Chapter 13: Some Sort of Fairytale

He Was Mine

Chapter 13: Some Sort of Fairytale

                Bongcha’s brown eyes fluttered open at the feeling of soft lips gently pressing against hers. She was more than a little pleased to find out it was her fiancé. She let her eyes slid shut again as she gently returned the kiss, her lips molding against his. All too soon, he pulled back with an almost triumphant grin. “So, Sleeping Beauty awakens,” he said with a chuckle.

                “Does that make you my prince?” Bongcha asked, sleepily, as she reached up to pull him back down. It didn’t take much convincing to get him to lay down half on top of her and half off. He buried his face in the crook of her neck as one of his hands reached out to intertwine their fingers.

                “I’m handsome enough to be one, don’t you think?”

                “Mmm… Maybe not a prince, I think you’re more like a pauper. You can be Cinderella and I’ll be Prince Charming. I think that fits us better,”” Bongcha mumbled.

                “You’re switching up fairytales, jagi.”

                “We can combine them. It’s okay,” she mumbled before allowing her eyes to open again, facing the harsh reality of the electric lights in Seungri’s room. She glanced to the side, checking the window to get some sort of gage on what time it was. It was dark outside, but that told her nothing.

                “It’s nine,” Seungri mumbled knowingly.

                “I’ve been sleeping for a long time. I need to get off of my lazy ,” Bongcha laughed as she half-heartedly attempted to remove Seunghyun. He nuzzled closer and shook his head.

                “Nope, you brought me down here. Now I want to stay.”

                “Come on, let’s get up and do something,” Bongcha tried to reason, her nap suddenly rejuvenating her energy. She really just wanted to spend time with him outside of these four walls. His room had been their safe haven forever, but she wanted to go out now.

                “I can think of something that we can do in bed,” he whispered in a husky tone before placing a gentle kiss on the base of her neck. His free hand gently caressed her side, causing Bongcha to squirm.

                “Just wait a little longer,” she gasped out before pushing him off. She needed out. Now. He was way too convincing for her own morals to survive much longer. Instead of going out for fun now, she just wanted out to get away from the bed.

                “I know, I know,” he groaned as he flopped onto his back, “Help me up.”

                “No,” Bongcha giggled, “I know that trick. I’m not falling for it.”

                He pouted and held his arms out for her but she shook her head, stifling a giggle. He waited for a few more seconds before sitting up. He reached out and pulled her close into a hug. She smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair before pulling away. “Come on,” she said, “Let’s go out and do something.”

              “Alright,” he groaned as he got up, “as long as we don’t look at shoes… Or dresses…. Or any type of clothing, really.”

                “Who scarred you for life?”

                “Haejung,” he admitted, sheepishly, “She took me shopping with her to pick out her outfit and shoes for our wedding.”

                “Did you have fun?” Bongcha asked, trying not to be the jealous girlfriend.

                “I would have had more fun with you,” Seungri replied with a typical grin as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding her close as they stood in the middle of his room. Bongcha breathed in his scent and sighed as she let her head rest on his shoulder.

                “Of course you would have,” she said before leading him out of the room, “I wouldn’t have made you look at clothes. I hate shopping almost as much as you do now!” They both laughed before finally exited the place of temptation. He followed her downstairs, paying no mind to any of the servants that they passed. One of the butlers tossed him the keys to the car before he walked out the door; this had become something of a habit for the household staff.

                “Where to, your highness?” Seungri asked as soon as they were both seated inside the car. Bongcha paused for a moment to think, her fingers tapping against her leg. Seungri cocked his head to the side, watching her fingers or staring at her leg; Bongcha wasn’t sure which but didn’t really care. Finally, she leaned back into the vinyl upholstery as she decided.

                “To the arcades and karaoke rooms, servant!” she exclaimed, with a satisfied smile. Seungri let out a snort of laughter before starting the car. The purr of the motor turned into a dull roar as he revved the engine before driving off towards their newly-decided destination.   
                Once there, they fell into old habits, joking around and playing like children. Bongcha loved this side of him though. Around other people he was always serious and pretended to be what they both knew he wasn’t. While she appreciated his y smirks and devilish tricks, she always loved it when he let down his guard and acted like a total dork along with her.

                “You said karaoke, right?” he asked as the two of them exited the arcade. Bongcha now had five packs of gum and a small candy bar to mark their victories.


                “Are you going to sing this time or am I going to spend the next thirty minutes serenading you like last time?” he asked as they walked with their arms linked. Bongcha nibbled on her bottom lip, pretending to think about his question before shrugging.

                “You probably don’t want to hear me sing, but I like your voice.”

                “And with this face, I could easily become a big star,” he joked as he ran his free hand through his hair. Bongcha caught a couple of girls actually staring and rolled her eyes.

                “I don’t know, I always thought Daesung was pretty attractive,” she teased in return, watching as his ego began to deflate.

                “Please don’t complement my hyungs in front of me,” he said, sticking out his tongue at her before they reached their destination. He paid for an hour but they both knew they wouldn’t be using it for that long. Seungri’s voice would tire out before then.

                Bongcha sat down on one of the couches as Seungri flipped through the song choices. “If I did a duet, would you sing it with me?” he asked, pausing on a certain page.

                “Maybe next song, I want to hear you sing first,” she admitted, her ears tinged pink with embarrassment from admitting that. He slowly smirked before returning back to the choices. Finally, he decided on one and began belting out the chords. It started out funny, as a joke, but then he became more serious as the song continued on. Bongcha began listening and her laughter faded. It had been hilarious when he began, but this song was all about ual innuendos.

                Bongcha’s mouth became dry as she stared at him as his voice filled the room. Her brown eyes wandered down his form, taking in every detail. He was absorbed in the song to notice and she was too absorbed in him to worry about him noticing her wandering eyes. Finally, the song ended and she pretended like she had been paying attention.

                “Your turn,” he teased, holding out the microphone.

                “Just one more?” she asked. One turned into ten before he tired of singing. The two of them left holding hands and a little more quiet than before. It was nice sometimes, just being in the presence of the one you loved. Bongcha glanced over at the boy she was going to marry and smiled again, just to herself. It really was nice.  


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i'm so sorry that it's been so long but i've been super busy with the nursing program at my school! I'll try to post more over break but this break is pretty short so we'll see what'll happen. Sorry!

Anyways, even though it has been so long, i hope you likes the update! Thanks!

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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10