Too Much ...

Friendship Or Destiny?


Your POV:
I woke up and I felt really dizzy. "Good morning." I heard Hyunjae say as she walked into the room. "Hyunjae help me." I told her. She closed the door. "Jonghyun is crazy, please help me. I don't know what to do." I could barely move, my muscles stopped working. Jonghyun walked into the room and looked at me. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "Babe can you leave for a moment, I have to talk to ________ alone." Hyunjae asked, Jong nodded his head and left the room. Jae closed the door and locked it this time. She looked at me with a glare, her sweet smile disappeared in just a second. "You're a dumb little aren't you." She said.
"Haha you don't get how this was all planned?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I tried making Jonghyun and I look innocent but you're making it too damn difficult. He was supposed to spy on you in the shower, why do you think the walls were glass?"
"But ..."
"I had Jonghyun follow you around to bring you here and I knew you would flip out when he mentioned Peniel."
"Why would you do this to me? We were friends, longtime friends."
"That's what you think. All of the years we've know each other, I've been trying to kill you. Remember the science project in 9th grade?" I started thinking about it and I remember when we were experiencing with fire, she would bring it close to my face and burnt my eyebrows. "What else?" I asked. "You know your parents passed away a few years ago, right?"
"Yeah, in a car crash."
"Well ... Do you know how the car crash happened?"
"Yeah, someone was driving too fast and hit the car, they were killed instantly."
"You dumb , who do you think killed them?" It went silent. "Jae, you didn't."
"Yeah, I did. I'm proud of it too, even though I meant to get you, you're parents are an exception."
"YOU !" I yelled and tried attacking her. I punched her in the face and she fell to the ground. She was laying on her back and I sat on her stomach, continuously and broke her nose but Jonghyun pulled me away. "You're lucky I don't kill you. Pull a ing stunt like that again and you won't be able to see tomorrow." I said and ran out of the house, until I got jumped.
Minhyuk's POV:
It's been days and I haven't seen ________ anywhere. I'm really worried but Peniel seems completely calm.
I heard Peniel's ringtone as he picked up his phone. "Annyeong?" He said but went quiet. "MWO?!" He screamed and dropped his phone, bursting into tears. "What happened?" I asked.
"It's _________ she got attacked. She's in the hospital with a fractured skull." Everyone was in shock hearing this but I broke down. "We have to go see her." I said.
"Do you know how long it takes to get there?" Peniel asked.
"She's in Korea." He replied.
I took my jacket and wallet and ran into the car, driving away. I arrived at the airport and rushed through everything, they let me go by once I have them a reason. I ran into the plane and waited for it to take off.
It took a half hour for it to take off but when it finally did I was having anxiety and was worrying for _______. "Stay strong." I said. I fell asleep but was constantly having nightmares and I couldn't get her off my mind. I woke up with the flight attendant announcing we can go, I grabbed my carry-on(only luggage I had) and ran out of the plane. 
As soon as I got out I saw Sulli there. I ran up to her, grabbed her shoulders and said "Where is she?!"
"I'll bring you to her but I don't know how you'll react." 
We were driving in the car in silence when I asked "How bad is it?" She told me it was an "open fracture" (Lots of blood, brain tissue hanging out) I felt like I was going to break down right when we arrived at the hospital.
Sulli walked me into the hospital slowly. "I think you should handle this yourself." She told me. I nodded my head, ran to the counter and asked which room she was in. "C3" she said. I ran all around trying to find it. C1 ... C2 ... C3!" I walked in and saw her lying there. She was completely unconscious and when I saw her wound I fell to my knees and started to cry. "Why does the bad stuff always happen to you? You don't deserve any of this." He said with sniffles in between each word.
A couple of doctors walked in and I asked "how is it doc? Is she going to be okay?" He nodded his head and said. "She might have a slight chance of having amnesia, we don't know how bad the case will be, but it might just be a few months, we just have to perform surgery and she might be unconscious for a couple of days. If the amnesia lasts for more than two months, it could be forever. I can see you two are close so please try your best to get her to remember you again."
  I nodded my head when my smile faded away, I couldn't believe she could have amnesia. My worst nightmare. "Now we have to perform the surgery, you're going to have to leave the room. I walked outside of the room and sat in the chair, "I don't care how long I'll be sitting here, but I will wait to see you well again." I said out loud.
- 3 days later-
Your POV:
I woke up in a place I've never seen before and I saw a man sleeping in the chair right next to me. He woke up and I saw his face, I have to admit it was very handsome, it seemed familiar but I couldn't remember. He looked like a childhood friend.
"_______, you're awake." The man said.
"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I replied. He looked heartbroken. I couldn't help but feel guilty. What did I do wrong? 
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah I'm fine. Hi, I'm Minhyuk." He held out his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you, you already know my name." I said with a smile on my face. He smiled back at me. 
Minhyuk's POV:
She'a finally awake, I wonder if she really did lose her memory. "________, you're awake." I said. 
this is what's going to make the final decision. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" She said. My heart felt like a thousand pounds, I never even got to tell her how I felt and I guess it's going to be a little while. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm Minhyuk." I said and held out my hand, I wasn't alright. I couldn't believe this was happening, my heart felt like it was being stomped on but I decided to look past it, this could be a fresh new start. She took my hand and started to shake it. "Nice to meet you, you already know my name." She said and smiled, seeing her smile like that made me  the happiest person right then. 
A/N: There's so much drama in this chapter ... TOO MUCH! Haha anyway I hope you enjoyed it but what an ending huh? I feel bad for him ... But things will get better. I love you for reading this. Please comment and try not to be a silent reader. Gomawo~ <3
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nice story ^^
RJayKim96 #2
Chapter 18: Everyone, I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, all of my work for the next chapter is saved on my iPod which is dead, and my charger is busted. I will have it updated this weekend, I promise. I hope you guys understand, saranghaeyo, thank you for supporting me <3
RJayKim96 #3
Chapter 18: I'm sorry for all of these sad parts, it will either a confusing, happy, or angry ending. I hope you all like my story. I love you all <3
Chapter 17: Poor unnie, why did she have to feel this?
Chapter 1: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapters! c:
Chapter 1: Haha RJay r u planning on making me breakfast (cause if you do I'm sure there'll be egg shells in the pancakes) HEEHEHEHEHHEHE don't hit me. *flinches* hahaha anyway good start..

Ps. This is Kali ur bestes friend hehehe don't get mad at my comment saranghae....<3 so please don't bead be case I will....... Nevermind.... Hope you like my comment and finish my story called "the dark truth" k saranghae