"I love you, remember that."

Friendship Or Destiny?

Your POV:

“What is this?” I asked. No one replied to me. “Why is there luggage in the hallway?!” I started to get louder until I was practically screaming. Minhyuk wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on mine as I felt something drop on my shoulder. “Mianhae.” He said. “We have to talk to you about this.” He said, grabbing my hand bringing me to the livingroom. He sat me down on the couch while still holding onto my hand. Peniel walked over and sat next to me. “________, do you remember what I said to you the first time we came?”


"Our manager's father had just passed away and he was going to spend a couple of months comforting his mother and keeping her company. Since we can't go anywhere without our manager ..." I took a long pause. "I'm letting you finish ... Go on ... finish!" She demanded. "Okay ... I need a place to stay" I told her.

-end of flashback-

“Yeah … what’s your point?” I asked. “We were only going to stay for a couple of months, and it’s been two, and the boss was planning to go back to Korea soon.” “How soon?” I asked him having my heart beat quicker and water start to blurr my vision. “We have to leave tonight.” He said hesitating with his words. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Peniel’s POV:

“How soon?” she asked. “We have to leave tonight.” I told her. I was hesitating in my words, but I just had to get it out. I knew it was going to hurt her but I couldn’t let her suffer. I’m so sorry ________.



Your POV:

As soon as he told me all of this I stood up as fast as I could, looked him straight in the eye and screamed “What do you mean you have to leave tonight?!”

“We can’t stay any longer, I’m sorry.” He said.

I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t sit next to any of them because I know my heart will break a little more. I plopped down on the floor and started to cry. Minhyuk came over and sat next to me. He was silent and didn’t say anything at first, letting me calm down in my thoughts until I turned my head to look at him. “Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked him. “I was afraid if I told you, you would be hurt.” He replied. My voice started to raise again when I said “And do you think this is any better?!” He went silent trying to hug me while I was wimpering with my hands to my mouth. I started to cry in his shoulder as he was rubbing my back in slow motions. All of a sudden I stopped crying, I knew I couldn’t have my last moments with them end like this. I had to do something. I stood up, ran into the kitchen and came back with pocky. “What’s with the pocky?” Changsub asked. A smile swept across my face with a look on my face. “You guys know the ‘pepero game’, right?”(if you don’t know what that is there is a video of BTOB playing it). The noddded their heads but Peniel’s eyes went wide. “Wait a minute, you’re not planning on us playing that with you are you? You’re my sister, that’s weird.” My eyebrow arose as I said “Pabo, obviously I’m not going to be playing this with you. Only with a person that’s willing to do it.” It went silent for a couple of seconds and I said “You dolt.” And threw a pocky at him, catching it in his mouth. “I’ll do it!” Sungjae screamed, running over to Peniel causing the game to start.

I ran into my room and found a ruler, running back with it in my hands. They gave me the piece that they finished and I laid it down on the table measuring the length, ‘I bet I’d beat it.’ I thought with a smile on my face. The couples in this game were Peniel and Sungjae, Ilhoon and Hyungsik, Eunkwang Changsub, and Minhyuk and I. I put the piece of pocky in this mouth and we looked at each other nodding our heads. I moved closer to him putting the other side of the pocky into my mouth, here it is.


Peniel’s POV:


They just started moving closer and closer, I never broke my eye contact until their lips met. My eyes went wide and my mind was going everywhere, I know I’ve seen them kiss once before and I’m supposed to be supportive but it’s just seeing them kiss, AGAIN is just … Too much. They pulled apart and high fived eachother, it was all gone. I looked up to see two women standing there, I think it was her friend Ri Yin or something like that. This is ________’s problem now.


Your POV:


We broke from the ‘kiss’ and looked at eachother, raising our hands for a high-five. I heard someone clear their throught and I turned my head slowly to see Ri Yin tapping her foot with a look on her face that I couldn’t seem to put together. I stood up and ran to hug her but before I did she put her hand out in front of her pushing my face away from her. “Before I let you hug me, explain what’s going on here.” She said.

“I’ll explain it to you if you remove your hand from my face.” I said in a somewhat demanding tone. Of course, I wasn’t thinking and when she took her hand off my face I fell. I closed my eyes before I fell, and started to lose my balance, I knew I was going to fall and I didn’t want to see the impact. It felt as if I fell on a cushion and the impact didn’t hurt, I opened my eyes and saw Minhyuk there holding me in his arms. “Be careful next time.” He told me. “Gomawo.” I said. He pulled me up and I started to tell her everything that just happened, apperantly she didn’t know what “Pepero Game” was but I wasn’t willing to explain it to her; Peniel seemd all for it. I shook my head in his will to do it with her. She shook her head and said “Maybe next time.” I smiled at her comment and laughed at Peniel, in my head of course.


She walked next to me and said “Unnie, I wanna go out, come with me.” I wanted to say ‘yes’ because I wanted to be with her but it was my last night with the guys and I just decided to say it. “Ri Yin, I would love to but I’d rather stay inside for the day. I’m not in an outdoorsie mood right now.” She nodded her head as I looked around the room. “Maybe the guys want to go with you.” She smiled and Peniel sprung up saying “I do!” I stood up and hugged all of them because I know that was going to be the last time I was going to see them for a while. We all went in a group hug and started crying, we would miss each other more than anything, we were a family. “I love you all.” I said as they let go of me. They kept saying how much they’ll miss me and that’s all I could think of.

“Minkyuk, are you coming?” Ri Yin asked.

“I’m going to stay with ________ for now, you guys have fun.”

He hugged me lying his head on mine and asked. “Why don’ t we watch a movie?” I nodded my head and my game consel going to Netflix. Once we got to it we went to a movie he knew I wanted to watch with him for a while now. We had a blanket over us and started to watch the movie. Most of the movie went by as my eyes started to close.


Minhyuk’s POV:

_______’s eyes started to close as she fell asleep. I couldn’t stay there without falling asleep myslelf. Hours passed by and I woke up from the boys. “We got to go and catch our flight.” Eunkwang said. I slowly moved away from her and slowly placed her down onto the couch, trying not to wake her. I walked over to the kitchen counter to find a pen and a paper and started writing a note. I placed it next to her on the floor, gave her one last kiss and said “I love you.” And took off to the airport.


-Next Morning-


Your POV:

My eyes opened as I saw a light gleaming inside the house. I sat up, stretching and jumped off of the couch. I walked around the house screaming “ILLEONA!” Hoping for the guys to wake up. I opened each one of the doors but saw absolutely nothing in there but perfectly neat beds. My eyes went wide as I went running inside the livingroom, slipping on a piece of paper. I picked up the paper, it was a note. It read:

Dear __________,


It’s Minhyuk, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I didn’t want to wake you up, you just looked so peaceful. I really don’t want to leave but I’m afraid I had to, you’re probably reading this in the morning and I want you to know that we left late last night to catch our flight. I had a great time being with you these past couple of months and I know we’ll still keep in contact. I hope we can make many more memories together, I love you, remember that.


                                                                                                                                                               Love, Minkyuk.


A/N: I think this chapter is kind of long compared to my other ones but I like it :) what do you guys think?

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nice story ^^
RJayKim96 #2
Chapter 18: Everyone, I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, all of my work for the next chapter is saved on my iPod which is dead, and my charger is busted. I will have it updated this weekend, I promise. I hope you guys understand, saranghaeyo, thank you for supporting me <3
RJayKim96 #3
Chapter 18: I'm sorry for all of these sad parts, it will either a confusing, happy, or angry ending. I hope you all like my story. I love you all <3
Chapter 17: Poor unnie, why did she have to feel this?
Chapter 1: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapters! c:
Chapter 1: Haha RJay r u planning on making me breakfast (cause if you do I'm sure there'll be egg shells in the pancakes) HEEHEHEHEHHEHE don't hit me. *flinches* hahaha anyway good start..

Ps. This is Kali ur bestes friend hehehe don't get mad at my comment saranghae....<3 so please don't bead be case I will....... Nevermind.... Hope you like my comment and finish my story called "the dark truth" k saranghae