Time for the party. PART 1

Behind the scenes.
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Chapter 3;


Upon reaching the party, the security guard helped me open my side of the door, once opened, the flashes of cameras and screams started. Walking along the red carpet is already natural for me compared to the very first time I ever did walked on it, it made me want to faint. I was standing on the side waiting for Jiyong to walk around his car once he came around, he stood beside me and held out his arm, I hook mine around his as we walk forward, the closer we walked in, the more the flashes intensified.


As we smiled and posed for pictures to be taken, reporters were already screaming our names from every direction trying to get our attention. As we were about to reach the entrance of the party, we stopped to answer some questions.


“When did you and Jiyong became official?” a women reporter asked as she held her mic in front of us to speak into.

“Just last week,” I answered with a smile


“So Jiyong-shi, who asked who out?”


“I did,” he responded.


“ What did you do to make her yours?”


“For starters, I started giving her flowers anonymously, until one day I thought that I should let her know that it was me sending her the flowers all along. And lets just say she was a little more than just shocked.” I was shocked to know that Jiyong could come up with this answer on the spot. Unless, he thought it over when we were on our way here.

“So Chaerin, what did you do/think when you knew that it was Jiyong?”


“Like what he said, I was indeed shocked. I honestly thought it was a fan.” Two could play at this game, I thought.


“What about the rumor about you guys not being close to each other? Also about you and taeyang dating?” another reporter cut in, these questions caught be a little off guard as only the people on-set would know about this.


“There are just what they are, rumors.” I answered.


As we wrap up the mayhem outside the building, we made our way in and was greeted by the beautiful chandelier on the ceiling, beautiful sliver fabrics hung on the walls alongside the tables. There was a DJ heating up the dance floor playing the most recent hits as some people dances along the music. I walked towards my friends as they smiled at my approach. I wasn’t too sure how tonight’s going to be like, cause Jiyong practically left me alone with my friends though I didn’t really cared. He most probably had gone looking for Dara.


Bom, Minzy and me exchanged a quick hug before Minzy grinned at me and asked.

“So unnie, when did you and Jiyong started dating??”


“Yeah, why didn’t you tell us anything!” Bom added.


“ Whoa, it isn’t what you guys are thinking, I’ll explain later, lets just enjoy ourselves tonight~” they giggled at my choice of word, they just LOVE teasing me about guys.


“so where’s your date now?” Minzy asked while looking around. I turn around to see that he was indeed nowhere to be found. Like I said, he’s probably with Dara. Dara usually hangs out most with the guys then the girls.


I was chatting happily with the girls when suddenly YG appeared with Jiyong. “ Now, you guys have to stay together with your date and enjoy your evening.” He state before walking away. I was surprise to see Jiyong wearing an nervous expression on his face, he RARELY go nervous. Something OR SOMEONE must make him feel uncomfortable.


“seems that he wants us to keep up with the “show”


“I guess… At least it’s just for tonight.” He replied. I replied him with a simple hmph.


The party was now halfway over and they were calling all casts to dance. Which means, dancing with Jiyong. Is that a good thing or a b

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Chapter 15: Where are you? Update pleaseeee
Chapter 15: Ohmyyy..no update X(
1 year and 3months since u last updated author nim D;
i missed this story so baaad.
Yvetth #4
Chapter 15: Plz authornim update asap
Black_jack_ #5
Chapter 15: What happen don't leave us hanging here authornim
LinLin05 #6
Chapter 15: Update again this story juseyo
SeoKook #7
Chapter 15: Update juseyo~
charlyn169 #8
Chapter 15: Poor Chae :(
charlyn169 #9
Chapter 5: Jiyong Gay? Lol