One Sided Love

Can You See Me?



When I got back at the house, I meet everyone in the living room. It seems that they are having a discussion. They look at me when they notice my presence. I joined them and Krystal had appear near Junsuk. I sat down on the chair next to Key.


"We lack the Ghost Flower and Spell Bottle, right?"Junsuk asked me.


"Yeah."I answered shortly.


"I will help you in searching for that flower later."he replied and I nodded. Then he turn to Jinki and Key. "You guys should come with us."he continued.


"No problem."Jinki repleid with a smile.


"I'm glad to help too."Key followed and smile widely.


"Good."Junsuk said to them with a faint smile. "The rest of you will stay here and look for the spell bottle."


"Key, give me the picture of it so that I can show it to others."Yuri said to Key.


"Wait, I'll get it. It's in the room."Key answered and left.


"After we gather everything, what will we do about them?"Sulli asked curiously.


"We will mix the extract of the flower to the water. I guess it will create something like a potion."I explained.


"To create a potion, we need to put some spell on it too,right?"Luna said.


"You seem knowledgeable about this stuff,Lun."Vic said to her.


"I always watch fairytales and sci-fi movies."Luna answered and smile timidly.


Key came back with the picture of the spell bottle that grandma Im had given to him. I take a look at it too,we all did. I notice that Jessica and Krystal have the same reaction when they had seen it.


"I know where to find it!"they both exclaimed. All of them turn to her, except Junsuk and I.


Junsuk had look at Krystal who is sitting on the armrest of the couch where he is sitting. I decided to look at Sica.


"Where?" Yuri asked her.


"I-In ou---in the Jung's old mansion. They got one like this."Sica replied to him.


I can't help but to smile when I notice that she almost slipped. When I look at her again, she shot me with her scary glare. I scoffed when I saw it and she rolled her eyes. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Krystal looking at me with intensely.


"Are you sure about it,Sooyeon?"Junsuk asked her.


"Yeah."she guaranteed. Maybe in grandma Lee's drawing, the house is in fact the Jung's mansion.


"I think some of us should go back to get it. I will stay here with whoever among of you who will decide to stay."I said to them.


"I will stay here with you,Hyung."Key said to me.


"Bromance."Yuri teased us and laugh. The girls put on a disgusted face and they all laugh.


"Yeah right."I mumbled sarcastically and mock a laugh. "Key, go back to the main island with Sooyeon."I instructed Key.


"Okay,Hyung."Key said and blew a short sigh.


"I will stay here with you,Amber."Jinki said to me, and I nodded at him.


"Me too."Luna followed.


"Count me in."Vic said.


"Okay, I think four people is enough to search for that flower. The rest of us will go back to the main island after lunch."Junsuk stated. "Amber, I will leave the rest to you here."he added when he turn to me.


"Okay."I answered to him shortly.


"Junsuk, I want to stay here too."Krystal said to Junsuk. Junsuk shook his head and she look disappointed by it.




I got disappointed when Junsuk didn't allow me to stay behind. I really want to stay with Amber in this island and help him in obtaining that Flower of Ghost. I think Junsuk feel worried about me staying behind without him. The group who will leave the island said their thanks and goodbye to grandma Im.


"I think you guys need a map, just to make sure that you won't get lost."grandma Im said to them and handed him a rolled paper. Junsuk took it and check it. I look at it too, and upon seeing it, I realize that it is the answer of Amber's riddle.


"Thanks, grandma."Junsuk said to her with a smile.


"Junsuk, I need to go somewhere else first."I said to Junsuk and good thing that he nodded.


I went to Amber's room and when I arrive inside, he is about to head outside.


"Amber!"I called him which made him turn around.


"Krystal!"he called me in the same manner when he turned to me.


"I know now what the answer of that riddle!"we both said at the same time which got us a little bit surprise. We stare at each other and we both laugh.


"Go now, I will catch up with you at the mansion."he said to me.


"Be careful,dork."I said to him.


"You too. Don't trust anyone around you this time. Even if you see that it is me."he said to me which made my brows furrowed.


"What do you mean?"I asked him curiously.


"We easily get decieved of what we see, Krystal. So don't trust anyone this time."he said to me. "You should go now, Junsuk is already waiting for you."


"I really wanted to stay here, you know."I said to him as I hang my head low.


"I know."he answered with his dorky smile. "Don't miss me so much,okay?"he continued and chuckled.


"I think you are the one who will miss me so much."I retorted and scoffed.


"Maybe."He replied. "You should really go now."he continued and open the door.


I go to where Junsuk and the other are. We ride on a boat which is a lit more bigger than the previous one. I look at the island as we go far away from it.


"Krystal, can I ask you something?"Junsuk said to me which shifted my attention to him.


"Yes, what is it?"I asked him.


"I want you to be honest with me."he said to me while looking at me straight in the eyes.


"O-Okay."I answered.


"Amber can see you, am I right?"he said to me which made my eyes widened. I didn't expect that he already notice it.


"S-Sorry if I haven't told you."I said to him as I lower my head.


"It's okay. Don't worry, I'm not upset about it. In fact, I am happy."he said to me which made me feel relieve as well as happy too.


"Thank you for your understanding,Jun."I said to him.


"It's nothing Krys, but can he touch you?" he asked me again.


"Yes, he can see me and at the same time, touch me too."I said to him.


"Then, I won't allow him to come near you again."he replied which made my brows furrowed. "I will be honest to you,Krys. I will feel jealous if you get more closer to him than to me."he continued.


"You don't have to be jealous."I said to him and scoffed.


"I love you, Krys. I will do everything to bring you back to normal."he said to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.


Hearing what Junsuk said to me made me happy. It just made me happy but I didn't feel anything else. I like Junsuk, I have always like him. But why is it that I don't feel anything to him aside form this feeling that I feel right now. He don't have the same effect to me like Amber do. Does it mean that I have feelings for that dork? Oh my God! It will be one sided love if I did. Amber likes Sooyeon. 






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GEoRuth #1
I still reread this. This is good👍👍👍
Bluenight_0217 #2
Chapter 46: The story is very interesting and nice. I was also thinking deeply about the riddles. I'm kind of dumb you know. LoL
wytShadow87 #3
Chapter 46: Chapter 45: Very nice story..
Shattered021 #4
Shattered021 #5
Chapter 46: I love this story.
Chapter 34: a little more ... just solve it ok??
Chapter 33: i'm not crying!!!! too much drama for me today!!
Chapter 32: messed up!!! my mind was messed up!
Chapter 31: riddles ..... now my neurons are crying!!
Chapter 30: oh just give ur trust to our llama , Krys