You and me

Crush on a tomboy

In the afternoon, you received a call from Su Ji. You remembered that it had been a while since the last you've seen her, actually it was at Jin Ho's mother's birthday at the restaurant where Seung Ho worked. She called you because she gave birth to a baby, a little girl. You were happy to knew this and decided to go see her at the hospital. You greeted good bye at Eun Mi and Shin Hye, they both got along very well together as they liked many common things. You felt like a burden so you were glad to go. On your way to the hospital, you stopped at a baby shop and bought a perfume with a teddy bear. When you arrived, you had some difficulties to find the room. You shivered when you stood at the entrance, Seung Ho was inside, holding a cute baby in his arms, you were shocked to see him there. 


Su Ji : come in ~~~~, don't be shy, I think that you already know Seung Ho

You : I do

Seung Ho : Annyeong ~~~~, nice to see you

Jin Ho : here is our cutie, her name is Hae Won

You : it's a beautiful name, she's so cute

Seung Ho : she really look like Su Ji, don't you think ?

You : I agree



Su Ji : I wonder when you two will have babies

Seung Ho : huh ? us ?

Su Ji : not together babo

Jin Ho : we can never know Jagiya, maybe later they will be a couple

Su Ji : that would be so cool

You : hum... stop it now, Seung Ho Oppa can feel uneasy with all your remarks

Seung Ho : it doesn't bother me, they may be right

Jin Ho : oooh Seung Ho, does it mean that you're interested in our cute ~~~~ ?

Seung Ho : why not after all, she's a wonderful girl

You : aigoo don't say this, it's not true

Su Ji : look at them Yeobo, they are like us

Jin Ho : that's right, a very cute couple

Su Ji : you both are like soulmates, I won't be surprise if you end up together


Your cheeks turned red and you felt shy. You found yourself thinking about how will be if you were pregnant and Seung Ho was your husband. You mentally facepalmed and tried to think of something else, Seung Ho smiled at you and asked if you wanted to carry Hae Won. You just nodded as you tried to focused on the baby. You smiled widely, you really like babies, however you weren't holding her head in the good way. Seung Ho got closer to you from behind and put his hand below the baby's head and you could felt his body touching yours. You blushed more at the skin contact, Su Ji and Jin Ho exchanged accomplice gaze and stared at the two of you. You weren't able to saw Seung Ho's bright smile. He looked at you more at the child. You wanted this moment to never end, but Hae Won began to cried as she was hungry. Su Ji took her baby and fed her, you looked at your phone and decided that it was time to go back home, you wanted to stay longer, to be with Seung Ho, but you were scared that he would notice and you had to cook. When you waved at them, Seung Ho did the same and followed you. In the corridor, he ran and once he was next to you he grabbed your hand. You shivered and looked at him.


Seung Ho : let's eat together

You : jinjja ?

Seung Ho : I don't want to eat alone

You : oh... so you're asking me just because you need someone

Seung Ho : ani, I'm asking you because.... I want to spend some time with you

You : I.. I


You didn't knew what to say, you felt like it was too beautiful to be true. Seung Ho began to walk, still holding your hand. He went to his car and dragged you along. He drove to a nice restaurant, you've never been there before.



Inside, you found yourself comparing yourself to the other women. All of them looked gorgeous with their dress and jewelry. You didn't had time to change clothes and you wore a cute but simple dress. Seung Ho led you to a table and pulled a chair, you thanked him while smiling before sitting. He sat in front of you and a woman, a server, came with the menu card.


Server : you come here with another girl

Seung Ho : as you can see

Server : your new girlfriend ?

Seung Ho : ani, she's not... unfortunately

Server : you're saying this but if I were her, I wouldn't trust you

Seung Ho : why not ?

Server : you're too flirty

Seung Ho : if she was my girlfriend, I think I would stop going out with girls, even looking at them


He stared at you while saying this, and your heart beated faster. You told him to stop speaking nonsense and ordered the food.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 18: Awww i loved it! Im just like her...except i dont think i talk boyish. Alot ^^ i want some one like seungho xD
Chapter 18: whaa jinja tahts is a great story
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo wassup? Nice story so far! I just wanted to comment on how epic that hat looks hahha xD
lol, alright im gonna continue reading now x)
i'm very happy that it pleased you ;)
-notyourself #5
Chapter 18: T-T the end...T-T
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 18: End??aww they get married...nice story
darkangel1248 #7
Chapter 18: So cute!! Love the ending
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 15: Aww they kiss!!!!
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 13: Aww i want have a baby too