Girls outing

Crush on a tomboy

Later on the same day, Eun Mi came to your home. She wanted to ended up the night by a pajama party with you, just as you did many times in the past. Even your pajamas looked like boy's one. Eun Mi always teased you about it. You sat on a pillow and Eun Mi sat in front of you, she took your hand and took a nail polish from her bag. You looked at her with a questionning face, she just looked at you and mehrong. Then, she began to painted your nail with it. 


Eun Mi : we have to continue our conversation

You : huh ? which ?

Eun Mi : about... Seung Ho Oppa, your lovely Seung Ho

You : aigoo don't say it like this, it's embarrassing

Eun Mi : I'm just saying the truth, if you could see your face, you're so funny

You : funny ? wae ?

Eun Mi : you look cute because you're shy, come on, I'm your bestie, tell me everything about him

You : what do you want to know ?

Eun Mi : what attract you to him

You : I've already told you that he's handsome, that's all, really, nothing else

Eun Mi : don't lie to me, I know you well and I can say that it's more than this, you're in love ~~~~

You : certainly not !

Eun Mi : we have to find a way so you can "break up" with Cheon Dung

You : why do you want me to do this ?

Eun Mi : I think that Seung Ho is not indifferent to your charm, but all of them think that you're really with Cheon Dung, at least tell them the truth

You : I may know how I can break up, I noticed that there is something special between Shin Hye and Cheon Dung


At this moment, Eun Mi's phone rang, when she picked it up, she looked surprised. She talked for a while to the person and looked even more surprised. That made you curious and when she hung up, you asked everything you wanted to know.


You : who was it ? why are you doing this face ? what's the matter ? huh ?

Eun Mi : it's.. Shin Hye

You : mwo ? why did she call ?

Eun Mi : she wants us to go to the spa with her tomorrow

You : waeyo ?

Eun Mi : she just said that she wants to be our friends, and have a good time

You : so, you already accept right ?

Eun Mi : sure


Eun Mi and you talked a bit more about it, then you watched a movie. You both became crazy fangirls while watching it. 


On the next day you woke early up. Eun Mi and you looked tired and you both made fun of each other. Then, you went to the spa, you've never been to this place before and it looked really nice. Shin Hye was waiting for you. She kissed you two on the cheek as if you were her close friends. Anyway, it didn't bothered you since you knew that she was only Seung Ho's cousin. Firstly, you had to get change. You put a swim suit on then went to this place.



Shin Hye sat next to you, her swim suit was very beautiful and y. Eun Mi, who really liked these kind of clothes asked her where she bought it.


Shin Hye : oh... I didn't bought it, it's a present

Eun Mi : from whom ?

Shin Hye : Cheon Dung gave it to me

You : jinjja ?

Shin Hye : nae, he bought many things for me before

You : it seems like you were very close to each other

Shin Hye : yes, very very close, I feel nostalgic of the past

Eun Mi : isn't it the same ?

Shin Hye : I don't think so, we don't talk like before, but it's normal

You : waeyo ?

Shin Hye : because he's your boyfriend

Eun Mi : what do you mean ?

Shin Hye : you didn't know about our relationship, right ?

You : I asked Cheon Dung, but he didn't wanted to tell me

Shin Hye : maybe it's a bad memory for him now

You : you were more than his best friend, right ?

Shin Hye : I think Cheon Dung should tell you about it, not me

Eun Mi : come on, you can tell us

Shin Hye : Cheon Dung and I.... had been together for 3 years

You : you mean... his girlfriend ?

Shin Hye : that's it

Eun Mi : why did you broke up ?

Shin Hye : because... I had to go to the USA, and Cheon Dung wasn't able to come with me

You : do... do you love him ?

Shin Hye : maybe...


Shin Hye smirked as she thought that you were scared, you knew that this 'maybe' meant that she still loved him and wanted to got him back. However, your gaze met Eun Mi's one as you thought about the fact that if Shin Hye charmed Cheon Dung, you would be able to be free and tried to be with Seung Ho.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too