Chapter 10: After Party Sleepover

"Friendly" Competition

            The party was finally over and except for one little accident with the punch bowl, everything seemed to have went smoothly. It seemed like everyone there had a lot of fun and really got to know each other. That was one of the main reasons as to why Suho asked for the party and it felt very fulfilling to him.

            There were only a handful of people left in the ballroom but most of them were just getting ready to leave. Suho on the other hand was nowhere close to leaving soon. He had to finish paying for the DJ and also pay the rest of the money for the use of the ballroom. One their own those two things would take a while.

            Suho looked around a little and sighed. He was extremely exhausted and he just wanted to go home and get refreshed. When he was about to go and pay the DJ, Mr. Lambert put his hand on Suho’s shoulder. It surprised him at first but he relaxed after seeing him.

            “Suho this was truly a wonderful party. I haven’t had this much fun at a party in years, Congratulations on the success.” Mr. Lambert praised.

            The praise was something that surprised Suho. “Oh, thank you sir. That really means a lot to me, but if you could please excuse me. I have to pay the DJ and also pay the rest of the money for the ballroom rental.”

            Mr. Lambert shook his head. “Don’t worry about that Suho. I’ll just have Siwon take care of all that. You deserve to go home and rest. You’ve really earned it.”

            Suho was very surprised to hear that. “Oh thank you sir. I appreciate it. Well, have a good night.” He replied and then went to go check to see if everyone had a ride home.

            When he got deeper into the ballroom he saw one boy passed out and Lay sitting right next to him. Lay looked a bit troubled to Suho. Suho then figured that it was the boy who was drunk that was completely passed out. As he got closer to the boys it was confirmed that it was the boy who was drunk that was passed out.

            “Hey Lay, why are you still here?” Suho asked as he approached the boys.

            Lay looked up and put on a smile when he saw Suho. “Oh, well Luhan is out cold and he was my ride home. I could drive but I absolutely hate driving at night so that option is out. I could it up but I just don’t want to. Plus we live far away from here so it’s quite a drive. I’m at that point where I’m thinking about just renting a room for the night here.”

            After taking in what Lay was saying for a few seconds Suho shook his head. “You don’t have to do that. I live only half an hour away and I have a couple extra bedrooms that you can use.”

            Lay thought about the offer. It made him nervous that he was invited to stay at the house of the guy that he had a huge crush on. However, he thought about it and found that he would be saving a lot of money just by staying at Suho’s house. “If you really don’t mind us staying there that would be great.”

            Suho giggled. “Don’t even worry about it. It’ll be nice to actually have some company. I have one question though, what are we going to do about Luhan? He’s probably not going to wake up that easily.”

            After a little while of thought Lay came up with an idea. “I guess what we could do is at least carry him over to the lobby. Did you drive here tonight?” He asked.

            “Yes I did. I think that’s a good idea. When we get him to the lobby you can stay there with him and then I’ll go and get my car.” Suho replied.

            “Okay that definitely works. Let’s get Luhan out of here. I want to get him out of here before he goes through the hangover stage. Plus I would like to get some sleep too.” Lay explained.

            Suho smiled and walked right up to Luhan. He was on one side while Lay was on the other. They put Luhan’s arms around their shoulders and he woke up from that. He looked around a little and groaned. “What are you doing Lay?” He asked grumpily.

            “We are going now Luhan. We are going to stay over at a friend’s house.” Lay explained to the drunken boy.

            “Lay, I’m really sleepy. I want to go to bed.” Luhan said.

            Lay just sighed and then he and Suho stood Luhan up and started to make their way over to the lobby. Since Luhan was still pretty out of it, he was basically dead weight. There was times where Luhan would try to stand up but he would always just loose his balance. In the end Suho and Lay didn’t mind it. Luhan has always been light so it wasn’t a big deal. They were thankful for that.

            They had just gotten to the lobby when the both of them noticed Sehun standing around. He didn’t look like he was waiting for someone but more like he was thinking about what he was going to do. There was a very troubled look on his face. Suho knew that there was something wrong.

            Suho and Lay walked over to chair in the lobby and took a breather. Suho looked at Sehun and sighed. He walked over to him and put on his kind smile. “Sehun, are you okay? You look a little troubled.”

            Sehun looked at Suho and sighed. “I just may be in a little bit of trouble. Kai was my ride home but I think he forgot and left. I can’t call my parents since it’s late and they told me that I was on my own tonight. I might just be stuck here tonight.” He explained.

            Suho thought for a second and then there was a smile on his face. “Come with me. You can stay at my place tonight. I have a spare room that you can use.”

            “No boss I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve done enough for me with just giving me a job. I already owe you so much in general too.” Sehun objected.

            Suho giggled. “Think of it this way Sehun. I’m helping you out now but later I really want to get repayed. I’m going to get the car now so I would love it if you could stay with Lay and Luhan while I’m gone.”

            “Wait, Lay and Luhan are going to be staying at your place too?” Sehun asked.
            “Yeah. Luhan was supposed to be the driver tonight but he got drunk as you know and Lay doesn’t like drive at night. So if you could just hang out with Lay and help him watch over Luhan that would be much appreciated.” Suho said.

            “Oh, okay. I think I could go and hang out with Lay for a little while. I’m guessing though that Luhan must be pretty out of it.” Sehun said.

            “You don’t even know.” Suho said with a laugh in his voice and then walked away to go and get his car.

            Lay looked over and say Sehun coming towards them. He let out a laugh when he thought of what Luhan would probably do if he saw all of this. There was just so much that could happen if Luhan was awake and sober. But he kept all that thought to himself and then smiled. “Hey Sehun. I thought that you would have been long gone by now.”

            “I thought so too. But apparently my ride forgot about me so Suho offered to let me stay the night at his place. He also told me that you two would be spending the night at his place too.” Sehun explained.

            “Yeah, this one was supposed to be the driver tonight but as you can see, he really isn’t in any condition to be driving.” Lay said while pointing to a knocked out Luhan.

            “How come you can’t drive? Don’t you have a license?” Sehun asked.

            “I do but I really don’t trust myself driving at night. Going to Suho’s seems like the safest and easiest thing to do at this moment.” Lay explained.

            “I guess you make a good point.” Sehun said and then walked over by Luhan. He bent down and observed him for a little bit. Then he touched his cheeks and forehead. “Have you given him any water? He seems to be a little warm.”  

            “We really didn’t get the chance to give him anything else. We couldn’t because one, he didn’t sit still long enough for us to do anything in general and two, why risk him getting even more drunk than he was before.” Lay explained.

            Sehun nodded. “I guess you make a very good point. Well when we get to Suho’s then we can give him something.”

            Lay nodded and watched as Sehun seemed to still be observing Luhan. He wanted to say something but he kept it to himself. However, when Sehun pushed aside a piece of Luhan’s hair he had to get some answers. Since it was just the two of them he thought that he might as well ask. “Pardon me if I seem just a bit out of place but I have to ask. Do you maybe, have a little crush on Luhan?”

            Shock appeared on Sehun’s face. He did not see that question coming at all. But his face started to turn red. “Why would you ask that?” He asked in a very nervous voice.

            The fact that Sehun blushed and had a shaky voice when he answered proved to Lay that he really did have a crush on Luhan. “I only ask because you don’t really know him but yet you seem to take a very big interest in him.”

            Sehun looked back at Luhan and bit his lip. “Look, I am not going to deny that when I see Luhan I feel extremely happy. I don’t know if it is an actual crush but I do like when he is around. I can’t explain it and in a way it drives me crazy.”

            Those words were not exactly the ones that Lay wanted to hear but they were good enough. He was looking forward to something more like “I really do have strong feelings about Luhan” or “Maybe I do really feel something for him” but he just accepted what he got.

            “Well it could or couldn’t be a crush if you put it that way. But there is something that I want to tell you. I am going to tell you this because Luhan is out cold and I highly believe that he would never admit this.” Lay said.

            “What is it?” Sehun asked curiously.

            Lay took in a deep let it out. “Luhan has a huge crush on you. Every day at work he thinks about you nonstop and some of the other workers have been noticing it.”

            There was a small blush that started to form on Sehun’s cheeks. “I, uh…I didn’t know that at all.” He replied.

            “Now you do.” Lay replied and then noticed Suho walking towards them again.

            “Hey guys. I parked right in front so we don’t have to carry him so far.” Suho explained to them.

            “Thank goodness. So how are we going to be carrying him over to the car?” Lay asked.

            Sehun sighed and just picked Luhan up bridal style. Both Lay and Suho were surprised with how open Sehun was with just picking Luhan up. They walked over to the car and they opened the door for Sehun. When Sehun got there he put Luhan down in the seat and fastened his seat belt. He then closed the door and turned to face Suho and Lay.

            “Okay Sehun, would you mind sitting in the back seat? Since you are the youngest I figured that you could let Lay sit in the front.” Suho explained.

            “I can do that. It really isn’t a problem.” Sehun replied.

            “Oh, I can sit in the back with Luhan. He’s my friend so in a way it makes him my responsibility.” Lay responded.

            “It really is no problem. Besides, I used to take care of my father whenever he came home drunk. I know how to deal with this.” Sehun explained.

            Lay sighed and nodded. “Okay if you say so.” He replied. They all got into the car and left the hotel.

            A few minutes later Suho just thought about something. “I just realized that you guys don’t have any extra clothes. I’ll stop at the store so we can get some clothes you guys. Does that sound good to all of you?”

            Everyone just nodded and didn’t say anything. It took Suho about five minutes to get to the store. He pulled into the parking lot and found a space relevantly close to the store entrance. After he pulled into the parking spot he put the car in park and then turned off the engine.

            Lay looked back at the back seat and saw that Luhan was still fast asleep and he definitely didn’t look like he was going to be waking up anytime soon. “Aw he looks so cute. I feel like I should wake him up but at the same time I really don’t want to wake him up.”

            Just as Sehun was going to say something Luhan stirred and started to adjust himself in his seat. Adjusting himself somehow involved him snuggling up to Sehun and hugging his arm while holding into him tightly. He then also leaned his head on Sehun’s shoulder and almost instantly fell back asleep.

            There was a little giggle that came from Lay. He thought that it was a very cute sight. At the same time though he thought that Sehun might have just been a little uncomfortable. “Sorry I totally forgot that he was the cuddling type. Does it bother you? We can get him off of you if you want.” Lay explained.

            “No you don’t have to. I think that I can handle this. Besides, I think that I’m stuck now anyway. There is no way that I can leave.” Sehun said.

            “That is a very good point. The last time he was drunk he stuck onto me and it took a few guys to pull him off of me too. Plus he didn’t go down without a fight. When he clings onto someone when he’s drunk or sleepy he treats you like his favorite blanket or stuffed animal. He won’t let you go without a fight.” Lay explained.

            “Since you really can’t move Sehun, do you want to just tell me what you want from the store and then I can go get it for you?” Suho asked.

            “That would be good. Okay can you get me a medium tank and hoodie? Could you also get me some sweat pants too? I’ll pay you back later.” Sehun replied.

            Suho nodded and smiled. “That I can do. Don’t worry about paying me back for now. Lay, do you know what size clothes Luhan wears?” He asked.

            Lay gave a small nod. “Yeah he’s basically a small. Sometimes he’s an extra small since he’s pretty much all skin and bone. We always wonder where everything that boy eats goes.”

            “We should go and get the clothes then. The longer that it takes us to get the clothes, the longer it takes for us to finally get to go to sleep.” Suho advised.

            “Alright you make a very good point. We’ll be back soon Sehun.” Lay said and then got out of the car along with Suho. They then both walked over to the store together.

            When they entered the store they looked around and saw that there were actually a decent amount of people in the store shopping. They expected the store to almost be completely empty. It was interesting considering how late it already was. But they just forgot about it and started to head over to the men’s section.

            When they got to the men’s section Suho immediately started to find clothes for Sehun. One thing about Suho was that he was actually very observant. He was also very good with calculations and estimations. When he was looking at the clothes he was trying to figure out if it really would fit Sehun or not.

            Lay would look at the clothes and check the prices. When he realized how much money he had all together, he found out that he only had enough money to buy clothes for one person. He came to the party with only a few bucks because he didn’t expect Luhan to get drunk at all. He thought that the few bucks would be useful but in this situation it wasn’t.

            A sigh left Lay’s mouth and that caught Suho’s attention. “Is everything okay Lay?” He asked with concern in his voice.

            Lay looked at Suho and sighed a little again. “I don’t have enough money to buy clothes for both Luhan and me. I didn’t expect to have to be doing this so I only brought a few bucks with me to the party.” He explained.

            Suho looked down and tried to think about a solution for this. But when Suho realized that he barely had enough to pay for Sehun’s clothes he then became stuck. After thinking for a little bit more a thought popped into his head. Lay looked around the same size as his brother. He started to observe Lay a little bit. Suho even grabbed Lay’s arm and with his own hands started to measure.

            Lay started to get just a little nervous by Suho’s actions. “Um, Suho what are you doing?” He asked nervously.

            Suho then looked up at Lay and then pulled away. “Oh sorry. I was just calculating a little. I think that you would be able to fit my brothers’ clothes. You and he seem to be about the same size. How about you buy the clothes for Luhan and then we can go back to my place and see if they fit for sure. If they don’t fit then I’ll bring you back to the store and then we can look for some clothes that do fit.”

            Lay took a few seconds to think about it. In the end he decided that it actually was a very good idea. So he nodded to Suho. “I guess that will have to do. Besides, it is a good way to save money.” He said.

            “Yeah it is. Come on. Let’s go pay for all of this and get out of here. I am extremely tired.” Suho said.

            “I bet. But you are not allowed to fall asleep at the wheel.” Lay joked.

            Suho laughed and then the two went to go pay for the clothes.




            In the car, Luhan was still sleeping with his head on Sehun’s shoulder and his arms wrapped around Sehun’s arm as well. The reality of being in that position really started to make Sehun just a little shy. That was something that he would never admit though. Besides, in a way, Sehun liked how Luhan was just hanging onto him.

            About ten minutes after Suho and lay left, Luhan hugged Sehun’s arm tighter and moved a little closer to him. Luhan took in a deep and let it out slowly. Sehun watched him closely just to make sure that he was okay. Then Luhan spoke.

            “You smell really good.” He said in a groggy and drunken voice.

            Sehun really didn’t know how to respond to that. “Oh, thanks.” He replied.

            Another deep breath was taken by Luhan. He then looked up at Sehun deep in the eyes. Sehun could feel his heart starting to race. “Sehun, why do you have to be so handsome?” Luhan asked.

            That had made Sehun blush a little. “Why would you ask something like that?” He said.

            “Because you are so handsome. All the girls must love you. Especially when you smile. That’s when you look the most handsome. Any girl would be lucky to have you.” Luhan said and then leaned his head on Sehun’s shoulder again.

            “Why would any girl be lucky to have me?” Sehun asked. It was a question that Sehun really wanted to know the answer to.

            “She would get to see that beautiful smile all the time. There would even be times where she is the cause of that smile. I can only dream of those things.” Luhan explained.

            Sehun giggled a little. Somehow Luhan was boosting his confidence. He had always thought of himself as average and a hard person to get along with. But Luhan made him feel special and like a very likeable person.

            “I would love to see your smile every day. The joy that would be in your beautiful face every day, and all the happiness that you would have. I would love to be the cause of all that.” Luhan added.

            A bit of shock fell upon Sehun. Lay said that Luhan had a crush on him but he didn’t know that it was this serious. Again, Sehun’s heart started to race. There was a strange urge to kiss Luhan. Uncontrollably he slowly started to lean into Luhan.

            Right when their lips were about to touch, the car doors opened making Sehun jump a little and move away from Luhan. He was a little embarrassed but he didn’t show it. He just hoped that the two of them didn’t see anything that just happened.

            Suho and Lay got in the car and looked back at the two. “So everything was okay whuke we were gone?” Suho asked.

            “Y-yeah everything was fine. He’s falling asleep again since he woke up not too long ago. He said a few things but it wasn’t important.” Sehun replied shyly. Even though that wasn’t true. What Luhan said to him was very important now.

            “Okay, well he deserves to sleep. Just like the rest of us. Suho, do you mind bringing us back to your place now?” Lay asked.

            Suho nodded and then started the car. They were now all on their way to go to Suho’s house and get some rest.




            Everyone was expecting Suho to have just a small apartment. So when he showed up at a nice house that had a nice garden and a lawn they were extremely surprised. It  was definitely nothing that they had expected to see.

            “Wow boss this is a really nice place that you got here.” Sehun said.

            “Oh thanks. It’s really nothing special.” Suho replied.

            “Do you live here by yourself?” Lay asked.

            “For the most part I do. I mean my brother comes home every once in a while but then again he lives all over the place. He is just a problem child. So when he needs some help he’ll come and stay with either me or my parents. But besides that he is never really around.” Suho explained.

            Both Sehun and Lay nodded in understanding. Suho put the car in park and they proceeded to get out of the car. Again Sehun picked up Luhan bridal style and carried him into the house.

            After opening the door Suho took off his shoes and walked into the house. The other boys followed and entered the house. They were in awe of the interior as well. It was a well decorated house with a living room and a nice kitchen to the right. The kitchen was a decent size with an island in the middle with stools surrounding it. There was also a big staircase.

            “Okay Sehun you can just put Luhan on the couch for now. We need to discuss how we are rooming for tonight. I have two extra bedrooms so it’s up to the two of you to decide who sleeps where and with who if that is wanted.” Suho explained.

            Sehun put Luhan down on the couch and walked over by Lay and Suho. “Well is there on room that is bigger than the other? That way we can put two people in one and let the other have the smaller room.” He explained.

            “Well again, Luhan is my friend so I can room with him.” Lay offered.

            “And as I said before, I used to take care of my drunk of a father. Sometimes they get sick in the middle of the night. Are you willing to handle that?” Sehun asked in a somewhat hinting voice.

            Lay almost immediately picked up on the hint and sighed. “That is a very good point that you make Sehun. Well I guess I can have the smaller room then.”

            “Okay, well follow me and I’ll show you two to your rooms. After that we can come back and get Luhan.” Suho explained.

            Both Sehun and Lay nodded and started to follow Suho up the stairs. The first guest room was on the left and the closest room to the staircase as well as the bathroom. The second bedroom was a little farther and on the right side of the hall. When you walked into the rooms there was an obvious size difference. The first guest room was much bigger.

            “Well I guess the last thing that you guys need to decide on now is who gets to go shower first. But first Lay we need to go and get you some clothes. Maybe while we do that Sehun could go and shower.” Suho suggested.

            “Yeah I think that I can do that.” Sehun replied.

            Suho nodded. “Okay Lay follow me and well get you some clothes.” He said.

            Lay nodded and followed Suho. They walked into another room that was a complete mess. This shocked Lay since the whole house was absolutely stunning. All except this room. It was hard to walk in and there was just stuff all over the place.

            Suho dug in a few drawers and pulled out some clothes. “These should work. I promise that these are clean. If they are in the drawers then they are clean. Anywhere else in this room and there is a chance that it could be a little dirtier than one wants it to be.” He said while handing Lay the clothes.

            “Oh, thank you for everything.” Lay replied.

            Suho smiled and put his hand on Lay’s shoulder. “It’s really no problem. Just let me know if these fit okay. If they don’t then we can go back to the store immediately. But until then let’s get out of here before something decides to jump out and attack us.” He joked and then the two of them got out of the room.




            Sehun finished taking a shower and went into the guest room where he had already put Luhan down for the night. He was still sound asleep when Sehun walked in. At first Sehun though about sleeping on the floor but he figured that the bed was big enough that it wouldn’t make things awkward. Besides, it was a pretty big bed.

            After turning off the lights, Sehun climbed onto the opposite side of the bed. He got under the covers and tried to fall asleep. There was still so many things going through his head though that there was almost no way that he was going to fall asleep any time soon.

            “Sehun, you’re so far away from me. Please come closer.” Luhan said in a very sleepy voice.

            Sehun shifted to look at Luhan. “You’re drunk Luhan. Just go back to sleep.” He replied.

            “I am not drunk. I sleep better with people close to me. So could you please come closer?” Luhan said with a small hint of aegyo in his voice.

            There was a big debate that was going on inside of Sehun’s head. He knew in a way that it was wrong but at the same time he knew that he really wanted to be next to Luhan. It was a matter of which voice was louder at this point.

            In the end Sehun gave in. He moved into the bed a little more. Luhan smiled and then moved closer to him too. They were so close now that it seemed like their faces were about to touch.

            Luhan buried his face in Sehun’s chest and maintained his smile from before. “That feels much better.” He said.

            Almost as if it was a natural reaction Sehun put his arms around Luhan and held him close. He knew that this was wrong but at the same time it felt so right. In the morning he was just going to have to see what the outcome would be. Something told him on the inside that things were going to work out.

            “Goodnight Sehun.” Luhan said.

            “Goodnight Luhan..” Sehun replied happily. This was actually a moment where he could admit that was actually happy.




            As Lay started to take off his clothes his back was really starting to bother him. He would wince in pain and tae deep breaths. When he took off his shirt he finally realized why he was in so much pain.

            All over Lay’s back was bruises and scars. There were even some fresh, raw, wounds. This was a secret that Lay kept. He didn’t want anyone to know that he basically got beaten every day. Of course he didn’t like it but he tolerated it since he had nowhere else to really go. That was the only reason why he didn’t leave.

            Upon seeing the bruises, Lay felt pathetic. He didn’t know why he never asked anyone how to deal with these kinds of things before. There really was a part of him that wanted to put a stop to it all but there was another part of him that just told him to handle it for a while longer.

            When Lay stepped into the shower he prepared himself for the pain that was about to come. He turned the water on and when it hit his skin it felt like a bunch of needles just went into his back. Baths and showers were supposed to feel relaxing and comforting. This was neither. It was painful and stressful for Lay. In a way, it was a very unnecessary pain.

            There was a huge sense of relief when Lay finished showering. The stinging was stopping and he didn’t feel any mother pain. He felt so much better after that shower. As painful as it was, it made him feel better.

            Lay dried himself off and out on the clothes Suho gave him. To his surprise they fit perfectly. That was a big surprise to lay. After that he brushed his hair and then moved to brushing his teeth.

            After all that he went to the second guest room and closed the door behind him. The room was a little plain but Lay liked it. He walked right over to the bed and sat down. He sighed and started to observe the room a little more.

            There was suddenly a knock on the door and then Suho peek in a little. “Hey, how do the clothes fit you?” He asked.

            “They actually fit very well thank you.” Lay replied.

            “No problem. Well I’ll let you get to sleep. If you need anything just let me know. My room is at the end of the hall.” Suho said.

            Suho was about to close the door but Lay called him. “Oh Suho.”

            Suho opened the door up again. “Yes?”

            “I just wanted to thank you for everything again.” Lay said.

            “It really is no problem Lay.” Suho replied.

            “I want to repay you somehow. So, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner or maybe even watch a movie with me.” Lay said shyly.

            Suho just smiled and nodded. “I would love to have dinner with you and maybe even watch a movie. How does next Friday sound?” He asked.

            “Next Friday is perfect.” Lay replied.

            “Okay well goodnight.” Suho said.

            “Goodnight.” Lay replied. Suho closed the door and a huge smile formed on Lay’s face. “It’s been a very good day and a great night.” He then turned off the lights and went to bed.


A/N: Whew it's out. I am sorry guise. I did not expect me to take this long to update. My sister was back from the mainland (Oregon) and I spent three weeks with her. I wrote during her time here but I didn't have a chance to update. Oh, we also started a new story called "Four Realm Rebellion" so if you want to check it out. It's under the username AiWatson and my own. We are co-authors! Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter. A little Hunhan action. I bet some of you were thinking something would happen right? Maybe later on :p Okay guise, thanks to all my subscribers and readers :) Please leave comments. I love reading them.

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Hey everyone! It's been over a month I know but I am working on the next chapter it's just really long. It should come out in the next week or two. I promise!!


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Chapter 18: Update soon please T-T
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 18: it's been a while but i really love this, it would be amazing to see an update one day !
Chapter 18: I'll wait for you till you update~ good luck!
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Gud luck n update soon!!^~<
Chapter 17: Yay for fluffiness!! :D
Chapter 17:
Chapter 16: about the art competition; does the art have to be drawn or can it be computer generated (with photoshop like most fanfic posters)? o & does the art have to consist of the main plot or just a certain scene? sorry for asking so many questions ^^"
Chapter 16: Yay for another update! :D And I'll think about entering the contest. I am going on vacation soon, so.. Is there a deadline? If so, when? (:
Chapter 1: i like this start i am interest
ilabya5 #10