
Of Lollipops and SMS

Dedicated to all Sunshiners out there!

Caution: Implied SunSun :)


Sunny, contrary to popular belief, is not as sunny and bouncy and happy as everyone seems. That, apparently, is just a front for the people around her. However, this image of hers has also affected her personality like so that it has also become a part of her. Lee Soonkyu was once a quiet girl who would live with just a book in her hand, not that reading is a bad thing. That’s why she had problems really voicing out what she really felt. Especially the ones she had for a certain blonde boy who loved rabbits.

The moment she got his cellphone number, she rejoiced and danced a little dance in her head, while keeping her image in front of him. And when he disappeared, she roared a loud, “YES!” in the hallowed hallway.

Lee Soonkyu always sent out messages to everyone in her phonebook greeting them throughout the day. And on one fateful day that she spent her time texting a certain Sungmin, she braved herself up and sent him a text message in guise of the greeting she always sends to everyone and added those three words that represented how she really felt about him.

She laid there in her bed, with her phone in her hands, held up in front of her face, waiting for his reply. She waited for him as sleep started to take over and pull her eyes to a close. It was then that it came.

Good night :”3

She smiled. If she had the courage to tell it to him through a text message, then maybe, just maybe, she could have the courage to tell it in front of his face.

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Chapter 13: it is a nice story
i like your story
please update
Chocolatemushrooms #2
I love this!!! Update soon please!
HaEfAnY4eVeR #3
Is there haefany couple i adore them
I think you write really well! All the chapters were awesome! :DD
ohbibimbap #5
@HaeSica4ever: well, I have to be honest with you, no HaeSica is not one of the couples featured, but I will try to make one for you (cougheveniftheyarenotmyfavecouplecough) I'll try my best :)
HaeSica4ever #6
Is one of the couples is HaeSica couple? I love them so much, please make HaeSica couple~!!!!!!