jin Young. You can call me Sohee or SoSo if you like.”

“Well, since the majority of your oppas call you Sohee, I will also.” I grinned. Polite much?

“I’m really sorry we had to meet this way...” Her face fell.

I tilted my head, a little confused, “What do you mean? I know we exactly haven’t met before, but we did see each other at the airport. You didn’t return my smile. Kind of hard to forget that kind of thing.”

Well, for her. If she had smiled back and dazzled me? I would have found her sooner.

She pursed her lips, turning all kinds of shades of red, “Ohm…”

Behind us, I heard Eli-shii breathe an annoyed sigh, followed by footsteps literally stomping out the front door and the sound of the door slamming, causing Sohee to jump a little. Am I really bothering him or not?

I looked down at her hands; they were trembling. Oh no, is she going back into shock?! I reached for the bag again under the futon and set it on my lap just in case. She was hiding behind her hair again. She tilted her head my way.

I smiled the warmest smile I could. “It's understandable. I’m a complete stranger to you, yet here I am worrying,“ I chuckled. “We've never met before, so you can be uncomfortable. It’s alright.”

Her lips twitched at the corners, but her hand clutched her chest.

My grip tightened on the bag, “Do you need the bag again?!”


Uh...ill come back and do more corrections. yeahhh.♥♥

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Chapter 29: Love this story! Never heard of a bedtime story like that before! LOL Can't wait for next chapter!
Love the story so far~
Please update soon! ^________^
New reader here~
awww poor sohee lmao nice bedtime story
wow. that was some awesome bedtime story xD <br />
update soon!! =D
pinkypn #6
that was my first time hearing this type of bedtime story. poor sohee. eli dont mess up this time
new reader here~ =]<br />
so....who was the girl who was with Kyu? doesn't matter =P <br />
im just happy because now Eli has a chance~~~ x] <br />
hahaha I love Soohyun's spazzing in the other chapters~ if only this story was about him x] -is totally biased-<br />
update soon~!! =D
Kaiko , is so effin` AWESOME . :)<br />
LOL , Kyu . >_> <br />
<br />
omg i love this chapter sohee and Eli need to get together<br />
and Kaiko is now my favourite character she is so badass