Kyuhyun Special Pt. 1♥

Making Up For Lost Memories..

Kyuhyun Special! Sorry it took me so damn long! I finally got a job! Go me! Haha. Weird thing is. Its like. 6PM to 6AM. Kinda crappy. Somedays its the other way around! Okay. I was drawing. Then BAM! I wanted to do this! Here you go. Im very tired right now. So. enjoy?


“Where are you, magnae?” Leeteuk asked in a slightly annoyed voice over the phone.

I sighed, he's so over-protective. I mean, yes, I did get into accidents; I also get sick often, but….

I stopped myself and shuddered as I almost went past the barrier.

I frowned to myself and looked at the cement, “I’m… lost?”

Yesung Hyung was on the phone next, “Were on in, like, two hours Kyu. You need to hurry it up a little. Take it easy though! Take your time♥!”

I grinned and answered, “I’ll be there in ten minutes. I’ll find a cab.”  Somewhere.

I could hear Eunhyuk Hyung’s voice in the back ground, "Come back to me, Game Kyu!”

Then I heard the laughter of my hyungs. I nodded.”I’ll see you all in a bit.”

I pushed the end button and then looked at my surroundings.

I really don’t know how I got lost. I just, kind of wanted time alone... and I ended up over here. I thought I knew where I was going… Guess not, huh?

I wandered around, constantly looking for a cab. It was a nice day, not too hot or cold, with a nice breeze and the sun was shining. I decided to stop in a convenience store to get something to drink. I peeked in through the window and there were high school girls checking out. I quickly put on my sunglasses and my hood. I got my water, paid for it hastily since the lady behind the counter gave me the ‘do I know you?’ look. I paced myself 'til I got around the corner.

…I’ve been walking on this long, horrendous journey for about an hour now, awaiting a taxi cab to pick me up. My ‘adventure’ was becoming very tiring-

Oh, hey! It's that girl!

I leaned against the wall behind me, watching her. Should I try to talk to her?

She was slightly running from…wait, is that? I pulled off my shades.

Eli from U-Kiss? He then, at that very second, had a frightened look on his face.


I turned my head and seen a car going very fast - and she stopped right in the middle of the road. My body moved fast on its' own. I ran as quickly s I could to her side…




“Marry me!”

We just got back from Japan and the lovely ELF fans were here to welcome us home.

How sweet.

“Ahh! Nice to be home!” Donghae hyung stated as we walked by them. Smiling, waving - the works.

“It is,” Ryeowook hyung agreed.

“Aish! I need to go home and get some beauty sleep!” Heechul hyung groaned.

Siwon stretched, ”I want to relax personally."

Leeteuk poked Siwon playfully in the side,”Ya, haven’t you heard? There is no rest for the wicked!”

They all burst in laughter, and went into individual convos within themselves. I was feeling a tad weak. Being sick all the time doesn’t help out at all.

I looked around the airport, and my eyes stopped on one girl.

Now, I’ve seen a lot of women. A lot. She was so beautiful, walking with four people. Our eyes then met, and time started to slow down.

Her long, raven black hair looked like silk, her eyes were like the night sky. Luscious rosy lips...

I started to cheese out and smiled at her. She looked away, reaching for something in her bag…

“Kyu! Watch out!”


I walked right into the door. I looked at her again, hoping she didn’t see me make a fool out of myself. She was gone…

We all got into the van safely, as I was buckling myself in, I asked my hyungs “Did you see that girl walking with a group?”

Hyungs all looked at one another, shook their heads, “No.”

“Too bad...”

__________________________________End Flashback_______________________

I came at her faster than I expected, and the car started honking as I ran into her. We flew through the air; I maneuvered my body so she wouldn’t be squished by me, and I landed on the pavement on my back still holding her tightly. She laid on top of me and she looked so scared.

Is it so bad I really think she’s more beautiful right now? Up close? I gently put her down on the pavement. I leaned over her, afraid I might have hurt her.

I cleared my throat and asked in a shaky voice, ”Are you alright?! Yah!”

That came out…desperate. Her eyes then shut and her body went limp. SHE…

Was knocked out… So I’m not a hero?


Sorry it's short but I came home, and typed it out. I wrote it all in a note book. lol Comment! please pretty please! ♥ be appriciated!

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Chapter 29: Love this story! Never heard of a bedtime story like that before! LOL Can't wait for next chapter!
Love the story so far~
Please update soon! ^________^
New reader here~
awww poor sohee lmao nice bedtime story
wow. that was some awesome bedtime story xD <br />
update soon!! =D
pinkypn #6
that was my first time hearing this type of bedtime story. poor sohee. eli dont mess up this time
new reader here~ =]<br />
so....who was the girl who was with Kyu? doesn't matter =P <br />
im just happy because now Eli has a chance~~~ x] <br />
hahaha I love Soohyun's spazzing in the other chapters~ if only this story was about him x] -is totally biased-<br />
update soon~!! =D
Kaiko , is so effin` AWESOME . :)<br />
LOL , Kyu . >_> <br />
<br />
omg i love this chapter sohee and Eli need to get together<br />
and Kaiko is now my favourite character she is so badass