Thank You, You're Here For Me

Friendship Or Destiny?


Your POV:
It's been a week since Ri Yin and I's argument and it hadn't left my mind even once. I didn't know what I would do, I had to figure it out before it was too late. 
I started looking through my phone, at the old pictures of me and Ri Yin, tears would run down my face because I knew that I could have screwed up a relationship with one of the best people I have in the world right now. She's always there for me and I screwed it up. "!" I yelled(sorry for the language). "What did I do?"
Peniel's POV:
"!" I heard. "What did I do?" I know ______ was going through a bunch of things right now but I thought it would be better for her to be alone, she had to figure this out on her own.
Your POV:
I closed my eyes for a slight second until I remembered, I know what I should do now.
"Unnie~. You have to promise me something."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"If we ever get into an argument when we're older we have to promise to always meet at the place we met, and do everything we can to make the other happy again okay?"
"I promise." I said with a smile on my face.
-End Of Flashback-
I ran to the park where we met, and texted her:
 Ri Yin,
 if you still care. If you still love me please meet me at the place we met.
I waited for almost two hours in the park until I saw her walking, I waved to her and smiled, she did the same. She walked over to me and asked "What did you want?"
"Follow me." I said. I chased her around the park tickling her waist and I jumped onto the monkey bars. I swung around, back and forth until my feet slipped. I fell on top of her and we both started laughing. "Do you forgive me?" I asked. 
"Only if you promise never to keep anything else from me."
"I promise." And we pinky swore. I'm happy we're together again, in this strange case. Friends again, we were the glue that was drying and being slowly pulled apart but once glued again we're stronger than ever.
A/N: I know this chapter really and is really short  but it was hard to come up with something, I'll try to make it up in my next chapter and I'm sorry I didn't update in so long ... Mianhae. -.-
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nice story ^^
RJayKim96 #2
Chapter 18: Everyone, I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, all of my work for the next chapter is saved on my iPod which is dead, and my charger is busted. I will have it updated this weekend, I promise. I hope you guys understand, saranghaeyo, thank you for supporting me <3
RJayKim96 #3
Chapter 18: I'm sorry for all of these sad parts, it will either a confusing, happy, or angry ending. I hope you all like my story. I love you all <3
Chapter 17: Poor unnie, why did she have to feel this?
Chapter 1: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapters! c:
Chapter 1: Haha RJay r u planning on making me breakfast (cause if you do I'm sure there'll be egg shells in the pancakes) HEEHEHEHEHHEHE don't hit me. *flinches* hahaha anyway good start..

Ps. This is Kali ur bestes friend hehehe don't get mad at my comment saranghae....<3 so please don't bead be case I will....... Nevermind.... Hope you like my comment and finish my story called "the dark truth" k saranghae