Wait, What? Who Is She?

Friendship Or Destiny?

Sulli's POV:

I made my way over to ______'s place when I noticed no one was home and the doors were locked. I came a long way to the house, and I wasn't turning back

. I waited for about an hour until I decided to text her, getting no reply I became worried. I tried calling her but there was no answer, it went straight to voicemail. I sat on the step outside her door and saw someone walking crookedly towards the house. Once I noticed who it was my eyes went wide. She moved closer until she was right in front of me, I could see tear stains on her cheeks and rope burns around her wrists. "______. What happened?" She collapsed into my arms and started to cry.


Your POV:

She pushes me off of her shoulders while still holding onto me, she put one of her arms around my shoulder and her other arm across my stomach to my waist. My legs were so sore I couldn't keep myself up, she helped me get into my room and lie on my bed. "So what happened?" She asked. I explained everything to her and took sniffles in between each word when her eyes went wide as they started to water.

I lied down on my bed as she laid beside me, hugging me in the process. "I think you should get some rest." She said. I nodded my head. She kissed my head and walked away saying "Saranghae, Unnie." I smiled as she walked out the door and I got comfortable in my bed.


-later that night-

I woke up in the middle of the night and thought of how I could go for a walk, I couldn't sleep so I might as well clear my head. I slipped on my jacket and my shoes and opened the door, stepping out onto the welcome mat. I put my hood over my head and put my hands in my pocket with it being chilly. I started to feel cold after a while but I didn't want to turn back home just yet. I saw a silhouette in the distance but was too tired to pay much attention, I saw the silhouette disappear but I shook my head, thinking I was just seeing things.

I saw the silhouette rush in front of me when I felt something sharp against my chest. I put my hand on my chest and looked at my hand right after, I saw the colour of red beam in my eyes. My vision started becoming fuzzy as I rocked back and forth, and everything went black. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Next morning-

My eyes opened as I grabbed the remote control to the television next to my bed and I felt a pain in my chest. I looked down at my chest and saw a bandage wrapped around it, 'was what happened true?' I thought. I shook my head and tried to ignore it, turning to the entertainment channel.

The girl started talking about bland subjects, completely losing my interest until those words she said caught me off guard, "BTOB's Lee Minhyuk has a new girlfriend. It's said to be official, Lee Minhyuk has a new girlfriend but it's not said who this girl is. Here is footage with the girl's face blocked." My eyes widened and started to fill with water as I dropped the remote as I saw Minhyuk kissing her and telling her he loves her. My heart felt like it crashed into a million pieces.

I looked over in my mirror and saw my skin turn pale white, the bandage around my chest started to feel really tight as my breathing started to slow down with my heartbeat speeding up. I started to look for the spot to untie the bandage but started to hyperventilate in the process just as my hands reached where the wound was I started to fall back and my everything started to become black once again.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: I hope you like this. It's one of those "Holy Sh!t" chapters isn't it ;) sorry it took me so long to update. Next chapter will be more focused on Minhyuk and the others, the chapter after that they might reunite and see each other again, but how will that work out?

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nice story ^^
RJayKim96 #2
Chapter 18: Everyone, I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, all of my work for the next chapter is saved on my iPod which is dead, and my charger is busted. I will have it updated this weekend, I promise. I hope you guys understand, saranghaeyo, thank you for supporting me <3
RJayKim96 #3
Chapter 18: I'm sorry for all of these sad parts, it will either a confusing, happy, or angry ending. I hope you all like my story. I love you all <3
Chapter 17: Poor unnie, why did she have to feel this?
Chapter 1: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapters! c:
Chapter 1: Haha RJay r u planning on making me breakfast (cause if you do I'm sure there'll be egg shells in the pancakes) HEEHEHEHEHHEHE don't hit me. *flinches* hahaha anyway good start..

Ps. This is Kali ur bestes friend hehehe don't get mad at my comment saranghae....<3 so please don't bead be case I will....... Nevermind.... Hope you like my comment and finish my story called "the dark truth" k saranghae