An Insane Christmas

Leave Me Alone


         Sometimes Christmas can be the most anticipated date of the year, but sometimes it can be my least favorite one. Honestly I feel like I wanna die this Christmas. Why? Because my parents told me that we’re not going to celebrate Christmas with our relatives this year and we’ll have to wait until New Year to come. And our destination for this year is Singapore, which means that most of the time I get to look for the books I’ve been dying to see however I feel sad since I couldn’t get to visit my cousins.

And boy, I NEVER knew that something as simple as shopping can be as tiring as hell. I’m beginning to question how on earth can my mom survive this? She’s like way older than me but she has higher energy level when dealing with shopping, what kind of sorcery is this? Anyways back to the point.

At first I was too bloody lazy to get outside the hotel for no reason, then my parents told me they were going to shopping for presents. Suddenly I had the urge to with them as well.

“Mom, can I go Christmas shopping?” I asked my mom

“Sure but for whom are you going to buy the presents?” She raised her eyebrow

“I’m going to buy for my friends, around 4-5 people”

“Isn’t that too many? Do you still have money?”

“Nope, I still have some” My mom handed me two fifty dollar bills as extra cash if I don’t have enough. Before I go, I checked everything I needed and dashed out from the room at the speed of light. While waiting for the elevator to go down to the lobby I made a mental checklist of what am I going to buy and for whom. Oh wait! I should buy something for Jay! Thank goodness my mom reminded me and her words are still etched in my mind.

“If you’re going to buy for your friends, don’t forget to buy something for Jay too! Remember he’s been a big help during the semester!” It’s funny how she didn’t just remind me, but she told me with a cheery tone. Did I just hear my mom saying it like that? Yoon Mi, you must be dreaming!  DING! The elevator just rang and I continued to walk outside. The furthest I can go is around the Marina Bay area, so I can still look around in other areas besides Orchard since one does not simply just look in this area only :P

              From the list, I already got what to give to Chan and Khun. All that’s left is Jun.K and Jay, but the problem is that what am I going to get for them? I still have lots of time to think during the trip anyways. My first destination was at Dhoby Ghaut because my mom told me there’s a shopping center around that area. After I bought an MRT ticket, I waited for the next train to come while reading my Les Miserables book. Even though there’s 1260 pages my parents are totally dumbfounded at how can I finish almost a hundred pages in 2-3 hours.

“Dhoby Ghaut interchange” I’ve reached my stop. But it was very crowded when I got out; I was trapped in a sea of people until when I reached outside the station and it was suffocating. I entered the shopping center hoping in order to escape the crowd, and I was lucky since it’s not heavily crowded like when I got out of the station. The worst part is when I had to take the escalator because there was a LOT of people in there, I dread if I meet a pickpocket around here even though there’s a minimum chance for that to occur. After exploring the whole place there was nothing I could find.

                 My next visit is to Suntec City Mall, I had to take another line to the Esplanade station. Once I reached the station, all I had to do was to walk a few meters then I would’ve reached the entrance. Sadly it was starting to rain heavily when I was about to walk and it really really because I had to dig through my bag for my umbrella. I never knew how shopping requires tons of energy, when I shop with my friends during my field trip to New Zealand I never felt exhausted like this. Even if my mom who shops by herself doesn’t have a single look showing fatigue on her face. She must have some sort of magic spell or potion maybe? I don’t know….

Luckily I got something for Jun.K, it’s a black studded jacket and it’s pretty stylish since he really loves to collect and wear this kind of stuff. One down and last one to go which is the one for Jay, but there wasn’t enough time because I’m afraid if my parents would question me about where am I now. So I had to go back to the hotel at Orchard. When I got back, I noticed that there was only my sister in the room. Damn! What a waste! I should’ve stayed longer! I cursed myself for not knowing this until my parents called.


“Yoon Mi-ah where are you now?”

“I’m back at the hotel”

“Wait, you’re back already? That was fast!” My mom gasped

“Well what were you and dad doing anyways?”

“We just started shopping” I facepalmed when I was on the phone. All this time when I got back they just started? I thought they were here already. Aishhh….Yoon Mi how can you be so foolish of yourself? I grunted as I wait for my parents to come back.

And the shopping adventure continues again! I finally found the perfect present for Jay; I bought two shirts and also a black snapback hat because I know he’s really into these B-boy stuff. I released a sigh of relief when I bought them. I was waiting for the clerk to finish scanning the prices, when he finished he gave me a puzzled  look.

“These must be for your boyfriend right?” he said while he hands me the bag

“No, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a friend” I replied and emphasizing on the word friend, the clerk just laughed. Okay this Christmas has been an insane one! One, I got exhausted from going around Orchard to Suntec and two; there was a misunderstanding because the clerk thought I have a boyfriend. I went back to meet my parents with an awkward look.

“What happened to you?” My dad asked

“So did you get all of the things you needed?” My mom added

“Yes, I got them. And can you imagine how tiring it was for me all because of this shopping thing?” I answered. Even though when I was about to sleep I could feel my bones were aching but it was totally worth it.




“So how was Christmas?” Hae Won asked me

“It was super crazy I tell ya” I replied after I finished giving the presents I bought from Singapore to Jun.K, Khun, and Chan.  I waited for Jay to come, he’s supposed to arrive at this hour yet his seat was still empty. Probably he’s absent today but that can’t be good. And I was wrong because he finally showed up. Come on Yoon Mi, you can do this! I carried the present and Christmas card I made then I walked towards Jay.



“Merry Christmas, dude” I smiled as I gave him the present and the card. The first thing he did was he opened the card first; it was in the shape of a small storybook and at the last page is like in a lift-the-flap book. When he opened the flaps in the last page, he was surprised because inside of it there was a photo of us during the time we were assigned as buddies for the students from Japan when they visited our school.

“Thanks for the presents” He smiled at me. I nearly blushed very hard when he smiles, Yoon Mi-ah hold your horses! Suddenly Hae Won came in.

“Jay, can I see this?” She pointed at the card I made

“That’s a lot of effort you took to make this” she said while flipping the pages of the card, and then she smirked at me.

“Don’t tell me… You must have a crush Jay, do you?” She teased

“Yah, Hae Won-ah! It’s not that! It’s….” Oh shoot, what was I going to say?

“I know what you’re thinking” She grinned at me as my face turned bright red at her words. Damn it….. Why do you have to say that out loud in front of Jay? I feel violated.



A/N : Fiuhh.... This one was a very lengthy chapter, finally! I tried to update sadly school is totally ing me from writing T_T *flips table* The next chap is going to be a Valentine's Day chap :3 Junho and Taecyeon will  be back, but I'm not gonna say when :P



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Chapter 3: sunbae-nim (author-nim) on the part that you describe, I don't remember Ok Taecyon ever use glasses #justnotice
yeah... it's kinda late but I just notice it :3
Lilkik #2
Chapter 20: I'm crying Omg this ending is really sad.
Chapter 20: S-she died?? And Taecyeon's completely cool with that? ..Like, 0 fyck given? Damn XD. That was a shocking ending!
loving your fanfic!!
Chapter 20: Lucky you to have your ff done while i am still struggling to bake the cupcakes LOL
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 20: ......she died~!~? I was so not expecting that~! I'm sad this story is over =(
Chapter 19: Omggg!!! Taec u bad boy!!!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 19: oMo~! Please update soon~!
Chapter 18: OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good good i think i know it hahah
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 18: O.O oMo~! Jay you have to rescue Yoon Mi~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 17: O.O Oh My God. Mercenary~!~? What the hell~!~? Yoon Mi run awaaaaaaay~! And Possessiveness~!~? Yoon Mi hiiiiiide~! Kidnap~!~? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Watch your back Yoon Mi~! Great chapter~! Please update soon~! oMo, this gave me goosebumps~!