Introduce my girlfriend

Crush on a tomboy

Two days later, everything was perfect, except the fact that you felt like being a robot. You had to changed your way of talking and acting. You had to be a true, you, the one who had always been a tomboy, on this day, you were wearing a dress. Moreover, you had to changed your hairstyle.


For the second time, you wore highheels. When you looked at your reflect in the mirror, you felt like seeing someone else. Soon, Cheon Dung arrived, when he saw you opened the door, he shivered because of admiration. He felt so proud to see you like this, he grabbed your hand and kissed it before telling you that you were very pretty and that he prefered your girly side. He helped you put a necklace, then he hold your hand and you both got out. Today, you had to met his parents, but first, you were going to the park in order to talk to the guys. Eun Mi already knew everything about it, because you called her right when Cheon Dung came back home some days earlier. You felt stressed and shy to appear like this in front of them, you knew that you were pretty, you felt confident. But it was so different, as if it wasn't yourself. You weren't used to dress like this, or called the olders guys 'oppa'. Your real personality was a boyish one, and you only felt good that way. However, you really wanted to help Cheon Dung, he had always been a good friend and still is. If he needed your help, then you were happy to be there for him. When you reached the park and began to walk to the meeting point, your heart beated faster, you wanted to hide... dissapeared. But, you can't. Seung Ho was the first one who saw both of you coming, and he stood up, like an idiot, to looked at you. You knew that he was a bit shocked. You felt like none recognized you, except for Seung Ho. 


Cheon Dung : Annyeong everyone

Byung Hee : hey dude, who's this cutie ?

Cheon Dung : this cutie, she's my cutie, let me introduce my girlfriend, ~~~~

You : well, I'm not really

Eun Mi : ~~~~, you're so beautiful ~ See, I was right when I told you to not hide your beauty behind those boys clothes

You : I didn't hide anything, I just feel better with my other style

Joon : ~~~~.... jinjja ?

Seung Ho : it's a great change, Cheon Dung you didn't told us about your relationship

Cheon Dung : that's what I'm doing now, ~~~~ and me are together, I'm madly in love with her


Cheon Dung grabbed your waist, something deep inside him urged him to do this, as if he protected you from all the other guys, he wanted everyone to believed that you were really together. You didn't knew what to say, you felt like he betrayed you and you gave him a questioning look. He winked at you, and that made you thought that he was going to tell the truth, but instead of this, he hold your hand and told the other that you had to meet his parents again, because they missed you. The truth was that even if you were friends for a long time, you weren't close to his parents, you had seen them sometimes before, but weren't able to remember their faces or names. You were speechless as you didn't knew what to say and let Cheon Dung led you back to the car. It happened so fast, when you sat down, you remembered Seung Ho's face when he saw you arrived. He was glad to see you like this, you saw admiration in his eyes when he looked at you and a smile appeared on his face even if he was shocked, but as soon as Cheon Dung talked about your fake relationship, Seung Ho's smile faded away and he looked hurt. You didn't wanted to imagine thing that couldn't happened and told yourself that he may had been sad because Cheon Dung never talked about it before. Your heart was in pain as you realized how important Seung Ho was to you, and how bad it was that he thought that you had a boyfriend, you were mad at Cheon Dung, who lied to you.


You : you said that we'll them the truth, then, why did you acted like all this is true ?

Cheon Dung : it was just a training for later, don't worry ~~~~, you can trust me, we'll tell our friends later

You : you don't need a training, let me tell them that I'm single, and then we'll go

Cheon Dung : you can't do this ~~~~, I'm already driving, and what they think isn't so important, do you think it'll hurt one of them to think that you're with me ?

You : it won't.... but, I feel.... weird

Cheon Dung : maybe it's because you're nervous, calm down and take a deep breath, it's going to be better, and forget about them, we'll tell everything later, now we just need to act like a couple


Cheon Dung put his hand on your knee as you shivered, you pushed his hand away. You were able to act like this in front of his parents, but when you were alone, you didn't wanted to be like this, but only friends. You didn't noticed Cheon Dung's smirk, who was searching for a way to got you away from the others. Seeing the way that Seung Ho looked at you, he could tell that if he revealed the truth about your fake relationship, Seung Ho would charm you. And he didn't wanted it to happen, he was crazy about you and promised to himself that you'll become his real girl. You closed your eyes, telling yourself that you were nothing for Seung Ho, that you weren't something else than just one more girl. However, your eyes got teary and you suddenly wanted to cry.... Seung Ho.... he was the only one in your mind, in your heart, and now you had to fake to be with Cheon Dung, and forgot this impossible love for Seung Ho that was growing in your heart. Seung Ho liked girly women, you could tell this thanks to the way he looked at you earlier, you weren't one of them.... You were a special girl, a tomboy, that he couldn't be interested in.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too