Chapter 10: Red Paint

He Was Mine

Chapter 10: Red Paint

                “What do you mean ruined?” Seungri asked, getting up off of the bed. He took the few steps to reach her and grabbed her hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze before waiting for her response.

              “I’m not sure. The lady was talking really quickly and I kind of stopped listening after she said my dress was ruined…” Bongcha sighed and ran her fingers through her messy hair before going through her contacts in her phone. “I’m calling Jiyong.”

                For once Seungri didn’t argue with her when it came to that man. He kept his fingers firmly gripped around her hand and rubbed circles on her palm with the pad of his thumb. His dark brown eyes watched her face worriedly as she waited for Jiyong to pick up.

                “Yeoboseyo?” he answered, his voice groggy. The moment she replied, he seemed to perk up as if someone had mainlined a shot of espresso to his brain. He listened patiently as she explained what had happened and then agreed to meet her at the dress maker’s shop in about an hour. She agreed before hanging up.

                “Why is getting married to you so stressful?” Bongcha whined before dropping her head to rest against his chest. He let go of her hand to wrap his arms around her and sigh.

                “I don’t know. Maybe it means our marriage life is going to be amazing.”

                “Hopefully,” she grumbled before wriggling out of his arms, “But right now I need to go shower and brush my teeth.”

                “Can I join you for that shower?” he asked, teasing her.

                “No,” Bongcha replied, sticking her tongue out at him before grabbing some clothes to take with her. She locked the door to the bathroom before stripping out of her clothes as the water heated up. A nice, hot shower always helped her relax. When she was done, she headed back into the bedroom fully dressed with damp hair.

                “I took a nap while you were in there,” Seungri mumbled, lying on her bed, “Why do girls take so long to shower?”

                “Jiyong takes longer than I do.”

                “That didn’t answer my question,” he chuckled before sitting up, “Do you want me to drive you there?”

                “I’ll have one of the drivers take me,” she said, “Your father should be worrying about you by now. Besides, don’t you have a meeting later?”

                “Why did you have to remind me?” he groaned before falling back on the bed. Bongcha giggled before walking over to him. She leaned over the bed and placed a kiss on his cheek.

                “You can do it! Fighting!” she said with a smile before walking out the door. The chauffer drover her to the dress shop and left right after. She wandered in and hoped the damage wasn’t as bad as the woman had made it sound over the phone.

                When she arrived in the back room where her dress had been stored, Jiyong was already there discussing something with the store manager. Bongcha couldn’t exactly make out what he was saying, but from his tone and the set of his shoulders she knew he was pissed.

                She walked past them to see her dress on one of the store’s mannequins. The skirt was completely ruined. It was all cut up and ripped. She doubted there was much that could be done to salvage that. On top of the already devastating conditions, someone had splashed red paint all over the white dress. Nothing could hide that.

                For something Bongcha had thought she didn’t care much about, she was having a rather adverse reaction. Her hand immediately went to the couple ring she still wore. She twisted it around her finger nervously before turning back to look at Jiyong. “What…” she cleared , “What are we going to do?”

                “I’m taking the dress back to my apartment,” he said, “and then I’m going to fix the mess they allowed to happen. Don’t worry, baby, Oppa will fix this.” He gave her a reassuring smile and Bongcha almost burst into tears right then and there.

                “But how are you going to fox this?” she asked as she glanced back at the mess that was her dress.

                “Are you seriously doubting my fashion powers? I fixed your wardrobe didn’t I? This is nothing compared to that,” he said as he ruffled her hair playfully.

                “It wasn’t that bad,” he raised an eyebrow, “Okay maybe it was…”

                “But I got us through it and I’ll get us through this so don’t worry. Stop twisting that ring and smile. I’ll make everything better, I promise,” he said before holding out his pinky. Bongcha giggled softly before linking their pinkies and locking their promise.

                “Can I come with you?” she asked.


                “To your apartment. That’s where you’re taking that, isn’t it?”

                “Yeah but I’m going to busy trying to figure out a solution,” he said while scratching the back of his head, “I won’t be able to entertain you.”

                “It’s fine,” Bongcha waved his comment away, “I just want to be by your side for a while. You calm me down. Besides, I want to play with your dogs; they’ll entertain me.” She didn’t notice the light blush that dusted his cheeks at the comment; she didn’t see his fist clench as he smiled back at her.

                “Then of course you can come over, as long as you pay for the take out later,” he winked at her, quickly regaining his composure. She laughed and immediately agreed before following him out of the store with the ruined dress in hand.

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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10