Chapter 11

He Was Mine

Chapter 11: The First Attack

                Seungri was tired of this. He could understand why Bongcha would be so worried about the dress. He had been worried too at the beginning but now he just wanted to buy her a new dress and be done with the whole thing. She had been at Jiyong’s house every day for a week.

                He was jealous and it was completely idiotic. He couldn’t help but feel that way though. If she was with Daesung, this would be a completely different story. Daesung didn’t have feelings for his fiancé. Jiyong did and all three of them knew it, despite how often Bongcha chose to ignore it.

                “Oppa, are you okay?” Haejung asked, looking up at him worriedly.

                “I’m fine,” he reassured her as he followed her into the next dress shop. While Bongcha had been hanging out with Jiyong all week, he had spent his time split between trying to contact his soon-to-be wife and hanging out with Haejung. Now, they were going shopping for Haejung’s dress for the wedding. So far they had been to four shops and found nothing.

                “Don’t lie to me,” she pouted, “You always look down when you lie. That hasn’t changed in all these years.”

                “You know me too well,” he laughed, embarrassed.

                “So what’s wrong with the handsome groom?” she asked while looking through a rack of dresses. All the dresses she was looking at were probably too short to be appropriate at his wedding but Seungri kept his mouth shut about that.

                “Nothing, I’m just being jealous,” he said before pulling out a dress that was a little more appropriate for her to wear. He handed it to her before they moved on to another rack of dresses.


                “Stupid reasons,” he said, wishing the topic would change already.

                “Well, where is your fiancé?” Haejong asked as she pulled another dress.

                “Probably with Jiyong,” Seungri sighed, “They’d be at his apartment… Ugh, I just hate thinking about her being alone with him. But, I’m being stupid and overly jealous.”

                “I don’t think you’re being stupid,” Haejung said, stopping to look up at him, “Isn’t it weird that she’s alone with another guy all the time? I mean, if I was dating you, I’d never give you a reason to be jealous. It’d be like no other guy existed in my world.”

                “Now it sounds like you’re flirting with me,” Seungri chuckled. Haejung didn’t respond to that. Instead, she gave him a coy smile before turning to go towards the dressing room. Seungri ran his fingers through his hair before pulling out his phone. While she got changed, he wanted to try calling Bongcha one more time.

                One rings.

Two rings.


                He hung up and sighed before walking over to a bench placed conveniently by the dressing rooms. He assumed this was where husbands and boyfriends usually sat. He’d have to do.


                Her phone was ringing. Jiyong sighed as he glanced at the plastic device. Seungri’s name along with a heart flashed on the screen. He was tempted to silence the device or ignore the call but he restrained himself. After three rings, it stopped and Jiyong was relieved.

              He picked up the phone and changed the settings to silent before setting it back down. “I’m glad it didn’t wake her,” he murmured to himself as he glanced at Bongcha’s sleeping form.

                She was curled up on one of the dog beds in his studio. Jolie was nestled in her arms while Gaho used the girl’s legs as his pillow. All three of them were snoring softly. He chuckled before returning his attention to the reason why she was spending so much time here: her dress.

                So far, he had covered up almost all of the red with different fabrics or accessories. It was going to be a bit gaudier than Bongcha had originally wanted but he was liking the way it was turning out. The ripped skirt he was fixing by tearing ore vertical strips of cloth and adding more fabric underneath to make the skirt puffier. All in all, it was turning out pretty well. It would definitely be finished by the wedding.

                That thought forced another sigh from his lips. He took a break from his scissors and sewing to kneel down beside the girl he loved. He reached out and gently brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered on her cheek, somehow tracing their way down to her slightly parted lips. He slowly pulled his hand away before covering his face.

                “I’m such a bad man,” he whispered.

                She sighed in her sleep and shifted slightly before batting open an eye. She glanced up at him and her lips curled into a small smile. “You ready for a break?” she asked, her voice still containing remnants of her nap in the way it crackled.

                “You sure you’re ready to wake up?” she nodded, “Alright, then what did you have in mind?”

                “Let’s take the dogs on a walk,” Bongcha replied before sitting up and stretching. Both dogs were obviously annoyed at the sudden interruption of their naptime, but were more than willing to forgive the humans after their leashes were grabbed.

                Jiyong hooked Gaho up to his leash and paused to spare a passing glance at Bongcha’s phone that was still sitting on his desk unattended. He bit his bottom lip, wondering if he should tell her she had missed a call.

                “Oppa, are you coming or what?” Bongcha called from the front door with Jolie trailing behind her. Both girls were impatient to get going.

                “Yeah, I’m ready,” he said, sparing a last glance at the forgotten chunk of plastic before following her out the door. Seungri could wait.



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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10