Unforgotten love

Crush on a tomboy

Your happiness faded away when Mir called you to treat you at a little party given for Shin Hye. It took place at the restaurant which Seung Ho worked in. When you had to choose clothes, you looked at all the dresses and skirt that Cheon Dung had bought for you. You remembered that Seung Ho told you that you were prettier with short clothes, and this night, you wanted to please him. Also, you didn't wanted to dress like a guy because you knew that Shin Hye would be very pretty. Mir drove you and Eun Mi to the restaurant. In the car, Mir told you to not say to anyone that Shin Hye was there, because it was a surprise, he also said that she was one of the close friend of them, and that she just came back from the USA. You had put a dress on with high heels and make up. 



Seung Ho welcomed you, he looked at you from head to toe and you felt your cheeks turning red. Eun Mi giggled as she stared at the two of you. Mir took Eun Mi's hand and winked at her before walking inside. 


Seung Ho : you look wonderful ~~~~, you're so beautiful

You : gomawo Oppa

Shin Hye : Ah Seung Ho you're here ! I was searching for you, who is it ?

Seung Ho : she's ~~~~

You : Annyeonghaseyo

Shin Hye : Annyeonghaseyo ~~~~, I'm Shin Hye, you're one of Seung Ho's friends, right ?

Seung Ho : right, and she's also Cheon Dung's girlfriend

Shin Hye : he... he has a girlfriend ? since when ?

Seung Ho : not a long time

Shin Hye : why didn't you told me ? you know that....... Cheon Dung is a good friend to me

Seung Ho : ah mian Shin

Shin Hye : it's okay... anyway it doesn't change anything, well I better go with the other now

Seung Ho : we can get inside now, otherwise you'll catch a cold


You walked to the lounge with Seung Ho, he gave you something to drink and Shin Hye sat next to him, she was very close and whispered something to him, that got you jealous. Soon, Cheon Dung arrived, he was very handsome. When he saw Shin Hye, he shivered and stopped walking, he seemed to be shocked. She walked to him and they went out together, saying that they needed to talk. You wondered what could be the matter, but got distracted when Seung Ho got closer to you. 


Seung Ho : Don't worry ~~~~, Shin Hye won't steal your man

You : I don't worry about anything, and I know she won't

Seung Ho : jinjja ? you trust people easily

You : I don't... but I know that she's your girlfriend, so I don't need to worry

Seung Ho : my what ?

You : your girlfriend

Seung Ho : she's not

You : I was sure that you were going to say this... 

Seung Ho : I'm just saying the truth

You : then, why did you bought a ring for her ?

Seung Ho : a ring ?

You : nae, you were at the coffee shop and gave her a ring

Seung Ho : how do you know this ? 

You : I.. I

Seung Ho : wait... did you stalk us ?

You : stalk you ? aniii ! why would I do this ?

Seung Ho : if you didn't, how can you know ?

You : I was there too, I just heard her saying that something was beautiful so I peeked at the two of you

Seung Ho : you're not a good liar

You : I don't lie

Seung Ho : if not...


Seung Ho turned your head to him, holding your chin. He asked you to repeat what you just said, and so did you. However, he was right, you weren't a good liar, and while talking you just looked down and blushed. Seung Ho felt happy but hide it, and he just said that he didn't believed you. At this moment, Joon came next to you which made you felt relieved. Seung Ho was disappointed because he wanted to talked a bit more with you, alone. 


Shin Hye and Cheon Dung walked a bit far from the house, as soon as none of yours could saw them, Shin Hye turned to him and hugged him tightly. 


Shin Hye : I missed you so much Oppa

Cheon Dung : I also missed you

Shin Hye : is this true ?

Cheon Dung : of course I did, I thought a lot about you

Shin Hye : I'm so happy you did, but it seemed like you've forgotten about us easily

Cheon Dung : what do you mean ?

Shin Hye : I already know that you're in a relationship with this girl

Cheon Dung : it doesn't mean that I've forgotten about you

Shin Hye : you know, I came back here because I wanted to see you again, but it's too late now

Cheon Dung : Mianhae kitty

Shin Hye : don't call me like this, we're not together anymore

Cheon Dung : but... I'm use to it

Shin Hye : please, it already hurt to know that you're with someone else, and if you act like before, it'll hurt more


Shin Hye pulled a bit away from him. Cheon Dung looked sad, he didn't knew what to do, his heart was ripped in two parts, seeing Shin Hye woke up the feelings he had for her...

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ...lol ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too