Help Me!

Leave Me Alone


                 Tell me why I REALLY should’ve dated someone right now, because this suspense is totally killing me. Ever since Jay left lots of crazy has been happening again and again, like there’s no tomorrow. For instance I really can’t stand it when every time I want to visit Nichkhun’s class there’s always Jihye who constantly drags random guys in front of my face with the same trick. The classic ‘Look, Yoon Mi this guy likes you! He wants to introduce himself, say hi to him!” She pulls that off which makes me sick, I keep brushing it away. But looks like it’s not just her, some of the popular girls do that to me. And it really irritates me so bad; my replies vary all the time. From a simple ‘No thanks, I’m not interested’ to ‘How about NO’ with the ‘how about no’ bear meme style hand gesture and the highest is I simply glare/give the guy a pissed of look and say the magic words, ”GET.THE..OUT.OF.MY.FACE” then walked away like a boss.

Don’t even ask why, my most common answer is ‘I’m not interested in anyone at the moment’ but seems like that thing doesn’t work on them anymore. If I say I have someone else in my mind, then they’ll go berserk like some bloodthirsty wolves chasing their prey.  Sometimes I’d like to get a gun for my birthday and shoot myself at this point. Can’t these guys get a bloody life? If they’re really interested in my business, then they must be like crazy paparazzi. My actual reason for not having anyone I’m currently interested because I prefer sticking to my own guns, well..Jay’s of course. His wise words when I told him about this recurring problem were etched into my head and I grasped on them until now,

“It’s better to be forever alone than having a boy/girlfriend and they cause you a lot of trouble. You still have a long time to think about it” – Jay, if you were here then I’d like to know how you can withstand this insanity like I’m experiencing.  If I had some sort of sharp object and I’d cut myself every time if someone tries to bring up about my love life, then I would’ve wear long sleeves or cover my arms with a jacket to school.

And let’s not forget about Taecyeon shall we? Ever since I confronted him, every time I see his messages feels like sprinkling salt over a fresh open cut which still bleeds. Dear life, when I said ‘can’t my life get any worse?’ that’s a rhetorical question NOT an order! I took a deep breath when I read the message


“What r u doing?”

“I’m bored”

“I was wondering if I could take u to your co-curricular class, what day is yours?”


“What class are u in?” – I nearly spitted out my drink at my laptop when I read his reply, is he serious? This guy is nuts. If I lie to him then my friends would notice quickly and I’ll be humiliated, if I told him the truth then it’s no different.

“Or maybe we can go home together?” – he asked again. I should think of an excuse right now!

“I can’t, I have schoolwork to do” – I typed. I sighed with relief afterwards, and suddenly his reply made me want to die.

“Can’t I at least see you? :(“

“I’m sorry I told you I can’t”

“Or maybe give me your number and we’ll call it even? ;)”

“My phone got robbed”


“Yoon Mi, it seems like I was wrong. U lied to me, I though u still had feelings for me T_T” – This guy delusional level is too damn high, I’m out! I logged out once again.


“I just don’t get it” I told Nichkhun about what happened yesterday

“Poor you” Khun giggled, when I turned around I saw a guy who was walking by us and it was no other than Taecyeon. Oh he saw me! I quickly turned around.

“Damn it” I heaved as Khun closed his locker door

“Mwo?” He gave me a confused look

“He… He just saw me” I stuttered

“Relax. I know what to do”  Khun grabbed me by the wrist and he dashed downstairs for co-curricular activities class. Although we’re in a different class, I was lucky because Khun is a total lifesaver. If he didn’t do that then I’d be dead already!

There’s one problem which came into my mind when checked the inbox again, how would he react? I was curious as I checked the inbox.

“I’m bout sorry what happened yesterday :(“

“Hey I just saw u at school, why did u run away? XD” – Please not another word from this guy, it’s bad enough even though I changed my look again he could still notice me.  But I should really consider about changing my look, I can’t just easily ask my parents getting another haircut right? They’ll lecture me for an hour about why I should’ve done it in the first place. Maybe I should wait for a couple of days until it’s long enough..




                    What date is it today? Oh good it’s Valentine ’s Day! But to me it’s just a regular February 14th, nothing special in particular if only Jay was around. Like last year when I gave him my homemade chocolates, I don’t have time to make them this year. It’s such a shame actually. Although I got some chocolates from some of my friends and also from Jehan, there was something which caught my eye. I was about to enter my class when suddenly one of my friends told me that there was something on my desk. I walked and notice a maroon-colored rose with a small card that says ‘You are not alone’ Must be from the student council that handed out these, since there’s this event where you can ask them to send chocolates/a rose to anyone however your name will be anonymous.

I was still thinking about who gave me the rose; my friends speculated that it must be Junho who gave it to me. That can’t be right! One of them said it was Taecyeon who gave it, that is so wrong! Or someone gives it as a practical joke? It can happen you know… However I found out the answer when suddenly there’s a message from a familiar person came in,

“Yoon Mi-ah, happy valentine’s day! I hope u will be my valentine today XD” I was in a loss for words, could it be he's the one who sent it to me? This is driving me nuts, I feel like I want to cry because of my overflowing misery.

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Chapter 3: sunbae-nim (author-nim) on the part that you describe, I don't remember Ok Taecyon ever use glasses #justnotice
yeah... it's kinda late but I just notice it :3
Lilkik #2
Chapter 20: I'm crying Omg this ending is really sad.
Chapter 20: S-she died?? And Taecyeon's completely cool with that? ..Like, 0 fyck given? Damn XD. That was a shocking ending!
loving your fanfic!!
Chapter 20: Lucky you to have your ff done while i am still struggling to bake the cupcakes LOL
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 20: ......she died~!~? I was so not expecting that~! I'm sad this story is over =(
Chapter 19: Omggg!!! Taec u bad boy!!!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 19: oMo~! Please update soon~!
Chapter 18: OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good good i think i know it hahah
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 18: O.O oMo~! Jay you have to rescue Yoon Mi~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 17: O.O Oh My God. Mercenary~!~? What the hell~!~? Yoon Mi run awaaaaaaay~! And Possessiveness~!~? Yoon Mi hiiiiiide~! Kidnap~!~? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Watch your back Yoon Mi~! Great chapter~! Please update soon~! oMo, this gave me goosebumps~!