Case 1: An Apprehensive Picture Show

Unknown Subject


“See, now what about the room 116, what significance could that have? After all, if the unsub works with finances, he must know the importance of numbers.” Jonghyun says as they leave the house of the family.

The family didn’t really know what happened, all they knew was a well-groomed man entered the room of Kim Taeyeon and it was silent for about 30 minutes before the screaming started. They’d hidden back in their room and prayed that the man wouldn’t enter their room as well. They had heard something about real estate and a horror film though.

“Again, with this horror film, the man mentioned it before.” Onew says.

“Let’s head back to base and regroup to see what else we can find on this.” Jonghyun says and Onew agrees. When they arrive, they find Taemin, Key and Minho discussing something in the conference room.

“What perfect timing.” Key remarks as they sit down.

“Taemin, what have you found on the three girls?” Onew asks.

“Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Mi Young attended the same high school, they never were really close other than the fact they both participated in the drama club.” Taemin reports and Onew nods.

“It turns out Taeyeon was making a lot of phone calls within the week leading up to her death to a prepaid cellphone. I tracked that cellphone and it turns out it was the same one that Hwang Mi Young had been calling.” Taemin continues.

“They were both experiencing some kind of financial strain on their lives, the unsub must have known that somehow.” Jonghyun says, immersing himself into the reading Taemin had provided.

“Kwon Yuri, the third victim was also a member of this drama club; actually, she was head of the drama club.” Taemin says.

“So what, our unsub has a vendetta against the drama club? Did you come up with a list of all the people involved in this club who have gone into work in insurance or finance?” Onew asks.

“I did and came up with zero hits. Zip, zilch, nada.” Taemin says. “After the girls graduated, they didn’t even come within 100 kilometers of each other, much less see or know what the other was doing.”

“What did you and Key learn from Hwang Mi Young?” Onew asks.

“Well, I had a hunch that the park wasn’t the only place Tiffany visited that night. The owner of the Italian restaurant directly facing the parking lot where the unsub’s abandoned car was found said that he saw Tiffany with a man that night. They were talking about seeing a movie together, but the nearest theatre had been shut down for five years.” Key says.

“The movie we think they played was Scream as it was the last movie the theatre had open. Not only that but we found a post-it note with the date December 20, 1996 written on it. That’s the same date of the premiere of the movie Scream.” Minho says.

“I wonder if the number 116 ties that same reference.” Jonghyun muses.

“Well, that would be a strange number for a date… if you were to follow the same pattern, that being day month year, the number 116 would be…” Minho says.

“June 1, and the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho came out on that date in the 1960s.” Taemin says and gasps.

“But, what do these movies have to do with our unsub? What sort of relevance do they hold to him?” Jonghyun asks.

“I think the best way to find out is to watch the movies.” Onew says and he calls the secretary to obtain them a copy of the movies.

“I have a profile in mind, but I’d like to visit the last victim first.” Jonghyun says.

“I think we should all come along and see for ourselves. Taemin, can you stay and finish processing that information for us on any potential contacts or people in common between them?” Minho asks and Taemin nods.

“Alright, wheels up in 30 minutes.” Onew declares. Key’s phone rings and he picks it up.

“Yoboseyo?” Key says into his phone.

“Officer?” A soft female voice comes from the other end of the line.

“Speaking, who is this?” Key asks.

“This is Seohyun-sshi, Sooyoung unni told me you came by to reopen the case?” The girl asks.

“Yes, we’re looking into the case again for any possible leads.” Key says, clicking a button to put Seohyun on speaker.

“Well, I think I know something about Tiffany’s boyfriend. She often came home with oil grease on her hands and when we asked, she said she was out fixing cars. It apparently was her boyfriend’s favourite hobby.” Seohyun says and Jonghyun nods, having already have thought of the possibility.

“Thank you that can be very useful in assisting us on our case.” Key says politely.

“One more thing, I noticed that Tiffany would also come home with a smell of cologne on her. I didn’t know what cologne it was until I came across it handling it in the office.” Seohyun says, “It was Clive Christian No 1 for men.”

Key gasps, their unsub had the ability to buy cologne worth thousands, he must have a lot of money on his hands. “Thank you very much Seohyun-sshi, if you’re able to think of anything else, please let us know!” Key says hanging up the phone.

“So, there is no way the unsub comes from money, he must have made money in his lifetime.” Jonghyun remarks.

“Why do you say that?” Key asks, eyebrows knit together in confusion.

“If he were born into money, he wouldn’t have spent thousands of dollars buying perfume; he would’ve been smarter with his money. Instead, he’s relishing his control and new found power and lifestyle. It’s not enough for him though, there’s something that has been bothering him and he just can’t shake the feeling no matter how much money he makes.” Jonghyun says.

“Either way, we’ve just narrowed down our net very much so. There are not many customers that shop from such an expensive brand, even less that would uselessly wear so much of it. The fact that the scent was able to stick to Tiffany’s clothes meant that he must have been wearing quite a lot of it.” Key says.

“I’d guess annual income of at least $500 000.” Jonghyun says and Key nods.

“Taemin, did you catch all of that?” Onew asks having dialed Taemin’s number the moment he hear Seohyun’s voice.

“Yes, and I will narrow my search down even farther.” Taemin says.

“As for the members of the drama club, check for those with close family members, relatives and or spouses that work in the financial sector. The unsub must have access to it somehow.” Jonghyun says.

“Right, and the unsub himself should have an income of over $500 000. Try looking for those with higher level jobs, they generally have more freedom to travel around the country.” Key adds.

“Yes sir, on it.” Taemin says hanging up. Not two minutes later, the information popped up onto their tablets.

“Damn, that kid moves fast.” Minho remarks and Key chuckles.

“That he does Minho.” Key replies.

“Right!” Jonghyun snaps his fingers seeing the blueprints that he’d missed when Taemin sent them over.

“Is that why you asked for the blueprints?” Onew asks, nodding in realization.

“It’s exactly it, he must’ve checked into the hotel that night and purposely into the room right beside hers.” Jonghyun says.

“What are you two talking about?” Minho asks.

“There was a door that linked Taeyeon’s room to the room right beside hers. That must be how the unsub left the room.” Jonghyun says.

“Which means he’s familiar with the hotel.” Onew adds.

“Didn’t the man running the hotel say something about a guy attending a film festival every year?” Jonghyun asks and Onew nods.

“I’ll send it to Taemin.” Key says as they arrive at their destination at the hotel.

“Tonight, just get some sleep, we’ll investigate tomorrow morning. Breakfast is at 6:30 a.m., wakeup call is at 5:00.” Onew says once they’ve checked in.

“Ugh. Early mornings.” Jonghyun groans grabbing his luggage from the trunk and grabbing a keycard from Onew. He takes off his glasses and rubs the area between his eyebrows in an attempt to settle his headache.

“Sorry kiddo, that’s the life of a crime fighting superstar.” Minho laughs and grabs his own trunk, putting it on the luggage trolley.

“If you need me, I’ll be sleeping.” Key says, grabbing his stuff quickly and slamming the trunk closed. He walks briskly into the hotel leaving the other three men chuckling.

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