Talking about feelings

Crush on a tomboy

Two days later, you went to a coffee shop with Eun Mi. You ordered a chocolate cappuccino and some cookies.


Chocolate was like a drug to you, you were really addicted to it. The cake looked yummy and Eun Mi her lip when she saw it.


You : It's been a while since the last time we got out together like this

Eun Mi : that's right ~~~~, it's very nice, I missed being with my bestie 

You : same for me, but it's not my fault if you were busy with Mir

Eun Mi : eeh what do you mean ? 

You : you know exactly what I mean, you often went out with Mir those days

Eun Mi : mm yea right, Mir is so sweet

You : you have an huge crush on this guy

Eun Mi : you know me too well, he's so caring and funny, I like to go out with him

You : only like ?

Eun Mi : I loveeee it

You : aigoo I feel like someone will have a boyfriend soon

Eun Mi : I hope so... talking about boyfriend, you've never told me that you liked Cheon Dung more than just a friend

You : actually, it's complicate

Eun Mi : complicate ? waeyo ? You're just a liar, and didn't wanted to tell me about it

You : ani, believe me Eun Mi-ah ! 

Eun Mi : then, tell me all

You : all ? what do you mean by this ?

Eun Mi : how long have you been with Cheon Dung ? how ? 

You : I can tell you everything but you have to promised that you'll keep it secret

Eun Mi : You can trust me ~~~~

You : actually, I'm not his girlfriend, I'm still single, but Cheon Dung lied to his mother and told her that he was in a relationship, she decided to come and so he asked me to fake to be with him so his mother won't discover the truth

Eun Mi : aigoo it's fishy

You : ani, I've already met his parents, and I know that Cheon Dung won't lie to me, moreover it's not so important because I'm not interested in anyone

Eun Mi : but maybe someone is interested in you

You : I don't think so

Eun Mi : wae ?

You : I'm a tomboy, boys attract me, but I don't attract any of them because of my style, just look at the way I dress, and my way of talking, I'm not a girl that boys can easily have a crush on 

Eun Mi : you're talking nonsense ~~~~

You : ani, I'm right

Eun Mi : you're not, I know someone who may have a crush on you

You : don't lie to me 

Eun Mi : I'll never lie to you, and you know it, I really know this person

You : ah jinjja ? nugu ?

Eun Mi : I can't tell you, he's shy about it

You : of course, you can just tell me that there is no one

Eun Mi : ~~~~, trust me, if this guy doesn't tell you anything, it's because you're already with Cheon Dung, at least that's what he thinks

You : anyway, I don't really care, I know it's bad, but I don't want to make someone sad, so if he thinks that I love Cheon Dung, it's alright

Eun Mi : be honest ~~~~, do you love Cheon Dung ?

You : mm as a best friend, yes I do

Eun Mi : it's not love, then, maybe you have a crush on someone

You : I don't... 

Eun Mi : jinjja ?

You : jinjja

Eun Mi : why are your cheeks this red if you're not lying ?

You : I-I... humm... actually... hum

Eun Mi : aigoo come on, you can tell everything

You : I may have a crush on someone...

Eun Mi : Yeaah I knew it !! tell me who


Eun Mi always got crazy and very happy each time you talked about guys, moreover when it comes to the one who had a crush on. You didn't knew whether you should told her or not, but, looking at her puppy eyes, that made you gave up. Eun Mi was your best friend and you also told her everything, so this time, it won't change.


You : mm don't tell anyone... I think that... Seung Ho... isn't bad

Eun Mi : Seung Ho ? jinjja ? 

You : nae, he's handsome and nice, but I don't feel anything... I mean, he's just a friend, and I don't want him to be anything else

Eun Mi : are you sure about this ? don't you want to be his good or very good friend ?

You : aigoo stop it Eun Mi-ah, it's only because he's nice and handsome, and I don't want him to be his "good friend", moreover I should help Cheon Dung

Eun Mi : come on ~~~~, Cheon Dung can forgive you

You : ani, I want to help him

Eun Mi : what if I tell you that Seung Ho also has a crush on you ?

You : it may be right, but not in the way I want

Eun Mi : aah does it means that I'm right ? You really want to become more than a friend to Seung Ho

You : aishh Eun Mi, keep this for you, don't tell him !

Eun Mi : trust me ~~~~


She looked at her watch and told you that she had to go because her mother was waiting for her. She came next to you and pecked your cheek then she went away. You smiled at her and continued eating your cappuccino.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too