JERCY (Jhen, Erika, Roge, Charie, Yvette)

Poems and Prose

Hey everyone! Let me introduce to you my friends!

Here we go..


This one's a fangirl like me
She always wants to be unique
Sometimes she cracks a joke which isn't funny at all
But we still laugh though

This one is an insult to me (Actually...)
She's the second eldest among us
But she looks the youngest
Should I just kill her?

This girl's the nicest among us
I'm not being sarcastic
She really is (When asleep...)
It's just that she doesn't know she's cute (=.=)

And this one is known to be the 'human megaphone'
Congratulations on her shameless voice
Just pretend like you don't know her when she's being loud
On the contrary, she knows how to keep secrets

And then there's me
Oh, I'm just a simple girl
Living her normal life
And no, I don't hit my friends when I'm too happy (Ugh. Who am I kidding?)

Yeah, we're crazy but who cares?
And oh, it's JERCY by the way

Oh, sorry, we're not giving our numbers
We oath to be single forever (LOL What a lie..)

Okay bye~...

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Chapter 12: Hello! ; u ;
So i came across this and you wrote beautiful poems! ^-^
And youre a kpoper too omg *^*
So yeah.
Keep writing! ^^