A Little 'Adventure'

Leave Me Alone


          AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH….. What’s wrong with me lately? I’ve been feeling strange lately,  it’s like everytime I go without Jay something feels wrong about it. Could it be.. No, that’s too damn impossible! How can it be when I only knew him for a few weeks? It’s like I feel uncomfortable and insecure if Jay’s not around. Like what happened during Art class, when the teacher told my class we can do our work outside most of the class were excited. I was busy doing my painting until something, no someone caught my eye. It was Jay who was sitting a few metres away from me, I thought he is usually with Wooyoung, Jun.K and Chansung until I notice the three of them were sitting far away from me. As for Jihye, she was inside the art room with Ah Yeon and her boyfriend, Hyun Woo. I can totally hear their chatter from outside of class. Should I move and sit next to Jay? Wouldn’t that be troublesome since I had to move all of my things as well? Screw it I’ll just move instead of being disturbed by the loud noise.

“Can I sit here?” I pointed to the empty spot next to Jay

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” He scoots over a bit and I sat down next to him.

“That’s a nice painting you did there” he smiled as he looked at my painting

“This? Nah.. It’s a bit crudy, I messed up the color in this one” I pointed to one of the petals in the flower.

“Really? But it’s beautiful” He doesn’t believe me, doesn’t he? Or did he really mean it? My painting is way below the level of most of the paintings displayed in  the art room. Most of the paintings were legendary, like the ones you would see in art museums. Even to some people looked like something abstract/shapeless, but it’s actually interesting. My painting is just a flower against a black background but the flower petals are in a rainbow color in a counter-clockwise direction. The color ranges from red and it goes back again into pink, pretty strange don’t you think?

“So, Jay.. Why aren’t you with Wooyoung and the others? I thought you’re usually with them” I asked Jay while I grabbed the tube of white paint.

“Nah.. I’m too lazy. I need to finish this as soon as possible” We both silenced as we continue to work on our own paintings,maybe I should tell him about yesterday.

“Hey Jay, this seems weird but remember when we went home with Jehan?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“When I went home, my mom asked me if she could meet you sometime” I answered hesitantly. Oh dear earth just swallow me whole, Yoon Mi you idiot why did you just say that out loud?

“I’m cool with that. And I’d like to meet your mom” he flashed a grin at me. Aigoo…. He just said that innocently, what did I just do? Then we ended talking while at the same time we worked on our paintings, until Sae Jin past both of us.

“Annyeong” Sae Jin smiled at me

“Sae Jin-ah, is it break time already?”

“Yep” Sae Jin glanced at Jay who was right next to me “Omo, mianhae. Did I just disturb you lovebirds? My bad, please don’t get upset Yoon Mi” She gave me a sly grin as she dashed off. Jay and I stared at each other awkwardly.

“What just happened?” he asked me

“Nothing” I denied. “Jay, I don’t mean to burst your bubble but it’s already break time”

“Mwo?! It is?” I nodded “, we gotta submit the work right now!” He started to panic

“Can’t we just submit it after school?” I gave him an are-you-serious look

“Oh yeah you’re right”

“Kekekeke…. Never knew you had a clumsy side, and I thought I was clumsier than you” I giggled

“Yah, just stop it” he replied monotonously

“Okay seriously, Jaebeom-ah you’re killing me” I was still laughing at Jay’s response. I really can’t stand his innocence, he’s a genius but sometimes he really cracks you up. It’s like how usually people kill others with weapons, but Jay doesn’t even need one. He only needs his cuteness overload which is enough to make me smile like an idiot by myself or even laugh for no reason. To me he’s like an iceberg, because the class and most of everyone in school see him as a kind-hearted prodigy who is often called to represent our school in several competitions which is like the surface of the iceberg. But what I just witnessed is actually the bottom of the iceberg which not everyone knows, the one submerged in the sea which is his innocent yet funny side which totally made my days in school even brighter. He’s like my sunshine after rain, to me he’s perfect. And that’s when I realized that I was starting to have feelings for him and they were developing. The main reason I decided to sit next to him during art class it’s because of my own will, it seems a tad bit lonely. I didn’t have any feelings for him yet until now of course.

When we were about to submit our work, we had to rush down from the classroom to the art room. It was very tough because we had to carry our bags and they were pretty heavym not to mention the paintings were quite big. We were about to go to the art roomby passing the shortcut however it started to rain heavily.

“What are we going to do?” I turned towards Jay

“This is the only way, but it. We’re heading this way no matter what!”

“Jay, are you kidding me? It’s raining cats and dogs here!”

“Trust me, it’s just for a while. I have an idea, on the count of three we’ll run together. Okay? 1..2..3…Go!” We both rushed against the heavy rain until we almost reached the way to the art room. We were slightly soaked, which made Jay said that we just became storm raiders. Luckily  the rain only lasted a while. When we were walking towards the art room, we could see Hae Won and Jung Hwan walking past by us.

“Oh look it’s the lovebirds!” Hae Won smirked at me, I scoffed and continued to walk. Once we arrived at the art room the teacher told us that there’s no need to submit the painting because it’s already graded in the process. Damn! Wasted effort much? Finally, Jay and I decided to walk home together again.

“Jay, next time let’s not go through the ‘storm’ again” I told him as I was breathing heavily after the run, and we both walked home together like nothing happened.



I had butterflies when I wrote this chap :3 I'm currently drowning in Jay feels :P

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Chapter 3: sunbae-nim (author-nim) on the part that you describe, I don't remember Ok Taecyon ever use glasses #justnotice
yeah... it's kinda late but I just notice it :3
Lilkik #2
Chapter 20: I'm crying Omg this ending is really sad.
Chapter 20: S-she died?? And Taecyeon's completely cool with that? ..Like, 0 fyck given? Damn XD. That was a shocking ending!
loving your fanfic!!
Chapter 20: Lucky you to have your ff done while i am still struggling to bake the cupcakes LOL
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 20: ......she died~!~? I was so not expecting that~! I'm sad this story is over =(
Chapter 19: Omggg!!! Taec u bad boy!!!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 19: oMo~! Please update soon~!
Chapter 18: OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good good i think i know it hahah
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 18: O.O oMo~! Jay you have to rescue Yoon Mi~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 17: O.O Oh My God. Mercenary~!~? What the hell~!~? Yoon Mi run awaaaaaaay~! And Possessiveness~!~? Yoon Mi hiiiiiide~! Kidnap~!~? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Watch your back Yoon Mi~! Great chapter~! Please update soon~! oMo, this gave me goosebumps~!