Chapter 3: Dinner Date for Three

He Was Mine

Chapter 3: Dinner Date for Three

                “Why are you dressed so fancy if she’s just a friend, huh?” Bongcha teased as she flattened the collar of Seungri’s white button down shirt. He paired it with a sweater and dark washed denim. He looked nice, a little too nice for her liking, but nice nonetheless.

                “You know how Jiyong is with you?” she nodded, “So you dress all nice to not get yelled at? Yeah, same with me and Haejung.”

                “Even more reason for you not to,” she replied, “Time to break the cycle.” He chuckled and messed up her hair before the two of them walked into the restaurant they were supposed to meet this girl at. It was a somewhat casual place, so Seungri’s outfit seemed a little out of place, but so did one of the girls sitting at a table set for two.

                She wore a white dress that accentuated her curves in all the right places, but she wore a sweater over it to be modest. Her hair cascaded over one shoulder like the women in shampoo commercials. Self-consciously, Bongcha touched one of her braids but followed Seungri towards her table.

                Seungri stopped by her table and sighed, “What am I going to do with you, huh? This table is only set for two and my fiancé is here, I guess I’ll just have to go.” Her head snapped up and her face broke out into a grin.

                “Oppa!” she exclaimed as she shot up from her chair. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug that he welcomingly returned. Bongcha glanced aside, unable to help but feel a little jealous. She took a deep breath and pushed it back down before looking back at them.

                “I didn’t know she was going to be here,” Haejung said, “I’ll go have the waiter grab another setting for her.” She quickly flagged down a server and Bongcha was able to sit down in between her and Seungri.

                There was a bit of awkward silence as the three looked at the menus, Bongcha was the first to decide though. She set her menu down and stared at her silverware, not quite sure of what to say.

                “So… How long have you two been dating?” Haejung asked after setting her menu down as well.

                “Feels like forever,” Seungri said with a laugh, “but I think it’s been three plus years.” Bongcha nodded and Haejung smiled.

                “Wow! I never expected you to be the kind to just date one girl.”

               “Ouch, that hurts,” Seungri gripped his chest as if he had been shot, causing Bongcha to snort and Haejung to giggle.

                “So, what do you think of him, Unnie?”

                Bongcha was a little surprised at the sudden informality, but decided to not let it offend her. She probably just wanted the two of them to be friends; after all, she had just gotten back from America. She probably didn’t know anyone here.

                “I think he’s a total dork and a bit of a ert,” Bongcha said, being truthful, “but I love him anyways.” Haejung laughed and nodded while Seungri sighed. That wasn’t exactly the way he wanted to be described by his future wife.

                “What are you going to do for college?” Haejung directed the question once again to Bongcha. Seungri skillfully misdirected the girl in white, knowing that that wasn’t a question Bongcha really wanted to answer. Finally, a waiter came to take their orders.

                “When is your wedding?” Haejung asked after he left.

                “In three months, didn’t you read the invitation?” Seungri asked with a chuckle.

                “I did, but I forgot,” she admitted, sheepishly. Bongcha watched the two of them converse back and forth until the food arrived. She really didn’t know how to talk to girls anyways.

                When the food arrived, Bongcha dug in quite happily while Haejung daintily ate. “Who are you trying to impress?” Seungri teased when he noticed this, “I’m the only guy here.”

                “Maybe it’s you then,” she countered with a coy smile. Bongcha rolled her eyes before stuffing another glob of food into . Luckily, it went unnoticed.

                “You should try this though,” Haejung said after a little bit. She picked up a piece of food and held it out for Seungri to try. He nodded and leaned over to take it.

                “You should try this too,” he did the same for her. Bongcha looked down at her now empty plate. There would be no sharing with him now. Seungri glanced over at her clean plate and laughed.

                “You finished all that already?” Bongcha shrugged, “Ah, I must have been neglecting you. Here, have some of mine.” Bongcha glanced up at him to make sure that it was really okay before taking some of his food.

                “You can have some of mine as well,” Haejung offered, but from her it felt more like teasing than a real offer. Bongcha shook her head and only took a little of Seungri’s food. She felt a little like a pig compared to the other girl who now complained that she couldn’t finish all the food that was set before her.

                After what seemed like forever, the check finally arrived. Seungri paid for everyone and escorted Haejung to her car before driving Bongcha back to her house. “Did you like her?” he asked as he to her street.

                “I don’t know.”

                “What do you mean you don’t know?”

                “First impressions are often misleading and all that,” Bongcha replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

                “Alright then, what’s your first impression?”

                “She seems nice and a little quiet. She’s also really pretty…”

                “She is,” he agreed with a nod. Bongcha punched him in the arm. It wasn’t a hard punch; she didn’t want them to crash. He still winced a little though.


                “You deserved it.”

                “She’s pretty, but you’re beautiful?”

                “Nice try,” Bongcha said with a small smile.

                “Come on, I’m getting married to you, no need to be jealous,” he said, “Actually, I was hoping that maybe the two of you could be friends. I know you don’t really have any girl friends, but I think it would be nice for the two of you. You could make her a little more human and she could help you with trust issues. You’re going have to trust other women at some point after all.”

                “I trust women.”

                “To be one of your friends?”

                “I have Daesung, can he count?”

                “No,” he said, trying not to laugh too hard.

                “What about Jiyong? He shops more than most girls and he even does my makeup for me.”

                “Sadly, hyung is still a boy.”

                “I guess I’ll try to be friends with her then,” Bongcha said with a nod. Seungri smiled and parked the car in front of her door.

                “I’m glad to hear that,” he said before leaning over to give her a soft kiss.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i'm so sorry for taking so long but i've been super busy with my studies

honestly, i've barely had time to sleep

it's probably going to be like this for the next month and a half or so, sorry about that, but i'm a science major so i have to study ALL the time


anyways, i hope ya'll enjoyed the update!

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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10