Searching For Clues

Can You See Me?




We search the basement. There are lot of old stuffs stock in here. We check them one by one. It is really creepy. We opened all the boxes that we see.


“Did you find anything?” I asked the girls who are with me.


“I didn’t find anything.” Vic answered.


“Guys!”Sulli called us which caught our attention. Vic and I rush our way towards her.


“What is it Sull?” I asked her.


“Look at this.”she said and showed one painting to us.


It is a painting of the Jung sisters. It is torn in the middle, separating the two. I think someone cut it. We decided to show the painting to others too. We headed back to the living room and decided to wait there when we didn’t find anything anymore.




I enter in this one bedroom. I don’t know who it belongs to but I am sure that it is a girl’s bedroom. The paint and the setting of the room tells me so. It is either Krystal or her sister maybe. I spotted a picture frame on the side table beside the lampshade. I pick it up and look at it. I saw a photo of two girls. The photo looks old and it is in black and white. I think it is Krystal and her sister. I roamed around the room.  Checking every corner of it. And then when I open the drawer I saw this one book. It looks like a diary.


“Did you find anything?” Junsuk asked me.


“Yeah, I did.” I answered to him. When I turn around, I was surprise when I saw that he is carrying four to five books in his hand. “Have you found any clues in all that books?” I asked him with a raise brow.


“Y—Yeah. I knew that Krystal Jung liked these books.” he answered and chuckled. “So what did you find?” he asked me.


“I think it is a diary that belong either one of the Jung’s daughters.” I answered to him. He looked a bit surprise.




I can’t believe that Amber found my diary. It will be a great help to us. I feel very happy when I saw it again. I write everything in my diary, both my happy and my bad memories.


“Junsuk, tell him to give it to you.” I said to him.


“Here, I think you should keep this.” Amber said and put the book on top of the books that Junsuk is carrying. Sometimes, I feel that Amber can hear me. “I think this room belongs to Krystal.”he added.


“Yeah, I think too.”Junsuk answered with a smile.


We watch Amber walk towards the side table of my bed. He picked up the picture frame on top of it.


“I would like to keep it. I find the eldest Jung hot.”he said while flashing a dorky smile.


My jaw drop open when I heard what he said. I didn’t expect that Amber is like that. Junsuk look at my direction. Asking me if I will agree to it or not. Since he had found my diary, I agreed to give the picture to him.


“I think it’s okay.” Junsuk said.


“Is it true that there are students in our school who claimed that they saw Krystal there?”he suddenly asked Junsuk while his eyes still fixed on the frame.


“Yeah.” Junsuk answered.


“Do you think they are telling the truth?”


“Of course they are, but they all transferred to other schools.”I answered.


“Yeah, if they are just telling a lie, they wouldn’t be scared and transfer into other schools.” Junsuk answered.


“Oh, so it means Krystal is just in our school and she is not here in their mansion. If her soul is wandering in our school, it means that her body is buried there.” Amber said.


“So if Krystal can roam anywhere, what does it means?” Junsuk asked him.


“If that the case, maybe she is a demon.”Amber said rudely with a smirk.


“Yah! I am not a demon you stupid!” I yelled at him.


“I think she is not a demon, dude.”Junsuk answer to him and laugh awkwardly.


“I’m just kidding.”Amber said and laugh. “I honestly don’t have any answer in mind on your question right now. All I know is that souls only stay close to the place where their body is.” he answered.


It is already late afternoon when they decided to stop searching. Each group got a clue. We meet back in the living room. I hope we can find an answer about my death.

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GEoRuth #1
I still reread this. This is good👍👍👍
Bluenight_0217 #2
Chapter 46: The story is very interesting and nice. I was also thinking deeply about the riddles. I'm kind of dumb you know. LoL
wytShadow87 #3
Chapter 46: Chapter 45: Very nice story..
Shattered021 #4
Shattered021 #5
Chapter 46: I love this story.
Chapter 34: a little more ... just solve it ok??
Chapter 33: i'm not crying!!!! too much drama for me today!!
Chapter 32: messed up!!! my mind was messed up!
Chapter 31: riddles ..... now my neurons are crying!!
Chapter 30: oh just give ur trust to our llama , Krys