Old friends

Crush on a tomboy

You heard someone knocking your door and that woke you up. You hide your face in the pillow in order to reduce the sounds but now you could hear your mother shouting your name. You decided to opened the door and she urge you to prepared because your best friend was about to arrive. Then, you remembered that it was Eun Mi's birthday. Eun Mi was your best friend since you were born, actually you were like sisters. Today was her birthday and you had promised to do some shopping with her. You took a quick shower and brushed your teeth, then you combed your hair. It was short and black, you didn't liked to be as the other girls, many loved long hair with colored wicks, but your hairstyle was a simple one. You put on a jeans, a loose shirt, and this cap.


Even though you didn't liked too girly things, you were fan of kpop and had many biases. One of them was Taeyang, you had all the caps he had. Sometimes your mother asked you if you were a guy or a girl. Of course, you were a girl, but since you were a child, girly and pretty girls had always been bad to you. That why you didn't wanted to be like one of them, and also to differentiate from the other because of your tomboy looks. Of course, your face looked like a girl's one, but because of your style and your personnality, some people misunderstood. Anyway, you didn't care. If someone thought that you were a boy, then you let him or her thinks so. It didn't bother you. When Eun Mi arrived, she looked at you and sighed. You knew that she disagreed about your clothes. She was the total opposite of you, she liked to wear make up and put dress on. On this day, she had a short dress with flowers patterns on it, she also had new highheels on. However, she loved you for what you were, not because of your looks so she didn't care about it. That was why both of you were best friend. When you were younger, you were three best friends, Eun Mi, Cheon Dung and you. But, Cheon Dung had to worked at the university, and you didn't got the chance to met him as often as you wanted to. When you arrived at the city center, Eun Mi wanted you to try dresses, but you felt awkward and refused you. You walked to another shop, with Eun Mi beside you, when something got your attention. Not so far, there was a group of young men standing near an ice cream shop. One of them looked familiar to you, and you stopped walking, Eun Mi did it as well and looked in the same direction. When the guy turned around and you saw his face, you didn't doubted anymore, it was Cheon Dung, you didn't had time to open your mouth that Eun Mi had already called his name. You both walked to him, and Cheon Dung hugged the two of you in the same time when you got closer.


Cheon Dung : I missed you guys so much !! How have you been ? I'm sorry, I was busy lately and didn't have enough time to visit you both

Eun Mi : busy ? You're having a good time with your new friend, and you called this being busy ?

You : I can't believe this Hyung ! I'm going to make you regret it !


You noticed that every Cheon Dung's friend turned their faces to you when they heard your voice. You had a girly voice, but a boyish style. 


Cheon Dung : I almost forgot ! Here are my friends, Mir, Joon, Byung Hee, and Seung Ho, all of them are as nice as me

Eun Mi : aigoo Oppa, you're still boastful... Annyeonghaseyo, Eun Mi imnida

You : I'm ~~~~


Cheon Dung invited you to stayed with them for the rest of the day. That how you got to know every of the boys, they were all very nice. You felt good with them. Mir was a funny guy, he liked to speak nonsense and you really enjoyed this. You could noticed that each of them wondered if you were a girl or a boy. You knew that your clothes confused them, but also the fact that you called Cheon Dung dude or Hyung. However, none dared asked you anything. You really loved all of them, and wanted to meet them again. You exchanged phone numbers and also addresses. You found out that Cheon Dung shared a flat with Seung Ho and you about it. Eun Mi was falling hard for Mir, he was very nice to her, and she was happy. Then, Joon who wanted to bother Mir and Eun Mi said that he wanted to show his vocal talent. He began to sing and both of Eun Mi and you were amazed. He had a very good voice, with an handsome face, you didn't doubted about the fact that he could easily became a famous singer. When Seung Ho rap, you didn't control yourself, it was the first time that you felt like a fangirl, fortunately you were able to hide it. After some hours, you had to went back home. Mir kissed Eun Mi's hand softly before both of you go. On your way back to her home, she didn't stopped praising Mir, you because it wasn't the first time that she kept on fangirling about a guy, sometimes you felt like being different. The way Eun Mi and you acted were not the same, you didn't felt like being a "real girl", you didn't liked to wore dress, neither skirt. According to you, a jeans and a top were the most comfortable clothes. However, tonight you felt awkward. It was the first time that you felt your heart beating faster when looking at a guy. But, you didn't wanted to urge, and you just thought that it was because of their talent and kindness. Anyway, you hoped that the night would be fast because you planned to go to the amusement park with your new friends.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ...lol ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too