Hateful Innocence

Metal Body, Human Soul

            Clink. Clink. Shift. Creek. Click.

            There he is, seated next to Creator. He proves to be much better than I have ever been. It has been a few weeks since he was made.

            This… Luhan, was it? He is able to modify his voice to display different emotions. His eye color changes with his mood. Creator acknowledges his human-like qualities.

            “Ah, there you are. Would you fetch something for me to drink? Oh, and Luhan spilled some oil on his shirt yesterday while looking through parts of the experimentation room. Would you clean his shirt as well?”

            “Yes, Creator.”

            Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Slam. Click. Ping. Shing.

            Luhan’s room is much nicer than mine. It is much larger and better furnished… suited for a robot like him.

            Shuffling over to a small hamper, I pull out a pale blue shirt, a large black blob right at the bottom left.

            Shing. Creek. Clink. Clink. Clink. Turn. Shift. Clink. Clink. Cling. Flick. Shhh. Flick. Clink. Clink. Clink.

            “Oh, thank you for the water. Now, go on and quickly wash that shirt. Later, I must go to buy Luhan more clothes… Perhaps I will be able to purchase a new dress for you… This one is far too dirty to even look at. Please at least go and try to scrub out the stains while you wash Luhan’s shirt.”

            “Of course, Creator.”

            Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Cling. Click. Clink. Clink. Ping. Click. Clink. Clink.

            Turning on the water to fill up a small tub, I pull on a pair of rubber gloves before dunking the shirt into the water and finding a rag to scrub at my own dress.

            Creator never gave me much time to myself to clean up my own room or meager belongings. I was merely a little maid for him.


            I spun around quickly, splashing a bit of water onto the ground. Luhan stood there, a bit surprised by the water and taking a step back.

            “May I help you?”

            Luhan simply stood there, only shaking his head in reply. “I only want to watch.” His eyes were a clear blue, which I learned signified curiosity for him.

            His voice sounded too soft and gentle for that of a robot. But it had tone to it. He was able to convey different tones and levels of volume. It was not monotonous.

            This was the first time we have talked to each other. He never asks anything of me.

            I gave a jerky nod before turning back to scrubbing my dress.

            “Is this what you do everyday?”

            “Yes, or similar tasks to this.”

            There was a long pause, the only sounds were of me scrubbing my dress, then his shirt.

            Neither of us said a thing. Me because I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. Him probably because he was too curious and absorbed in watching.

            Scrub. Scrub. Scrub. Cling. Slam. Ping. Splash.

            “Do you never get wet?”

            “I do sometimes if I am not careful.”

            “Then what happens?”

            “I quickly dry off and if anything goes wrong… then I fix it myself as best I can.”

            “You should go to Creator. He can fix you quickly if anything goes wrong.”

            “He has no time for me.”

            He was very curious about everything. Was I that curious?

            “Why do you move so loudly?”

            “I am not as advanced as you.”

            “Why do you talk like that?”

            “I am not programmed like you.”


            “Creator had not experimented far enough to make me more advanced.”

            “Are you a prototype?”

            I froze, surprised by the question. Was I a prototype? Was I made simply as a pre-run before he made Luhan? “I do not know.”

            “Have I made you feel bad?” His eyes slowly shifted to a dark, indigo color.


            “No, Luhan.” There was a flicker of green (did that signify happiness?) before turning back to pale blue.

            There was a moment's pause before he fired a few more questions.

            "Why do you perform tasks such as these?"

            Because I do not satisfy Creator.

            "If I do not, who else will?"

            "We could all help."

            It does not work that way here.

            "But Creator would not have time to experiment. And you would not be as free as you are now."

            “Okay… Creator is taking me out. Have you been out before?”


            If only I had the chance.

            “I will bring you something, then.” There was another flash of green in his eyes.

            Before I could protest, he was gone. I turned back to the stained shirt, wringing out the water and beginning to scrub lightly.

            He seems so innocent... too kind… And he seems to satisfy Creator.

            I am glad that he is not living as I am. At least he does not have to be tossed aside and turned into another servant or tool for Creator. I am glad that he is being treated as he is now.

            Yet… why do I feel so envious? Why do I wish that he had not satisfied Creator?

            Why do I hate him?

Sorry about such a short chapter :/.... Please comment if you have any suggestions to help me improve!

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2) You want me to continue ^.^

Thanks for reading~!



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Thanks for this story. My friend is a big fan of Luhan. I'll show it to her. She will be overjoyed.
Chapter 10: This was certainly an interesting read. I never know what to expect with OCs but this was a nice surprise because she was a robot and therefore in new territory to read. I additionally wasn't sure how Luhan was going to fit in either until I got to the end of the first chapter and things clicked into place. While you give a fair bit of description to Luhan throughout the story, I would have liked to have seen more details about how Hana and the Creator looked. Other than that, it was very interesting to see the way they developed over time.

I must admit that I pitied Hana more than anything. And Luhan's behavior was curious to me since I feel like we didn't get to see many of the behind the scenes interactions that allowed him to become closer to her. I know it happened because of how they interact throughout but I missed the moments other than his brief questioning periods (and the gifts). It was still sweet regardless, since the whole idea of robots having emotions and falling in love is just wonderful anyway. ;)

I especially enjoyed the twist at the end, even if I'm not entirely sure how it came about. Based on everything Hana said/thought about the Creator led me to believe one thing about him and then it changed. But such is life I suppose.

I was however left with a few questions by the end. One of which was the significance of the eye colors. Were they based on mood ring colors by chance? And why wouldn't the Creator be able to explain that since he is the one that programmed Luhan in the first place? I was also curious about how Hana came to be aware at all. The story says she wasn't supposed to initially but she does (apparently) and I'm not sure how the Creator could miss that discrepancy. >.> Or why he would maintain such a facade throughout when he was finally convinced otherwise. You gave a reason but it didn't feel like a strong reason. Does that make sense?

But anyway. I am glad you gave them a happy ending...
itstraac #3
Chapter 4: Aw.. Destroyedd???
Hello! This is waaffles, admin of ‘2013 AFF FANFIC AWARDS’ and I would like to congratulate you that this story that you have written has been nominated into the fanfic awards! Here is the link to the ‘2013 AFF FANFIC AWARDS’ and good luck!
Chapter 10: I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally liked this story author-nim,it is so beautifull!! T_T What i didnt like is that it was too short lol You made an excelent job with this ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 10: I loved the story. It was beautifully written, and the end was nice.
Chapter 9: I really hope this is not a trap, and she does have a new body. So nervous...
Chapter 8: Oh, no! Nearing the end, but he is nice to give updates on what Master says. I feel sorry for them both.
Chapter 7: A nice gift. The talk was good for them, also. Still liking it!