Party Party

Crush on a tomboy

Two days later, Mir had decided to made a party. Eun Mi and you were treat, it had been planned to took place at Mir's appartment. As you knew that it was just a private party, with you and the boys, you didn't wanted to dress in a y or girly way. You wanted to be yourself, you had a jeans and a simple shirt on, your hair were messy. Eun Mi, who had a crush on Mir, put a very short dress on. She looked prettier than ever. When you arrived, only Mir, Joon and Seung Ho were already there. Seung Ho was dressed in a simple way, but still looked handsome. You were always amazed by him, he was full of charisma. You've never been so attracted to someone. Seung Ho was also amazed by you, he looked at you from head to toe and remembered when he saw you wearing a dress. He was glad that you were a girl, because what he felt for you was weird, and it was awkward to felt like this, even more if you were a boy. However, he thought that you were his friend's girlfriend, and he wasn't able to do anything. Cheon Dung had always been nice to him, they were friends for a long time. He had a crush on his best friend's girl, and didn't knew what to do to repress his feelings. You sat next to him on the couch, Eun Mi was beside Mir and Joon went to the kitchen to took the drinks.


Seung Ho : I thought that Cheon Dung would drive you there

You : C-Cheon Dung ? Oh ani, I came with Eun Mi

Seung Ho : Eun Mi and you are close friends, right ?

Eun Mi : oh we're friends since childhood, and Cheon Dung Oppa too

Mir : jinjja ? He didn't talked about you before

Eun Mi : it's because we haven't met him during a long time

Mir : I'm glad that you met again, thanks to this, I've met you

Seung Ho : dude, you sound so cheesy

Eun Mi : it's so cute, I'm also happy about this Mir Oppa

You : you two look good together

Mir : that's right, Eun Mi-ah, would you like to go on a date with me ?

Eun Mi : huh ? a d-date ? jinjja ?

Mir : if you think it's weird, Cheon Dung and ~~~~ can come along, so it'll be a double date

Eun Mi : that would be nice Oppa

You : mmm actually, I want to say, Cheon Dung and I aren't...


At this moment, the door opened and Cheon Dung got inside, followed by Byung Hee. Seung Ho looked at them, wondering what you were about to say. He thought that maybe you prefer to have an intimate date, instead of being with Mir and Eun Mi. You sighed as you glanced at Cheon Dung then Seung Ho. You shivered when your gaze met Seung Ho's one. You felt yourself blushing and turned your head to the side. Cheon Dung had noticed it and realized that Seung Ho could be a danger for his plan. You knew that he didn't wanted you to tell the truth, however you didn't wanted Seung Ho to think that you were in a relationship. Then, you got up and went to Cheon Dung before whispering that you needed to talk to him, he grabbed your hand as if you were a couple, and dragged you outside. Seung Ho's heart felt in pain when he saw Cheon Dung interlacing your fingers. He decided to think about something else and helped Joon to put the food in the table. Outside, you faced Cheon Dung before saying.


You : Oppa, I'm willing to help you but I won't let the other think so

Cheon Dung : why not ? It's not a big deal

You : for me, it is

Cheon Dung : it's because of Seung Ho, right ?

You : I-I...

Cheon Dung : I know you well ~~~~, and I'm your best friend so I won't lie to you, Seung Ho is a playboy and actually he already has a girlfriend, but she's abroad for some times because her family had some problems, during this time, Seung Ho likes to go out and meet other girls, so if you don't want to be hurt, forget about him, I'm your friend, you can trust me ~~~~, nae ?

You : Oppa... is.... is it true ?

Cheon Dung : why would I lie ? I just don't want an awesome girl like you to be hurt by someone like him ? If you fake to be with me, then he won't try to play with you, but if it happen, you'll end up heart broken

You : I trust you Oppa, you can't lie to me, we're friends for so long, gomawo 

Cheon Dung : don't be thankful, it's my job to protect you


Seung Ho who had noticed you walking outside went near the window. He really wondered what you wanted to say before the boys arrived, but what he saw made him sad. Cheon Dung hugged you tightly, and you hugged him back, he even caressed your hair. Something hurted in Seung Ho's heart, he never felt like this before. He had been jealous sometimes, but now it was stronger than all the other times. He wanted to be the one who hugged you. Cheon Dung cupped your face and you looked in his eyes.


Cheon Dung : I'm very happy and proud to have someone like you Jagiya


Cheon Dung giggled and that made you smile, he was handsome too. He knew you since a long time and you also felt proud to have a best friend like him because you knew that he would always be there, and protect you. Slowly, you leaned closer and pecked his nose. Seung Ho clinched his fist, that sight hurted him so much. He decided to stop the two of you and walked outside.


Seung Ho : excuse me, but the dinner is ready, we're all waiting for you

You : oh mian, babe I don't feel good, I'll go back home first

Cheon Dung : ani Jagiya, let me drive you there, see you soon Seung Ho, apologize to the other for me, but I don't want to let my princess alone


Seung Ho just nodded and walked away, he didn't wanted to leave like this, but he can't do anything. In his thought, Cheon Dung was the one you really loved, and you wanted to be with him forever. When he got away, you felt very sad, and empty. Cheon Dung took you to his car and drove back home. He stayed there for a while, and you watched a movie together, as in the past. You missed those moments when Eun Mi, Cheon Dung and you got out together, did some shopping, and that kind of things. You felt nostalgic, this movie and with your best friend helped you to not think of Seung Ho. You believed Cheon Dung, to you, he was too kind and friendly to lie to someone. About two hours later, you had fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder. Cheon Dung picked you up and went to your bedroom, where he soflty laid you on the bed, he caressed your hair and leaned closer to admire your sleeping face. Then, he slowly pecked your lips, it was soft and tender and he felt good to be with you, however he needed to make Seung Ho understand that you were his girlfriend, and also to tell him that you didn't cared about him.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too