A Little Conversation

Poems and Prose


Boy: Ow! It hurts!
Man: Oh, you got a bad cut there boy. What happened?
Boy: I crashed my bike.
Man: Come on, let me see. It must be painful.
Boy: It does. So much...
Man: Well, bear for it for a while. It's normal...
Boy: Normal?
Man: Yeah...
Boy: How come it's normal? No one wants pain.
Man: Of course, no one does. But we all have to go through it.
Boy: Why?
Man: To know the meaning of life...
Boy: Have you gone through it?
Man: Countless times...
Boy: Then, do you know what life is?
The man paused for a while and looked at the boy with a grin on his face
Man: Kids do got a lot of questions...
He chuckled
Man: I wonder....
He shrugged
Man: My definition of life won't be the same as yours. Why don't you try finding it yourself?
Boy: You mean, go through pain?
Man: If that's how you take it....
Man: I gotta go...
He said and patted the boy's shoulder
Boy: What if I can't take the pain anymore?
The boy shouted loud enough for the Man to hear
Man: Then take a rest. And have time to heal. No one said you can't.
The Man shouted back and gave his final smile to the boy as if saying "You can go through it. 'Coz I know you're a tough boy..."
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Chapter 12: Hello! ; u ;
So i came across this and you wrote beautiful poems! ^-^
And youre a kpoper too omg *^*
So yeah.
Keep writing! ^^