Chapter 9: The Dress

He Was Mine

Chapter 9: The Dress

                Jiyong picked her up in the early afternoon to go to her second to last dress fitting. Despite the fact that he had helped her pick out the dress years ago, he was still chattering excitedly about it on the way. Bongcha added a comment here and there, but he spoke the most. Occasionally, one of his dogs would respond with a “woof” from the back. He was bringing them in since apparently they were also going to be two of Bongcha’s bridesmaids. He also just liked bringing them everywhere with him right now.

                Gaho trotted by Jiyong’s side while Bongcha carried Gayeon to the bridal dress shop. Luckily, the shop was willing to allow the dogs in considering how much her family was spending on the dress. Waiting outside the shop was Haejung, wearing a short dress that just happened to be white. It contrasted with her tanned skin nicely and hugged her curves in just the right way. Jiyong normally would’ve approved of an outfit like that, instead he frowned at her.

                “Who are you?” she asked when she noticed Jiyong.

                “I’m Jiyong. You must be Haejung,” he noted. She bowed to him but he didn’t return the favor. It was rather rude. Bongcha wanted to remark as such, but Haejung ignored it.

                “Then are you coming to the fitting too, Oppa?” she asked, smiling at him.

                “I didn’t say you could call me ‘oppa.’ And, yes, I’m coming,” he replied, smiling just as sweetly back at her. The atmosphere was tense, even the dogs could feel it. Gayeon buried her head in the fabric of Bongcha’s shirt while Gaho hid behind his master.

                “We’re going to be late,” Bongcha said as she walked past the two of them and into the shop. Almost immediately, the puppy was taken from her as she was ushered into one of the changing rooms. Meanwhile, Jiyong took the puppy and sat her on his lap while Gaho laid down next to him.

                “Seungri is taken,” he remarked.

                “What?” Haejung turned, surprised.

                “He’s taken. Back off,” he said while Gayeon chewed on one of his fingers. He scratched her fur with his other hand and smiled softly at the puppy. He had picked her out over the internet and had his mom take care of the dogs while he was gone. He visited them while on break but it was nice to have them back. Everything would be perfect if this girl wasn’t wreaking havoc in his best friend’s life.

                “I’m not doing anything,” she said with a small laugh.

                “I don’t believe you.”

                “What do you think?” Bongcha interrupted as she walked to the front of the store where the pair had been sitting. Jiyong immediately turned his attention to her and broke out in a wide grin. She was beautiful. The dress was simple but elegant. She looked great in it and it fit her like a glove.

                “You look beautiful,” he replied before getting up. He walked around her in a circle, nodding with approval.

                “You should take it in there,” he said and pulled at some of the fabric around her waist with his free hands. “It should only be taken in about a half inch, but then it’ll look even better.”

                “Really? I think they should let it out there,” Haejung replied, “It looks a little tight.” Jiyong glared at her over Bongcha’s shoulder while the girl in question suddenly covered her stomach.

                “But I’ve been doing even more abdominal exercises. If I do anymore, I’ll start to get a six pack,” she frowned as she rubbed the area in question up and down as if to feel for the nonexistent fat.

                “You look perfect. I’m the fashion major, you should listen to me,” Jiyong said sweetly. After that, every time Haejung tried to open Jiyong cut her off and made a constructive comment instead of a critical one. Finally, she Bongcha returned to the dressing room and the two were left alone once again.

                “Bongcha is taken,” Haejung said, using his words against him.

                “I know,” he smiled at her, “That’s why I’m helping with their wedding. It’s called being nice, you should try it sometime.”

                “No, you’re being petty.”

                “If Seungri finds out how you’re treating me-”

                “Seungri already doesn’t like me. That hasn’t changed for the last three years; their relationship also hasn’t changed for the last three years. They’re getting married. Doing catty things like subtly flirting with him or setting up a double date or making her self-conscious are stupid. Your actions won’t change anything. Give up.”

                “You can’t prove I’m trying to do anything but, even if you could prove anything, I wouldn’t give up. I’ve loved him since we were kids. I’ll win in the end.”

                He was going to come up with some sort of retort but Bongcha returned to them wearing her normal clothes. “Thanks for coming,” she said to Haejung.

                “Thanks for letting me come, Unnie,” she replied with a smile, “Are we going anywhere else today?”

                “Sorry, I’m stealing her now,” Jiyong said, “but thanks for showing up.”

                “Maybe some other time,” Bongcha bowed slightly to Haejung before taking Gayeon from Jiyong before following him out of the store. He took her with him to the park so that they could play with dogs. After that, they went out for street food and finally ended up at one of the pet shops. They picked out some clothes for Gayeon before Jiyong had to take her back home.

                She waved goodbye to him before going inside. She immediately went up to her room but wasn’t expecting Seungri to be waiting inside. He was lying on her bed, flipping through one of the hundreds of bridal magazines that had been forced upon Bongcha.

                “What are you doing here?” she asked before sitting down on the bed beside him.

                “I didn’t want to be at home,” was his reply before tossing the magazine away.

                “Fight with your dad?”

                “Nope, Mom was just talking to me too much about babies.”

                “We’re not married yet though.” Bongcha laid down beside him. Their bodies weren’t touching but it was nice just being near him.

                “Tell her that,” he chuckled, “She’s going baby crazy right now. I think it’s because one of her friends just became a grandmother. Or maybe grandchildren are in this season…”Bongcha elbowed him in the ribs. “Ow! I know, she’s not like that.”

                “If it was my mom on the other hand…”

                “Psh! She’s just happy to have a son-in-law as handsome as me!” he laughed before pulling Bongcha close. She rested her head on his chest and sighed.

                “Why is your mom suddenly so into the idea of grandkids?”

                “Probably because our wedding is so close.”

                “Is it a good idea to have kids while in college?”

                “We’ll get to that when it comes,” he mumbled before placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. She smiled and turned to hug his waist. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes. Nobody would say anything if he stayed the night.

                In the morning, around seven o’clock, Bongcha’s cellphone started ringing. She groaned and untangled herself from Seungri before going over to answer it. “Yeoboseyo?” she asking in a sleepy voice while Seungri his side as he tried to go back to sleep.

                “What?” she suddenly exclaimed, even getting him to sit up in bed. “What happened? Alright… Alright, I’ll be there soon.” She placed the phone back down on her desk before running a hand through her hair.

                “What’s wrong?” he asked.

                “My dress,” she sighed, “My dress is ruined.”


~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i updated! But i guess this is what happens when you get a cold "OTL an allergic reaction and then a cold bleh DX

oh well, hope ya'll enjoyed the update!

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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10