
He Was Mine


                Bongcha groaned as she somehow managed to push herself up out of her comfy rolling chair in her CEO office. She laid a hand over her very pregnant belly as she waddled over towards the door. She was no longer able to wear her heels otherwise her ankles swelled up like a balloon. Of course, Seungri would massage her feet like a good husband but she didn’t like troubling him.

                She walked over to the office next door and knocked on the door. “Come in,” Seungri called causing Bongcha to smile. After getting her Master’s degree, she had bargained with Mr. Lee again to have Seungri be her partner in the company. It would come especially handy in about a month and a half.

                “You ready to go, jagiya?” she asked as she peeked her head through the door.

                “Yeah, just let me finish sending this email,” he said, rapidly typing on his laptop. He was wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses to help with looking at a computer screen for such long periods of time. Of course, she liked teasing him about getting older and, on the occasion when he did something stupid, like to guess at what age he would begin to lose his hair like his father.

                “Come on, let’s go,” she whined, wanting to get back as soon as possible, “Chef will get mad if we’re late for dinner.”

                “When did we start running our lives by the chef’s wants?” Seungri asked with a small laugh. He took off his glasses and gently put them in his pocket before getting up. He powered down his laptop before putting that in his briefcase to take home with them. “I swear, I finally understand how my dad felt. This company is insane. No wonder he retired early.”

                “Yes but at least our baby girl can go to any university she wants to,” Bongcha replied as she rubbed her belly. The mention of their baby girl caused him to smile again as he crossed the room towards her. He grabbed her hand and tangled their fingers together before swinging their arms as they walked, like how he used to do in high school.

                “Have you decided on a name yet?” he asked as they made their way to the underground garage.  It was her responsibility to pick out a name since it was a girl. If it had been a boy, Seungri would have been the one to choose. As it was, he was the designer of their daughter’s room instead. It was a mix of pink, pandas, and motor vehicles.

                “Sooyun,” she murmured after a moment of hesitation. She had been eyeing that name since the ultrasound had confirmed her suspicions that her baby was a girl. However, she was a little afraid that her husband wouldn’t like it.

                “Sooyun?” he nodded, “Sounds pretty. A pretty name for our pretty girl, I like it.” Her face broke out into a grin as they reached the car. It was a twenty minute drive back to their house but it flew by quickly.

                After living with the Lees for the four years it took to get each of their Bachelors, they had both decided to get something a little smaller than the Lee mansion. So, they purchased a three story house just a little outside of the city. Despite its smaller size, this house was more advanced than the Lee mansion. Almost everything was attached to some sort of computer and the Wi-Fi always had amazingly fast browsing speeds.

                “Do you ever think we went too small?” Seungri asked after parking the car next to the other four.

                “I think this is just fine,” Bongcha reassured him, “Besides, we can always build more if we need to.” They walked inside and were greeted by a few of the Lee staff who had followed the couple to the new residence.

                “You’re late,” Bongcha’s aunt greeted them, tapping her foot, “It’s okay though. The food is still hot but it’ll get cold if you two don’t hurry to the dining room. Now. Go.” Bongcha laughed but complied with her aunt’s wishes. The older woman had quit her job to become their live-in chef and future nanny. While she had never married the man of her dreams, she seemed more than content now that she had a safe haven from her sister and brother-in-law.

                Seungri slurped up the soup her aunt had prepared, not caring a bit about manners. Bongcha slurped hers loudly too and ended up having a competition about who could finish the dinner first. Seungri won because the baby started moving around. At least, that was her excuse.

                “Oh!” Bongcha exclaimed suddenly, startling her husband, “Did you tell Jiyong that we’d be attending the wedding?” Dara, the girl Jiyong had met at her wedding, had finally managed to snatch up the fashion guru. It had taken her a few years to get him to realize he liked her back but, after that, they made the perfect couple. Bongcha wasn’t sure who asked who to marry them but she was excited for her best friend and new best girl friend.

                “Yes, I already told you I did, don’t you remember?” Seungri teased.

                “Sorry, today has been so hectic that my brain is all scattered.”

                “Should you be working then?” Seungri’s brow furrowed, “Won’t the stress be harmful for Sooyun? I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

                “I’m fine,” Bongcha soothed, “After this week, I’ll stay home and prepare for the inevitable. Until then, I’m going to run our company. Besides, this baby isn’t due for a little while longer.”

                “Whatever you say, jagiya.”

                She smiled at him over her glass of grape juice the same color as the wine he was drinking. Gently, she rubbed her rather large belly and let out a giggle when she felt her baby kick. “I love you,” she said, suddenly, her voice full of warmth.

                “I love you too,” Seungri replied as he got up. He left the wine by his empty plate as he walked over to Bongcha. He leaned down to press a kiss against her temple as he placed his hand over her belly too. “Both of you. I love both of you so much.” 


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Because it was requested, I did a little short epilogue on what their married life would be like while tying up a few loose ends :)

hope you enjoyed

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Chapter 20: Loved this!
nvks23 #2
Chapter 19: YAAY FINALLY! After a year it comes to an end. Will you do me a favor for at least wrote down a chapter on their marriage life?
nvks23 #3
lifeonbleuavenue #4
Chapter 17: Nice :)
sad to see its coming to an end though...
nvks23 #5
Sara_yong #6
Chapter 16: ERMYGOOOOD!!!
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update ^_^
Chapter 15: Seungri, don't be a . Come on m8. -_-
aldimia #9
Chapter 15: please seungri! believe herrr!
nvks23 #10